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Spread the Word!

Spread the Word!. Lyndsey McCann Area Sexual Health Advisor Promoting Wellbeing Team Southern Health & Social Care Trust. Strategic Context:. Baseline Research – Training Needs Analysis:. Staff Survey in Health & Social Services, Education and Youth Sectors

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Spread the Word!

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  1. Spread the Word! Lyndsey McCann Area Sexual Health Advisor Promoting Wellbeing Team Southern Health & Social Care Trust

  2. Strategic Context:

  3. Baseline Research – Training Needs Analysis: • Staff Survey in Health & Social Services, Education and Youth Sectors • Data Collection from Training Organisations • Interviews with Key Informants

  4. Emerging Themes: Not adequately prepared/not confident Limited availability of courses/cost and time constraint Welcome opportunity to train Multi-disciplinary Access same training package/consistency At local level

  5. “Innovative methods of delivering………… a mixed learning programme.” www.sexelearning.org.uk

  6. Southern Health & Social Services Board

  7. Inter-sectoral Partnership Approach

  8. Who’s it for? • Broad range of professions • Experience in work with young people • Interest in sexual health promotion • Opportunities for practical application • Up for a challenge!

  9. Learning Modules

  10. Module 1: Introduction to Sexual Health and Sexuality • Understand the concept of sexual health and sexuality • Understand the holistic model of sexual health • Understand the consequences of sexual ill health • Identify the challenges you will face when undertaking sexual health and relationships work with young people

  11. Module 2: Getting to know you • Differentiate between values, attitudes, beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes • Identify your own attitudes and values in relation to sexuality • Reflect on your early sexual messages • Understand the importance of having an identified set of values and principles upon which to centre all of your sexual health promotion work with young people

  12. Module 3: Talking about sex • Understand the potential embarrassment and vulnerability of young people when discussing their knowledge and experiences of sex and relationships • Identify most of the words used to describe the male and female sexual organs, sexual intercourse and sexual identity • Increase your confidence of using sexual health words • Identify issues to consider when working with young people

  13. Module 4: Sexual Development and Growth • Understand the impact of puberty in young men and young women • Understand the impact of self-esteem on sexual activity and behaviour • Consider the complexities and dynamics of relationships • Understand the process of making informed decisions

  14. Module 5: Sexual Health - A Public Health Issue • Understand female and male reproductive health including conception, pregnancy, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and safer sex • Understand the key issues that need to be explored with young people in relation to each of the topics listed above • Consider typical attitudes towards contraception, condom usage, abortion and STIs among young people • Signpost young people to the most appropriate sexual health service • Support young people to acquire the necessary information and develop the appropriate skills to help prevent sexual ill-health.

  15. Module 6: Legal Framework • Identify legislation pertaining to young people’s sexuality and sexual health • Recognise the need to work within your professional code of conduct • Consider issues of organisational policies and procedures in relation to sexual health promotion

  16. Key learning facets • Interaction • Application • Reflection • Discussion

  17. Assessment

  18. Key Benefits • Accessibility • Consistency of learning • Structured approach • Assessing suitability • Sharing • Practical application • Support

  19. Making it work - Learner • Commitment – taking the time • Management – giving the time • Contribution • Practical application • Embrace the challenge

  20. Making it work - Administrator • Monitoring “share” and “support” • Tutorials • Links to training • Communication strategy • Widening the net • Monitoring and Evaluation

  21. Milestones • Launched January 2007 • 375 learners registered to date • Programme has been endorsed by academics • Commended to Assembly by CMO • Regional rollout • First Prize – IHM Quality Awards 2007 • Winner eGovernment Awards (Health Sector), RoI, 2008

  22. Who the learners are:

  23. Where the learners come from:

  24. On-line Evaluation Feedback • 94%: Content and activities of all modules at appropriate level for professionals • 92%: Share Area provides ideal forum to explore issues with other learners • 97%: Programme support at appropriate level • 99%: Recommend to colleagues

  25. User Views and Opinions “...could work at my own pace … fits well with the busy world of social work…” Social Worker “... increased my skills and knowledge. Would recommend this to anyone” Social Worker “Easy to use and informative. Helped give me confidence in dealing with sexual health issues with patients” General practitioner

  26. User Views and Opinions “has benefited me as a professional, but also the young people that I have worked with in sexual health workshops since…” “I have undertaken to cascade the training down to the part time and voluntary staff team throughout the centre”. Youth Worker

  27. Support & Development • Communication Strategy • Support Seminar – “It will never happen to me” – December 2007. • “Seminars online for those registrants who are unable to attend the venue would be a great way of keeping updated” • Annual review: modifications made • Long term evaluation

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