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Academic word List ( Procedure; Process; Required) Delphine

Academic word List ( Procedure; Process; Required) Delphine. Procedure (n). Pronunciation : pro CEDURE Definition: 1.an act or a manner of proceeding in any action; process or conduct. 2. a particular course or mode of action.

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Academic word List ( Procedure; Process; Required) Delphine

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  1. Academic word List( Procedure; Process; Required)Delphine

  2. Procedure (n) • Pronunciation: proCEDURE • Definition: 1.an act or a manner of proceeding in any action; process or conduct. 2. aparticularcourse or mode of action. 3. The sequence of actions or instructions to be followed in solving a problem or accomplishing a task.

  3. Procedure (n) • Synonyms: form; method; operation; transaction; strategy; maneuver; practice; management. • Word family words: pro'cedural — adj pro'cedurally — adv

  4. Procedure (n) • Sentences: 1-My friend and her husband are in divorce procedure. 2-The procedure to make a pancake is a piece of cake. 3-In “how to” there is five procedures on how to make a “vokis”.

  5. Process (n/v) • Pronunciation: PRO-cess/ pro-CESS • Definition: 1-a systematic series of actions directed to some end or a natural series of changes. 2-to create or prepare by some particular process. 3-walk or march in procession

  6. Process(n/v) • Synonyms: action; advance; case; course; development; evolution; procedure. • Word family words: -processed (adj) -procession (n) -processor (n)

  7. Process(n/v) • Sentences: 1-It took me three years to process my documents. 2-The manufacturing process is relatively simple. 3-They processed down the aisle.

  8. Required(v/adj) • Pronunciation: re-QUIRED • Definition: to have a need; to demand • Synonyms: called for; demanded; deserved; prescribed. • Word family word: -requirement (n) Sentences: 1- Three years teaching in school is required.

  9. Required(v/adj) 2-Immigration is required to keep Canada populated. 3-Players are required to drink water during sports to stay hydrated.

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