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The Dubliners by James Joyce Language and style; organic adaptation

The Dubliners by James Joyce Language and style; organic adaptation. Precision. Topographical and chronological minuteness Portrait technique with its insistence on ugliness or, at any rate, incongruous and ludicrous elements

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The Dubliners by James Joyce Language and style; organic adaptation

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  1. The Dubliners by James JoyceLanguage and style; organic adaptation

  2. Precision • Topographical and chronological minuteness • Portrait technique with its insistence on ugliness or, at any rate, incongruous and ludicrous elements • Lexical accuracy and variety recur in the exploration of certain fields, that of food in particular (to vent his disgust with luxury and materialism, like Shakespeare) • Capacity to transcribe the variations of speech according to social standing and profession

  3. Adaptation • A style of scrupulous meanness: passivity, narrowness, avarice • Joyce’s mimetism: the systemic use of adverbs to present Gabriel (ex. nervously, reassuringly, shortly, awkwardly, etc.) • The systematic use of the –ingform for the spinster-aunts (ex. gossiping, laughing, fussing)

  4. Perception Visual Intellectual Through character’s predilection for clichés, proverbs, set phrases, small talk, conversations on weather Vocabulary that stresses the states of immobility, impotence, materialism, decadence. • Through insistence on darkness rather than light (most scenes are set at night, evening or sunset)

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