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The EMT Translator Trainer Profile. Competences of the trainer in translation EMT expert group Optimale Plovdiv workshop February 21-22 2013. Competences. European Master’s in Translation network:
The EMT Translator Trainer Profile Competences of the trainer in translation EMT expert group Optimale Plovdiv workshop February 21-22 2013
Competences • European Master’s in Translation network: • 2009: competences for professional translators, experts in multilingual and multimedia communication • 2012: competences for translation teachers/trainers (training as a sub-component of a wider conception of education).
Group Effort • Daniel Gouadec • Federico Federici, Nike K. Pokorn, Yves Gambier • KaisaKoskinen, OutiPaloposki, Dorothy Kelly, Michaela Wolf, Alison Beeby • Dorothy Kenny • EMT board
General Reference Framework • Training courses for teachers/trainers may vary depending on the needs and profiles of the particular target groups (e.g. language teachers, professional translators, Translation Studies academics, full-time university lecturers, or subject-field experts (lawyers, engineers, etc.)) • Careful attention must be paid to institutional and local contexts.
Fundamental Requirements • Academic qualification in university training (e.g. formal requirements depending on national regulations) • Relevant professional practice (e.g. work experience in translation) • Appropriate teacher training (depending on national regulations: either as a formal qualification or additional teacher training) • Knowledge of Translation Studies (TS) scholarship and research relevant for a particular course • Ability to perform tasks assigned to students according to professional quality standards
Competences • Field Competence • Interpersonal Competence • Organizational Competence • Instructional Competence • Assessment Competence
Field competences 1 • Knowledge of the professional field including: • Translation-related professions • Constraints of translation projects (e.g. time/budget/qualities) • Specialization in translation-related professions • Market requirements • Operating procedures and tools used in professional translation • TS scholarship and research relevant for the course • Foreseeable development of the professions
Field competences 2 • Translation-service provision competence (see Appendix): • Knowledge of the existing standards and specifications • Ability to critically analyze these standards and specifications • Ability to perform the tasks and sub-tasks involved in the translation-service provision (including planning, preparing the material for translation, quality assurance, document management, terminology management, etc.)
Interpersonal competence 1 • Ability to integrate into a teaching team and work as part of a team • Ability to coordinate teaching staff • Ability to teach students how to apply and critically assess codes of professional ethics in translation • Ability to establish suitable learning environments for students
Interpersonal competence 2 • Ability to teach students time and resource management • Ability to teach students how to manage stress • Ability to train students in decision-making and how to prioritize • Ability to introduce students to the relevant constraints depending on the situation (specifications, deadlines, budgets, etc.)
Organizational competence • Ability to understand students’ needs and expectations in relation to the overall programme • Ability to design or understand the rationale for a translation-training curriculum • Ability to define the learning progression for the programme (order in which modules are taught) • Ability to design a course syllabus in relation to the EMT competence benchmark • Ability to update programme or course in anticipation of and in response to changes to the profession
Instructional competence 1 • Ability to specify the tasks to be performed in relation to each course or module component • Ability to explain the learning objectives of the subjects taught • Ability to break down the educational components into tasks and sub-tasks (e.g.: terminography, document mining, quality control) drawing on the relevant theoretical knowledge • Ability to encourage students to become aware of the challenges and issues involved in the task and sub-task in the relevant field(s)
Instructional competence 2 • Ability to draw up a lesson plan by integrating TS scholarship and research relevant into teaching: • Ability to create a list of all the tasks relevant for a given lesson and organize them in terms of priorities, sequences, time available and overall syllabus • Ability to create the course or module materials • Ability to create content and choose the appropriate teaching method (e.g. virtual learning environments, seminars, tutorials etc.)
Instructional competence 3 • Knowledge of translation didactics and the ability to use appropriate methods for teaching and learning • Ability to use existing professional and specialist tools and integrate them into training • Ability to motivate students • Ability to encourage students to develop: precision, a focus on quality, curiosity, learning strategies, etc. • Ability to encourage students to develop a critical approach during the execution of tasks
Assessment competence • Ability to define assessment methods and criteria for tasks relevant to the course • Ability to assess students’ entry level • Ability to assess student’s level of attainment (competences they have acquired and competences they lack in relation to the EMT benchmark) • Ability to evaluate a curriculum, syllabus and lesson • Ability to adapt to the results of the evaluation of a curriculum, syllabus and a lesson
Not Prescriptive • Translation teachers/trainers should acquire the competences proposed in each of the five areas and meet the fundamental requirements specified = minimum requirement leading to the qualification of teachers/trainers in multilingual and multimedia communication; • The proposal does not prescribe how, when or where • The competences are not presented in order of importance
References • Colina, Sonia (2003) Translation Teaching: From Research To The Classroom, New York/San Francisco: McGraw Hill. • Consortium for Training Translation Teachers (CTTT) Project Papers, Available from: http://isg.urv.es/cttt/cttt/research.html • EMT Expert Group (2009) Competences for professional translators, experts in multilingual and multimedia communication, Available from: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/programmes/emt/key_documents/emt_competences_translators_en.pdf • Macquarie University Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy, http://www.ling.mq.edu.au/postgraduate/coursework/tip/pdtip.htm
References • Kelly, Dorothy (2005) A Handbook for Translator Trainers: A Guide to Reflective Practice, Manchester: St. Jerome, • Kelly, Dorothy (2008) ‘Training the Trainers: Towards a Description of Translator Trainer Competence and Training Needs Analysis’, TTR: traduction, terminologie, redaction, 21(1): 99-125. Available from http://www.erudit.org/revue/ttr/2008/v21/n1/029688ar.pdf • Gouadec, Daniel (2002) Profession : traducteur, Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire. • Gouadec, Daniel (2007) Translation as a profession, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.