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Understanding Image Restoration Techniques in the Digital World

Explore types of image degradations - noise, error, distortion, blurring, etc. Learn about degradation models, techniques to recover images, and different types of noise. Gain insights into noise removal methods and various filters to enhance image quality. Dive deep into noise estimation, Gaussian noise generation, and motion deblurring using advanced algorithms.

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Understanding Image Restoration Techniques in the Digital World

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  1. Chapter 8: Image Restoration ○ Types of image degradations: Noise, error, distortion, blurring, etc. Degradation model: where g(x,y): degraded image, f(x,y): image, h(x,y): degradation process n(x,y): additive noise 8-1

  2. ○ Two ways to recover image degradations: • 1) Image enhancement: Overlook degradation • processes, deal with images intuitively • 2) Image restoration: Known degradation • processes; model the processes and • reconstruct images based on the inverse • model

  3. From the convolution theorem, ○ Recall the degradation model Fourier transform Difficulties: (a) Unknown N(u,v), (b) Small H(u,v) 8-3

  4. ◎ Types of Noises: • ○White noise: the noise whose Fourier spectrum • is constant • ○ Periodic noise: • Original image Noisy image • ○ Additive noise: each pixel is added a value • (noise) chosen from a probability distribution

  5. (a, b can be + or -) • 。Salt-and-pepper (impulse) noise • Let x : noise value e.g.,

  6. 。Uniform noise: (a, b can be + or -)

  7. Given histogram h

  8. 。Gaussian noise:

  9. Method 1: 2-10

  10. Method 2: 2-11

  11. Homework : (1) Create an image g(x,y) whose pixels all have the same gray value of 100. Show the image g(x,y). (2) Generate Gaussian noise n(x,y), with , using methods 1 and 2. Show the noisy image f(x,y) = g(x,y) + n(x,y). (3) Display the histogram h(i) of f(x,y). (4) Comment on your results. Example: Input image g(x,y) of gray values of 100 Noisy image f(x,y) Histogram of g(x,y) Histogram of f(x,y) 12

  12. 。Rayleigh noise:

  13. 。Erlang (gamma) noise:

  14. 。Exponential noise:

  15. ◎ Estimation of noise parameters • Steps: 1. Choose a uniform image region • 2. Compute histogram • 3. Compute mean and variance • 4. Determine the probability distribution • from the shape of • 5. Estimate the parameters of the probability • distribution using

  16. Given • Examples: • (a) Uniform noise:

  17. Given • (b) Rayleigh noise:

  18. ○ Multiplicative noise: Each pixel is multiplied • with a value (noise) chosen from a probability • distribution, e.g., speckle noise

  19. ◎ Noise removal • ○ Salt-and-pepper noise • – high frequency image component low-pass filter median filter

  20. 。 Mean filter (i) Arithmetic mean: 4 × 3 5 × 5

  21. (ii) Geometric mean: • (iii) Harmonic mean: • (iv) Contraharmonic mean:

  22. 3 × 3 median filter • 3 × 3 (twice) 5 × 5

  23. 。Adaptive filter -- change characteristics according • to the pixels under the window

  24. 3×3 5×5 7×7 9×9

  25. ○ Gaussian noise • Assume Gaussian noise n(x,y) is uncorrelated • and has zero mean Image averaging:

  26. Example:

  27. ○ Periodic noise Notch filter • Band reject • filter

  28. In general case, Fourier spectrum noise Corresponding spatial noise

  29. ○Inverse filtering

  30. Low-pass Filtering:  Constrained Division d = 40 60 80 100

  31. ○Wiener filtering • -- Considers both degradation process and noise • Idea: (Parametric Wiener filter)

  32. When r = 1, (Wiener filter) If noise is zero, , (Inverse filter) If noise is white noise, is constant 8-33

  33. Input image k = 0.001 k = 0.0001 k = 0.00001

  34. ○ Motion debluring • Image f(x,y) undergoes planar motion • : the components of motion • T: the duration of exposure • Fourier transform,

  35. Shifting property:

  36. Suppose uniform linear motion: Restore image by the inverse or Wiener filter

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