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Learn about public speaking, audience, posture, and speech writing in class notes. Get ready for your first speech assignment and vocabulary review. Improve your grade with organized binders.
Welcome to Speech Grade 6 Ms. Ashley
Week 4 Do Now 1Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 • Question: Answerthefollowing in at least3 complete sentences. • 1. Whatisyour gradenow in Speechclass? (Orwhat do youthinkitis) Are youhappywithit? Whatwillyou do afterthe break toimproveorkeepthesame grade?
FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS : • 1. Place yourhomework and your Do Nowontherighthandside of yourdesk. • 2. SIT QUIETLY- I willchoosequietstudents as helpers • 3. BE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON EVERY PAPER!!
Do NowWeek #2 -Should be onthe DO NOW PAPER -MISSING SUNDAY -Everyweektheprocedureis to handit in onWednesdayforbothSunday and Wednesdayonthe SAME PAPER -I willaccepttodayforminusoneday late
Late Policy -Late workis -10 points per day -I do notaccept late workafteroneweekafterthe original due date. -Todayisthelastday to show me materialsbecauseitwasoriginallydue LAST SUNDAY
Announcement: BINDER CHECK -In onemonth, I willgiveyouyourfirstbindercheckfor a quiz grade. -Pleasemakesureyourbinderisorganized, thatyou are keeping notes and handouts in thecorrectsections.
5 Sections • 1- Do Now • 2- WeeklyVocabulary • 3- Class Notes • 4- Speeches/Compositions • 5- Portfolio
YourfirstSpeechAssignment DueToday
Vocabulary Week 1 Review Publicspeaking, Speech, Audience,Posture
PubicSpeaking • Whatispublicspeaking? • Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners
Speech • A speech is a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in front of a group of people; something spoken
Audience • An audience is a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play) : the people who attend a performance • : the people who watch, read, or listen to something
Posture • Posture is the way in which your body is positioned when you are sitting or standing.
Quizaboutthe rules and procedure Let’sgoovertheanswerstogether
Whatisspeechclass? Whatwillwelearnthisyear?
There are two parts to SpeechTwo Meanings • Definition #1 Speech – an essay we say to an audience (public speaking) • Definition #2 Speech – the study of the way people talk
Writing a Speech • Whatis a speech? • A speechisanessaywereadorsay in front of a group of people.
Pronunciation • Theway a personpronounces (says) a Word. Theway a Word orlanguageisspoken.
Enunciation • to pronounce words or parts of words clearly, articulate.
Introduction • Thepartthatserves to introduce anything (book, speech, essay, etc);thebeginning
Vowel • a letter representing a vowel sound, such as a, e, i, o, u. In speech, open sounds.
Consonant • A speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds. Examples - Z, B, T, G, and H
Week 2 Do Now 2Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 • Question: (A) Define Speech and Audience. (B) Whatisonetopicyouwouldenjoytalkingabout in thisclass?
QuestionAskingDuringtheQuiz Quietlyraiseyourhandand Miss Ashley will come to you. Ifyoutalkyouwillreceive a ¨0¨
FirstSpeechAssignment • Youmustspeakaboutyourself • Youmustchoosetwotopicsfrom Miss Ashley’slist • Foreachtopicyoumustwritethreethingsaboutyourself • Youalsomustincludeanintroduction to sayhello to theaudience and tellthemwhatyou are going to be talkingabout. • At theendyoumustsaywhythetopicsyouhavechosen are important to you.
Exampleintroduction – Miss Ashley • Helloeveryone. Mynameis Miss Ashley. Today I am going to give a speechaboutmyself. I havechosen to talkaboutmyinterests and something I have done in mylife.