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5 th Grade Digital Literacy . In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching. They have put together a class Power Point to share what they have learned! Enjoy, Mrs. Lewis. Internet Safety.
5th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching. They have put together a class Power Point to share what they have learned! Enjoy, Mrs. Lewis
Internet Safety Internet Safety is all about keeping you safe and making responsible choices online. Some subjects are personal info, keeping passwords sealed, using manners and etiquette, and cyber bullying. Photos found on Google images. 37166003618713 http://www.ccmostwanted.com/kids/iguide.htm Trey S. Henry P.
By Hudson N. and Jon G. Trolling Trolling is a bad part of Blogging because people hurt people’s feelings and could make them “troll” back. This is sort of like Flaming. Question 1: What is Trolling? Answer 1: Trolling is when someone makes fun of someone else on a blog. Question 2: Is Trolling good or bad? Answer 2: Trolling is bad question 3: Trolling and what are almost the same? . Answer 3: Trolling and Flaming are almost the same. The website we used was Wikipedia. The image on the bottom is from Trollwatch.com.au
Jessie S. and Sophia L. Private Information • What to do when asked for private information: • Always ask an adult before entering any private in formation. • Never write down personal information on anything everyone will see. • If any of this information gets out they could track you so be careful and tell a parent. • Pictures from nhcslibrarymediacenter.blogspot.com • and hide-my-ip.com. • Street address • E-mail address • Phone number • Passwords • Calling card numbers • Social security number Click here for more information about how to be safe with private information.
Y 2 Blog? • Communication on line • Entertaining • Spread news • Enjoyment • Getting Information Blogging Blogging Blogging is very popular. When you are blogging be sure to use common sense. When you blog you shouldn’t use your whole name, address, e-mail, etc. You should make sure that you use proper grammar and spell correctly. Also, when you are on line you shouldn’t say bad words, or something that you would regret. Source of Information Blogging Safely It is important to blog safely because there are bad people, and you don’t want them to track you down. Click here for more info picture-blog.ineedhits.com Question *Why is it important to blog safely? *Why is blogging important to the society? * Why is it important to use proper grammar when blogging? Kamryn V. Maddie B. and Lauren P.
Safe Surfing How can I safe surf? You can surf safely by avoiding inappropriate things or things that you would not be able to watch, play or do. What is surfing? Surfing is moving from place to place on the internet for a topic of interest. How do I know I’m surfing safely? You know your safe surfing when your playing or watching something you know your not allowed to. mylot.com Eli and Preston Click here for more information
Made by Michael S. and Ben B. For more resources, go to this URL: Spamming You also can go here to learn more about spamming. Spamming is when people repeatedly send the same message in a chat room online. People usually spam because they think it is cool, funny, and it makes people like them. Spamming mostly occurs online when people want attention, but it can also be in real life when people beg you for something. To prevent spamming, you should ignore the person who is annoying you and tell others to ignore him too. Sometimes websites will give you the ability to have all things said by that person vanish for you, but still will be visible for others. Spamming Bibliography: Information and Picture
Personal Information What is personal information? Personal information is information about you and your family. If you want more information on personal information and how you can keep it safe please go to the hyperlink listed below. Some examples of personal information are your full name, name of school, photos of you, your mother’s maiden name, and your parents place of work. Make sure you’re careful when you give out your personal information. Many websites and blogs ask for some of your personal information such as your name and address. Have you ever been in this spot? If you ever do make sure you ask an adult you know or a parent before you give it to the website. Safecomputing.umich.edu softwareops.com More information on personal information Claudia. A Gabrielle. M
What is Netiquette? Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." Also Netiquette can help you in friendships and in life to do well, and to look better in life The golden rule your parents and your kindergarten teacher taught you was pretty simple: Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes. Stand up for yourself, but try not to hurt people's feelings. In real life, most people are fairly law-abiding, either by disposition or because we're afraid of getting caught. In cyberspace, the chances of getting caught sometimes seem slim. And, perhaps because people sometimes forget that there's a human being on the other side of the computer, some people think that a lower standard of ethics or personal behavior is acceptable in cyberspace. e‑athira.jpc Click here for more informationJack L. CJ B. Netiquette
Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is when bullies make fun of kids online by email or text. Cyber bullying is usually not one time. Kids usually know it when they see it, while parents may be more worried about the rude language used by the kids than the hurtful effect of rude and embarrassing posts. The cyber bully one moment may become the victim the next. The kids often change roles, going from victim to bully and back again. For more on Cyberbulying click here. bibliography: adalane.edu.glogster.comstopcyberbulling.org Jack S., Will
Passwords - Passwords are names you use when you login to accounts or websites . -You should make your password something personal that no one else knows. - Don’t reveal your passwords to others. -If you are a parent encourage your child to create passwords for school, game websites, social networking, and when posting pictures. Click here for a great safety website. To find why you should have a strong password please visit the website above. Sarah H. Anna S. Pictures– Facebook and Twitter.
Flaming Made by Brendan S. and Stone D. • Flaming ,also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between internet users. • The people who flame are known as flamers or trolls. • Flamers provoke people or groups and often start flame wars. To learn more about flaming click here Bibliography: Dreamstime.com