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SURFs in Asia and the Pacific: Servicing Country Offices and Contributing to Practice Building Energy and Environment P

SURFs in Asia and the Pacific: Servicing Country Offices and Contributing to Practice Building Energy and Environment Practice Workshop Kuala Lumpur, 11 – 15 November 2002. Session Objectives. Part 1 - Knowledge Management (KM) within UNDP, the practice concept and architecture

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SURFs in Asia and the Pacific: Servicing Country Offices and Contributing to Practice Building Energy and Environment P

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  1. SURFs in Asia and the Pacific: Servicing Country Offices and Contributing to Practice Building Energy and Environment Practice Workshop Kuala Lumpur, 11 – 15 November 2002

  2. Session Objectives • Part 1 - Knowledge Management (KM) within UNDP, the practice concept and architecture • Part 2 - Sub-regional Resource Facilities in Asia and the Pacific Bangkok & Kathmandu SURFs

  3. The KM Challenge: How do you turn individual knowledge into corporate knowledge? Knowledge is complex and contextual, and is created as part of an interactive process, essentially a human attribute, value laden, and connected to action. Knowledge Management is the process of acquiring and transferring knowledge while modifying one’s behaviour to reflect this new knowledge.

  4. Knowledge Management - Simplified KM is about: • people and trust, not IT • learning - 70% of organisational learning is unstructured and informal • communities - focus shifted from “collection” of KM resources to “connection” of people through networks and the creation of “Communities of Practice” KM can be a useful tool for enhancing delivery of services (i.e. policy advice and capacity building in the six practices, including energy and environment!)

  5. UNDP - A Practice Organisation “Making this new system work is dependent on knowledge-sharing at every level of the organization. That means a cultural shift in the way we do business, particularly as it relates to how we acquire, share and use information…” MMB, Corporate Priorities, January 2002

  6. Five (Sub)Practice Principles • 1. Communities of people • 2. Practitioner participation • 3. Self-determined and driven by professional interest • 4. Strategic role • 5. Stakeholder-driven

  7. PRACTICE LEADERSHIP Practice Leader, ASG Champion and select Senior Practitioners govern the practice. PRACTICE STAFF BDP Staff including Policy Advisors, Knowledge Specialists and Practice Administrators. Commit their time to the practices.. HQ SUPPORT FOR PRACTICES Select RBx, BRSP and BoM Staff Support practice activities. PRACTITIONERS UNDP Staff (RRs, DRRs, Program Officers), and Consultants who choose to be affiliated with practices based on personal interest or field experiences. Contribute with knowledge (substantive and process), inputs to practice priorities, and mutual support. PRACTICESARECOMMUNITIES OF PEOPLE ACROSS ORGANIZATION Sub/Practices support CO-level service delivery Practice Leadership DedicatedPracticeStaff HQ SupportforPractices Practit-ioners

  8. LEADERSHIP GOVERNANCE Description PRACTICE RESPONSIBILITIES Project-specific support to country offices • Specialists mission to country offices • “Research & Information” function • Links to learning network of external experts • Proactive support to priority countries Knowledge Management • Sponsored research by UNDP teams to fill knowledge gaps and develop new service lines • Knowledge codification (from both internal work and external partners) • Knowledge sharing Community building • Recruit people into practice community and facilitate connections among community participants • Host global, regional and sub-regional events for practitioners • Maintain current mapping of UNDP competencies • Strategy and agenda setting • Oversight/ management • Budgeting Practice-related advocacy • Global advocacy to shape international development agenda in practice area • Support to local-level advocacy in practice area Practice-specific fundraising • Practice fundraising strategy and key fundraising documents • Collaboration with BRSP to raise practice funds Partnership building • Relationship building and collaborative definition of respective roles with other significant players in practice area e.g., other UN agencies, external institutions,regional development agencies Professional Development • Practice-specific training • Contribution to evaluations of affiliated and dedicated staff • External reputation building (e.g., publications, promotion of service lines, representation at conferences/forums) • Internal communication and practice ‘marketing’ (e.g., newsletters, practice website, introductory events) Communications

  9. Part 2 - The Global SURF System • BDP hosts a Policy Support Coordination Unit to promote collaboration across UNDP Practice areas; • Global Networks on UNDP practices and sub-practices promote global exchange of knowledge • Nine SURFs Worldwide (2 in our region)

  10. The SURF System… • CO support and alignment around six practices • pillar in knowledge-based organization • knowledge broker: connects people (mutual support & capacity mapping, consultant roster, mapping of regionalinstitutions) collects and codifies knowledge (i.e. best practices and comparative experiences) • supports CO KM and capacity building priorities

  11. SURF Mandate – Our Services: • Policy Advice &Technical Backstopping • Referrals of Experts &Comparative Experiences • Promotion of Good Practices • Networking & Collaboration

  12. SURF Kathmandu Team SURF Coordination Unit: Jo Scheuer, Chief Stefan Priesner, Deputy Chief Shaguni Singh, Information Analyst Sangeeta Pandey, KM Officer Anuja Shiesta, Programme & Admin Associate Policy Advisors: Anuradha Seth, Pro-poor Policies/PRS Roma Bhattacharya, Gender Mumtaz Keklik, Trade, Globalisation and Investment (December) Decentralisation and Local Governance - Vacant Gernot Brodnig, ENVIRONMENT

  13. Bangkok SURF Team SURF Coordination Unit: Chief, Alvaro Rodriguez Deputy Chief, Tina Friis-Hansen Vacant, IT Specialist Programme Officer , Nadine Smith Policy Advisors: Rule of Law, Sanaka Samarasinha Poverty Alleviation, Taka Kusago Public Admin. Reform, Patrick Keuleers Island Nations, Garry Wiseman (in Suva) Nathalie Bouche, Macroeconomic Policies and Reform (in Beijing) ENVIRONMENT – Under Recruitment Johan Arvling, Research Officer

  14. Bangkok & Kathmandu Joint Team GEF - Kuala Lumpur Tim Clairs, Regional Coordinator, Biodiversity and International Waters Manuel Soriano, Regional Coordinator, Climate Change Tito Santos, Regional Coordinator, Biodiversity and International Waters FINESSE - Bangkok Jan van den Akker, Technical Advisor Zheng Luo, Programme Officer Capacity 2015 – Bangkok Anita Nirody, Regional Coordinator PPPUE - Bangkok Felicity Rose, Regional Advisor Tsutomu Nishimara, Associate Advisor BCPR - Bangkok Tom Brennan, Advisor HIV/AIDS – New Dehli Sonam Yangchen Rama, Regional Project Coordinator and Advisor

  15. Therefore….. Got knowledge? – Share it!

  16. Contact Us • Bangkok SURF Email: bkksurf@undp.org URL: http://surf.undp.or.th Phone: 66-2-288 2129 Fax: 66-2-288 3032 • Kathmandu SURF Email: surf-ktm@undp.org URL: http://www.surfsouthasia.org Phone: 977-1-548 553 Fax: 977-1-548 597

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