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Today in Astronomy 102: relativity. In the next five lectures we will discuss Einstein’s relativity theories and some interesting and important predictions made from them. Our goals are:
Today in Astronomy 102: relativity • In the next five lectures we will discuss Einstein’s relativity theories and some interesting and important predictions made from them. Our goals are: • to understand the nature of black holes, the means by which they arise in the theories, and the properties of space and time in their surroundings, and • to understand these things well enough that you can make the basics of relativity understandable to others who have not taken a course like this. Einstein at Caltech, 1933 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Introduction to Einstein’s theories of relativity • ....the special theory of relativity (1905) and the general theory of relativity (1915), by which the existence and properties of black holes are predicted. • We want to dispel two popular misconceptions about Einstein’s theories at the outset: • Einstein does not mean that “everything is relative.” The theories leave many things absolute; for example, the speed of light. • Relativity existed before Einstein. Galileo and Newton had another theory of relativity. The differences between Einstein’s relativity and that which preceded his theories are simply what the theories take to be relative or absolute. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Introduction to Einstein’s theory of relativity • Our discussion will be easier if first we describe: • Reference frames • Space-Time diagrams Albert Einstein, circa 1905 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Reference frames • A reference frame (or “frame of reference”) consists of an observer, like you, and a hypothetical bunch of instruments that can measure length, time, etc., all in the same state of motion (not moving with respect to each other). • An inertial reference frame is one whose state of motion is not influenced by any external forces. • Observers in different reference frames can, by use of their instruments, measure things they see in each other’s frame, and report their results to each other. • It is often useful to assign coordinate systems to each observer, who sits at the origin of his or her system. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
A reference frame Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Two reference frames in relative motion Frame 2 V Frame 1 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Coordinate systems for reference frames y2 V Frame 2 x2 y1 x1 Frame 1 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
It doesn’t matter which frame is called 1 and which is called 2. This picture is physically the same as the previous one. y1 Frame 1 x1 y2 V x2 Frame 2 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Examples: measurements by two observers in different reference frames, moving with respect to each other. • Observer in Frame 1 sees Frame 2 moving east at speed V (similarly, the observer in Frame 2 sees Frame 1 moving west at speed V). • Observer in Frame 2 holds up a meter stick (horizontally), flashes a light at the beginning and end of a certain time interval, and rolls a ball horizontally across his floor. • Observer in Frame 1 takes pictures, measures time intervals, etc. and determines how long the meter stick, how long the time interval, how fast the ball, appears to her. • What do you think she’ll find? (Turns out: answers given by Galileo and Newton would differ from those given by Einstein, if V is large enough.) Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
To Observer #1: how long does the meter stick look, how long between flashes of the light, and how fast does the ball appear to roll? Dt2 d2 d1, Dt1, v1 v2 V Observer #2 Observer #1 Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Space-Time diagrams: a way to report measurements made within one reference frame. “World lines:” Stationary object Time, t (on a clock) Object moving east Position, x (say, distance east from some reference point) Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Mid-lecture Break. Galaxy NGC 891, by David Malin (Anglo-Australian Observatory) Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Old (“Classical”) Physics • Three main fields: • Mechanics and gravitation: Newton’s laws • Electricity, magnetism and light: Maxwell’s equations • Heat and thermodynamics: Gibbs and Boltzmann • Each consists of a small number of laws, mostly expressed as mathematical formulas. By mathematically manipulating these formulas, and plugging numbers in, the results of experiments can be predicted, or new effects can be envisioned. • Theories were fantastically accurate and successful. Examples: • Discoveries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto • Discovery of radio waves • Invention of various engines (Carnot, Diesel,…) Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Old (“Classical”) Physics (continued) • All built on same principle of relativity (Galileo’s): distance and time are absolute. Given a meter stick and a clock in one reference frame, • the meter stick looks one meter long from all other frames of reference. • the clock ticks seem to take one second from all other frames of reference. • But velocities are relative: if Frame 2 looks like it moves east at speed V to Frame 1, and an observer in Frame 2 rolls a ball east at speed v (according to him), the ball will appear to be rolling east at v + V to the observer in Frame 1. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
How fast does the ball appear to roll? 5 km/s, east. 15 km/s, east.* v = 5 km/s V = 10 km/s * That’s just v+V = 15 km/s Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Cracks in the facade for classical physics:light, the “aether,” and Maxwell’s equations • Light = waves of electric and magnetic fields, according to Maxwell’s equations. Fields and waves envisioned as vibrations of a universal medium, the aether, which is at rest in absolute space. • Prediction: to an observer in motion, light appears to move at different speeds, because it always moves at the same speed with respect to the aether. • Another prediction: to that same observer, the laws of electromagnetism are not exactly Maxwell’s equations, but a more complicated set of equations that can be obtained mathematically from Maxwell’s equations. • The differences are small, though: they would only get large if one were to move through the aether at a speed approaching that of light. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Cracks in the facade for classical physics:light, the “aether,” and Maxwell’s equations • Michelson’s experiments: an apparatus that could detect the differences resulting 30 km/sec motion through the aether (Earth’s orbital motion). • Result: the speed of light is constant -- always the same, no matter which direction the Earth moves. (!!!) • Either Cleveland (where Michelson did his experiments) is always at rest in absolute space, or light is not related to the aether (but, then, what good is the aether?). Albert A. Michelson Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Cracks in the facade for classical physics (continued) • Fitzgerald and Lorentz: The experiments can be explained if a force is exerted which makes objects shorter along the direction of their motion through the aether. (!?) • Lorentz: Accounting for this contraction, Maxwell’s equations are the same in all reference frames. (!!)Image: Hendrik A. Lorentz Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
How fast does light appear to travel? 299792 km/s, east. Laser 299792 km/s, east.** V = 10 km/s ** Not 299802 km/s! Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Einstein’s solution to the problem: • There is no such thing as the aether. • The length contraction, and the related “time dilation”, are real, but are not caused by any unknown force; rather, length and time are relative, and results of measurements of them depend upon one’s frame of reference. • Velocities of moving objects are still relative, but the relation is no longer as before, owing to the relativity of length and time. • The speed of light is special, though: it is absolute, independent of reference frame. • This solution is generally called the special theory of relativity. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001
Einstein’s special theory of relativity can be reduced to two statements: • The laws of physics have the same appearance within all inertial reference frames, independent of their motions. • The speed of light is the same in all directions, independent of the motion of the observer who measures it. Astronomy 102, Fall 2001