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DEPARTMENT OF GLYCOMATERIALS:. Ing. HROMÁDKOVÁ Z. , PhD. RNDr. Malovíková A. ,PhD. Mgr. Capek P., PhD. Ing. Ebringerová A. , PhD Ing. Košťálová Z., PhD. PhD. student: Ing. Halaj M. Lab technicians: Šporánková N., Bordáčová A., Chválová B. D eals with:

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  1. DEPARTMENT OF GLYCOMATERIALS: Ing. HROMÁDKOVÁ Z. , PhD. RNDr. Malovíková A. ,PhD. Mgr. Capek P., PhD. Ing. Ebringerová A. , PhD Ing. Košťálová Z., PhD. PhD. student: Ing. Halaj M. Lab technicians: Šporánková N., Bordáčová A., Chválová B. • Deals with: • the occurrence and structural features of polysaccharides from cereals, plantresiduesand medicinal plants, • their functional and rheological properties and intermolecular interactions, • biological activityof the polysaccharides, • modification of the polysaccharides. • Scientific goals: • To determine relationship between structure and the biological activity of the polysaccharides. • To achieve more effective utilization of plant raw material. • To prepare novel, highly valuable materials for cosmetics and pharmaceuticalindustry.

  2. Main topicsoftheprojects are: • Polysaccharides from economicallyimportantplants and plantresidues • Selection ofeconomicallyimportantplantresiduesofcereals. • Utilization of new extractionmethods(ultrasound, microwave) and their comparison toclassicalmethods. • Evaluationofthechemicalcomposition, structuralanalysis, molecularproperties. • Study ofapplicationpolysaccharidesasadditives in food, pharmacy, orcosmetics 2) Polysaccharidesfromselectedherbsand othermedicinalplants • Isolation of the polysaccharides from selected herbs and other plants. • Preparationofthehomogeneouspolysaccharidefractionsfromthecrudebiologicalactivepolysaccharides. • Determination of theprimarystructureof most biologicallyactivefractions by meansofchemical and spectralmethodsofstructuralanalysis. • The biologicalactivityof thehomogeneousfractionsis comparedwiththeactivityofthecrudepolysaccharide.Thepolysacharides are testedforbiologicalactivity - immunologicalactivity • - antitusicactivity • - antioxidant activity and other activities. 3) Partial modification of commercial and non-commercial polysaccharides • Partial hydrophobization of chosen commercial polysaccharides • Determination of the degree of substitution and some biological or functional properties of the derivatives.

  3. Medicinalplants Plant, tissue, structure ̶ biological activity Publications Fragaria vesca L. - Strawberry, leaves Galacturonan/rhamnogalacturonans - Anticoagulant activity Pawlaczyk, I., Lewik-Tsirigotis, M., Capek, P., et al. Effects of extraction condition on structural features and anticoagulant activity of F. vesca L. conjugates. Carbohydr. Polym. 92,741-750, 2013 Solidago canadensis(herbaceous tree) – flowers arabinogalactan, rhamnogalacturonan - Antitussive activity Šutovská, M., Capek, P., Kocmalova, M., et al..Characterization and biological activity of Solidago canadensis complex. Int J. Biol. Macromol.52,192-197, 2013. Sanguisorba officinalis L. – (flowering part) Phenolic-polysaccharide conjugates - Anticoagulant activity Pawlaczyk-Graja I., Balicka S., Ziewiecki R., Matulová M., Capek P. , Gancarz R. Polyphenolic-polysaccharide conjugates of Sanguisorba officinalis L. with anticoagulant activity mediated mainly by heparin cofactor II . Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 93, part A,1019-1029, 2016. Morus alba L. - white mulberry Arabinogalactan, rhamnogalacturonan - Antiobesity effect Choi J. W. , Synytsya A., Capek P., Bleha R., Pohl R. ,. Park Y. I. Structural analysis and anti-obesity effect of a pectic polysa-ccharide isolated from Korean mulberry fruit Oddi (Morus alba L.). Carbohydr. Polym. 146, 187–196, 2016. Šutovská M., Capek P., Kazimierová I., Pappová L., Jošková M., Matulová M et al., Echinacea complex–chemical view and anti-asthmatic profile. J . Ethnopharmac., 175, 163-171, 2015. Capek P., Šutovská M., Kocmálová M., et al. Chemical and pharmacological profiles of Echinacea complex. Int J Biol Macromol. 79, 388-391, 2015. • Echinacea purpurea L – herbs (flowing part) • Anti-astmatic profile- significant anti- • inflammatory efect and bronchodilatory activity Arnica montana– herbs (flowering part) Arabinogalactan, rhamnogalacturonan - bronchodilatory activity Šutovská M.,Capek P., Kočmalová M., Pawlaczyk I., Zaczyńska E et al., Characterization and pharmacodynamic properties of Arnica montana complex. Int J Biol Macromol. 69,.214-221, 2014.

  4. Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca Pectin (2) Imunomodulation activity complement- fixation test (1) Microwave assisted extraction of pectin from pumpkin biomass Effect of temperature and time to molecular weight (3) Low activity activity (rel-ICH50) High activity Positive control ribwort pectin High-branched pumpkin pectin Low-branched pumpkin pectin Microwave is a valuable tool for isolation and modification of pumpkin’s pectic polysaccharides in one step. Branching in the pectin chain significantly increases its positive effect to complement system. Košťálova, Z., Hromádková, Z., Ebringerová, A., Polovka, M., Michaelsen, T.E., Paulsen, B.S.: Industrial Crops and Products 41, 2013, p. 127-133. Košťálová, Z., Hromádková, Z., Paulsen, B.S., Ebringerová, A.: Carbohydrate Research 398, 2014, 19-24. Košťálová, Z., Aguedo, M., Hromádková, Z.: Chemical Engineering and Processing102, 2016, 9-15.

  5. Cereals Cereal fibre drink – Actiglucan (2) Wheat bran (1) Beta-glucan Arabinoxylan Antioxidant Activity EPR technique Reference water Arabinoxylan Wheat bran arabinoxylan reduces the concentration of OH radicals Glycemic Response - measured at 0 – 120 min after Actiglucan fibre drink (black tiangels) or glucose (white cicles) consumption (P<0.05). Hromádková, Z., Paulsen, B.S., Polovka, M., Košťálová, Z.,Ebringerová, A.: Carbohydrate Polymers 93, 2013, p. 22-30. Mikušová, L., Ciesarová, Z., Hromádková, Z.., Valachovičová, M., Penesová, A., Kajaba, I., Holubková, A.,Krajčíová, Ľ., Mislovičová, D., Bobrík, M., Šturdík, E., Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods 6, 2014, 357-366.

  6. Invasive plants Small balsam(2) (Impatiens parviflora DC.) Giant knotweed (1) (Fallopia sachalinensis) Xyloglucan Structural characterisation 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan Imunomodulation activity complement- fixation test Pectin Low activity High activity GX XG Košťálová, Z.,Hromádková, Z., Paulsen, B.S., Ebringerová, A.:Carbohydrate Research 398, 2014, 19-24. Hromádková Z, Koštálová Z, Vrchotová N, Ebringerová A. : Carbohydrate Research 389, 2014, 147-53.

  7. Modification of thepolysaccharides Glucuronoxylan (GX): Europeanbeechwood meal ― Fagussylvatica L.: • Methyl-esterified glucuronoxylan (4,5): • Glucuronoxylan sulfate: • Cough suppresive activity (1) • Antiviral activity (2) • - Antitussive activity (3) Synthesis Synthesis • Na salt of GX converted into the tetrabutylammonium (TBA) salt by Amberlite IRN 77 (TBA+ form), • TBA salt in dry DMSO. After stiring and cooling, methyl iodide wasadded. • After stopping the reaction (NaCl), the mixture was pouredinto acetone and precipitate was filteredand repeatedlywashedwith acetone, then suspended in waterdialyzed and then lyophilized. • Enzymatic depolymerization. GX1was treated with microbial endo-1,4-beta-Xylanase M1 (EC,) • 2. Oligo GX in dry DMF were sulfated with Oleum at laboratory temperature for 24–48 h. Reaction mixtures were spilt on ice and neutralized with NaOH, dialyzed, and freeze dried to give sulfated samples of GX. 1. Nosáľova, G., Jureček, L., Turjan, J., Capek, P. et al.: Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 67, 312-31, 2014 2. Pujol CA, Damonte EB, Turjan J, Yanbo KZ, Capek P: Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 87, 195-200, 2016 3. Sivová V. , Nosál'ová G., Jureček L., Turjan J., Vlčková S.; Bystrický, P.; Kantárová, D.; Capek, P.: Starch 68, 621–628, 2016 4. Biely, P., Malovíková, A., Hirsch, J., Krogh, K.M. , Ebringerová, A.: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1850, 2246-2255, 2015 5. Biely, P., Malovíková, A., Uhliariková, I., Li, X.L. and Wong, D.W: FEBS letters, 589(18), 2334-2339, 2015.

  8. Projects 2013-2016 • Bilateral project • 1. SK-PL-0084-12 (APVV)2013 – 2014, Polysaccharide-polyphenolic conjugates with anticoagulant and antioxidant activity from selected plants of Asteraceae a Rosaceae families), Coordinators: P. Capek, R. Ganczar • 2. SK-PT-0024-12, 2013 – 2014, Polymeric substances from instant coffee powder. Coordinators: P. Capek, F. Nunes • 3. Structural analysis of natural compounds from medicinal plants, 2011 – 2013, Coordinators: P. DabrowskiDK Analityka, Jelenia Gora –P. Capek ICH SAV • COST • COST Action FP0901, 2009 – 2013,Analytical techniques for biorefinerie,Coordinators:Prof. S. Willför , Z. Hromádková (SK) • FA COST Action TD1203, 2012 –2016, Food waste valorisation for sustainable chemicals, materials & fuels (EUBis)), Coordinators:Prof. J. Clark, Z. Hromádková (SK) • VEGA • VEGA 2/0017/11, 2011– 2014, Plant mucilages, structure and bioactivity, Coordinator:P. Capek • VEGA 2/0085/13, 2013 – 2016, Bioactive polysaccharide fro non-utilized plants and plant wastes: structural and functional diversity, Coordinator:Z. Hromádková • 3.VEGA2/0018/15, 2015 – 2017, Microalgae biopolymers, production, structural diversity and properties,Coordinator: P. Capek • APVV • 1. APVV-0125-11, 2012 -2015,Biodecorated composite magnetic nanoparticles: Preparation, collective properties and applications Coordinator:I. Capek,ICH SAS: P. Capek • 2. APVV-0305-12, 2013 -2017, ALASTMA- New opinions on pharmacological modulation of allergic asthma, Coordinator: S. Fraňová,ICH SAS:P. Capek Cooperation Illycaff s.p.a. Trieste, Suggi-Liverani F. Universidade de Trs-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Nunes F. NCMH University of Nottingham, Harding S. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech—University of Liège, Aguedo M. University of Oslo, Paulsen B.S. University Wroclaw, GanczarR. The Catholic University of Korea,Choi J.W. Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Martin, Fraňová Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pujol C.A. Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, Synytsya A.

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