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Facilities Master Plan. Northern Marianas College Prepared for NMC by BECA International Consultants Ltd. Scope of the FMP. Data collected from: Topographical survey and building & utility condition data compiled by BICL Surveyors and Engineers.
Facilities Master Plan Northern Marianas College Prepared for NMC by BECA International Consultants Ltd.
Scope of the FMP Data collected from: • Topographical survey and building & utility condition data compiled by BICL Surveyors and Engineers. • Site visits to the Saipan Campus including the measuring of existing buildings and preparation of floor plans showing the existing configuration and usage. • Discussions with College personnel and information provided by the College by way of the results of a staff / student Questionnaire.
FMP Format The structure of the report is based on the following sections broadly described as: • The existing situation, including site survey information and analysis • Proposed Facilities Master Plan Activity Zones • Development Parameters • Concept Master Plan • A Development Programme, Proposed Staging and a Preliminary Assessment of Costs in order to implement the Facilities Master Plan (FMP)
FMP Purpose • To provide a framework for • The improvement of facilities at the Saipan Campus • Sustainable roll growth on the Campus. • To provide a strategy for the implementation of a managed development program in order to achieve this. • The framework and strategy is illustrated by a facilities master plan showing the long-term development potential of the Saipan Campus
FMP Objectives The objective of the FMP is • To provide a document that will assist the College with Campus development in a planned manner, over the next 5 – 10 years as student numbers grow and existing facilities that are no longer deemed suitable for the College are demolished. • To Identify the size and location of new buildings on site, the existing buildings that will remain on site and the sequencing of demolition and construction.
Campus Wide Input Campus-wide input was sought for the FMP • Meetings with key personnel held at NMC in November 2009 enabled accommodation schedules and initial Master Plan concepts to be prepared. • The proposed development of the outdoor spaces for the Campus were also discussed and agreed with key NMC personnel. The concepts for the outdoor spaces are presented in this report.
FMP Intended Use The report is intended for use: • By the NMC Board of Regents and Planning Committee in order to implement an agreed and staged development plan. Proper staging is essential for the College to remain operational during the construction of new facilities. • As a briefing document for consultants in order to bid for the development work that is to be undertaken on the Saipan Campus. • As a starting point for the design development of each building and outdoor spaces in the context of the overall NMC Campus
Classroom Utilization & Planning Considerations Sandy Pond Associates carried out an educational assessment and an analysis of class room use and their basic considerations are as follows: • High use classroom spaces – especially those in Building A – should be refurbished, relocated, or replaced with classroom space which is purposefully designed for the types of general purpose instructional which is in highest use and demand. • The Campus Facility Survey conducted by Beca in 2009 suggests there would be utility in a large, well appointed lecture hall. • NMC needs to attend to the suitability and modernization of specialized classrooms, especially science laboratories and computer laboratories.
Classroom Utilization & Planning Considerations Cont’d • Student study space outside of the classroom; such as in the Library and Student Centre should be expanded and upgraded. • Strong Adult Basic Education and Community Development Institute enrolment should be accommodated in the renovation or replacement of existing classroom spaces.
The FMP concept plan diagram identifies the following basic activity zone: • Academic Zone • Campus Heart Zone • Community Recreation Zone • Vehicular Access & Parking Zone • Residential Zone • CREES & Property Services Zone
Beca Recommendations • Finalize landownership matters and property boundary issues There are two title matters that need to be addressed by NMC: • The ownership of the piece of land currently occupied by the ‘Galaxy’ restaurant has to be formalized as being part of the NMC Campus. • The FinaSisu Lane which is in principle an internal access road on the Campus encroaches on the neighboring property, which seems to be a road reserve for future clarification needs to be sought from the authorities of the use of the lane.
Beca Recommendations 2. Adopt the FMP and its design guide lines. 3. Proceed with the implementation of stage 1 by appointing consultants to translate the Accommodation schedules (briefs) in to architectural concepts. 4. Secure funding for at least Stage 1.
NMC Actions to Beca Recommendations • Finalize landownership matters and property boundary issues. NMC President has written a letter to DPL to request for a perimeter boundary survey as a starting point to address these issues. 2. Adopt the FMP and its design guide lines. MT to approve and forward to BOR for official approval by BOR members
NMC Actions to Beca Recommendations 3. Proceed with the implementation of stage 1 by appointing consultants to translate the Accommodation schedules (briefs) in to architectural concepts. Options: • New A&E • Modify existing plans from Business and Hospitality Center
NMC Actions to Beca Recommendations 4. Secure funding for at least Stage One. • BECA Cost Estimate for Stage 1 is $27,540,000 • Options: Utilize modified existing plans to build large “class room building” at greatly reduced cost