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Perekonomian MIST dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perkembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia. Oleh : Dr. Telisa Aulia Falianty Dosen FEUI dan Macroeconomist EC-Think Indonesia. Outline. Istilah MIST Mengapa MIST penting Perkembangan dan Profil MIST Tantangan yang dihadapi MIST
Perekonomian MIST danDampaknyaTerhadapPerkembanganEkonomiSyariahdi Indonesia Oleh : Dr. TelisaAuliaFalianty Dosen FEUI dan Macroeconomist EC-Think Indonesia
Outline • Istilah MIST • Mengapa MIST penting • PerkembangandanProfil MIST • Tantangan yang dihadapi MIST • Dampak MIST untukperekonomianIndonesia • KeadaanPerekonomianMasaKinisertaProyeksidiMasa yang AkanDatang • StrategiPerekonomianNasionalKeDepan
1.Istilah MIST • Istilah MIST dipopulerkanolehekonom Goldman Sachs yaitu Jim O’Neill sekitartahun 2011 • Jim O’Neill adalahekonom Goldman Sachs yang jugamempopulerkanistilah BRIC padatahun 2001 • MIST menjadialternatifinvestasiselain BRIC yang menjadiincaranbagipara investor • MIST terdiridari Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, danTurki
1.Istilah MIST Indonesia Economic Observation 2011-2012, Kemenkodan Bank Indonesia
2.Mengapa MIST penting • Akronim-akronimseperti BRIC. MIST, N11, EAGLE banyakdigunakanolehparainvestor asingdanlembaga-lembagainternasionaluntukmemberikanpengelompokannegaratujuaninvestasididunia agar lebihmudahdiingatdanpopuler • Dalamkasus BRIC, label BRIC ternyataberdampaksignifikan. Penamaan yang tadinyahanyasebutah theoretical construct ternyatatelahmeningkatkanpentingnya BRIC sebagaipemain global
ProfilPerekonomianTurki • Memanfaatkan lokasinya yang mencakup Timur Tengah dan Eropa, Turki telah menjadi kunci titik transit untuk minyak dan gas dan menawarkan akses yang luar biasa ke pasar di Eropa, Caucausus,Asia Tengah, dan Timur Tengah. Turki telah mengalami pertumbuhan berkelanjutan yang substansial sejak mengubah ekonomi sekitar tahun 2001. • Hari ini, Turki adalah ekonomi terbesar ke-17 dunia, dan anggotaKelompok G20
ProfilPerekonomianTurki • Turkimemilikisignifikansi Turki sebagai hub untuk transportasi minyak dan gas dapat disebabkan oleh saling memperkuat faktor lokasi dan desain. • Turkimerupakanjembatan Eropa dan beberapa terbesar pemasok energi di dunia. Turki Bosphorus Strait, menghubungkan Laut Hitam dan Laut Mediterania, adalah lokasi kunci di mana ekspor perjalanan dan merupakan salah satu alasan untuk Turki penting sebagai pusat transit energi.
ProfilPerekonomianTurki • Turkey’s position as one of the world’s next big emerging economies has become unassailable in the past fifteen years. Unlike the aging populations that characterize other economic powers in the region, Turkey enjoys a demographic distribution that is extremely favorable to growth, and it will soon be benefitting from the ‘demographic dividend’ of a young population in much of the same way that countries like China and Brazil are at present. And Turkey’s population is not just young; at around 79 million it represents a sizable domestic market in itself. Another critical difference between Turkey and other regional powers is its relatively small debt-to-GDP ratio, currently hovering at around 40 percent. All of these factors combined to generate a record $22 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the lead up to the 2008 global financial crisis. This impressive level of FDI was no anomaly: Turkey has the metrics of an economic power in waiting. • (Fillingham, 2012;in Geopolitical Monitor)
Profil Perekonomian Mexico • GDP 1.231 Triliun dolar (2012) • Pertumbuhan ekonomi : 5-6% (2010) • GDP per kapita : $15,782 (2012) • Inflasi : 3.6% • GDP sektoral : Agriculture (3.9%), Industri (32.6%), Jasa (63.55%) • Gini Coefficient : 51.7
Profil Perekonomian Mexico • Angkatan kerja : 78.2 juta (2012) • Tingkat pengangguran : 6.2% • Ranking Ease of Doing Business : 48 • Main exports partners : US, Canada, Rusia • Main imports partners : US, China, South Korea • Public debt : 36.9% dari GDP • Credit rating : Fitch (Stable BBB)
ProfilPerekonomian Mexico • Mexico has a strong demographic foundation for future economic growth; something it shares with many of the other MIST countries. With a population of over 112 million, Mexico has a sizable pool of labor to draw on, and critically, this labor pool is overwhelmingly young. Currently, there are nine children for every elderly person in Mexico. And unlike most of the developed world, Mexico’s population is still growing. It reported a population growth rate of over one percent last year.
ProfilPerekonomian Mexico • Mexico is also uniquely placed to pick up the slack in global manufacturing as wages in China rise and reduce its competitiveness in the field of low value-added production. The average manufacturing wage in China surpassed that of Mexico earlier this year, and Mexico also benefits from reduced shipping costs to the critical US market owing to its geographic position and NATO membership. • These manufacturing advantages have translated into Mexico claiming an ever-larger slice of the US overall imports pie- Mexican imports amounted to 12% of US total imports last year, up from 10% in 2009. • (Fillingham, 2012;in Geopolitical Monitor)
ProfilPerekonomian Korea Selatan • Population: 48,860,500 • Age Structure: • 0-14 years: 15.1% • 15-64 years: 73% • 65 years and over: 11.9% • GDP: $1.116 trillion • GDP Composition by Sector: Agriculture: 2.6% / Industry: 39.2% / Services: 58.2% • Major Exports: semiconductors, wireless telecommunications equipment, motor vehicles, computers, steel, ships, petrochemicals • Transparency.Org Corruption Ranking: 43rd (globally)
ProfilPerekonomian Korea Selatan • South Korea is somewhat of an exception within the MIST countries, but not for any lack of economic dynamism. It stands apart because it can, in many respects, already be considered a developed economy, and it is often classified as such by everyone from the lowly student to the massive bureaucracy like the OECD. • By most indications, South Korea is a developed economy: it boasts a per-capita income of US $27,000, its economy is export-driven and powered by high value-added manufacturing, and it has mature political institutions that help reduce corruption.
ProfilPerekonomian Korea Selatan • South Korea’s advanced position on the economic development arc means that its population is also substantively different than other MIST countries. It is the smallest population in the club and thus represents the smallest domestic market, and in terms of age distribution it is markedly older than the other MISTs. • It should also be noted that the rapid ‘graying’ that historically follows a demographic dividend will be more pronounced in South Korea. It has a population growth rate of just 0.2% (176th in the world) and is known for having some of the strictest immigration laws within the OECD. (Fillingham, 2012;in Geopolitical Monitor)
4.Tantangan yang UmumDihadapiolehPerekonomian MIST • Masalahkorupsi • Masalahinflasi • Masalahnarkoba (terutamauntuk Mexico) • Masalahinfrastruktur (terutamauntuk Indonesia) • Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
5.Dampak MIST terhadapPerekonomian Indonesia Adabeberapaalasan Indonesia dimasukkankedalam MIST • Perkembanganukuranperekonomian • Tingginyapasardidomestik • Resiliensipertumbuhanekonomi • Pertumbuhankelasmenengah • Strukturdemografi (pendudukmudadanproduktivitastinggi) • Relatifstabilnyakondisimakroekonomi
5.Dampak MIST terhadapPerekonomian Indonesia • Sejauhmanapenamaaniniberdampakditentukanoleh performance perekonomian Indonesia danbagaimana Indonesia menjawabberbagaitantangandalamperekonomian • Terutamaikliminvestasidaninfrastruktur
6.Keadaan Perekonomian Indonesia TerkinidanProyeksiPerekonomian Indonesia kedepannya • Berdasarkansurvei UNCTAD • Indonesia mendudukiperingkat 9 • sebagainegaratujuan FDI • Hasilinimerupakanhasil survey kepadaeksekutifdari Trans National Corporation darinegaraberkembangdannegaramaju
6.Keadaan Perekonomian Indonesia TerkinidanProyeksiPerekonomian Indonesia kedepannya Indonesia Economic Observation 2011-2012, Kemenkodan Bank Indonesia
6.Keadaan Perekonomian Indonesia TerkinidanProyeksiPerekonomian Indonesia kedepannya Indonesia Economic Observation 2011-2012, Kemenkodan Bank Indonesia
7.Strategi PerekonomianNasionalkeDepan • MP3EI • Pendulum Nusantara • PenyatuanZonaWaktu • Redenominasi Rupiah