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PRESENTATION. Presented to: Ma’am Sadaf Majeed Sial Presented by: M.Amjad Rahim BSIT-08-09 5 th Semester. Program No. 7. Public: Myframe() { Create(0, “Click L Button of Mouse in Client area”); } Void OnLButtonDown(UNIT flag, Cpoint pt) { Startpoint=endpoint=pt;

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESENTATION Presented to: Ma’am Sadaf Majeed Sial Presented by: M.Amjad Rahim BSIT-08-09 5th Semester

  2. Program No. 7 Public: Myframe() { Create(0, “Click L Button of Mouse in Client area”); } Void OnLButtonDown(UNIT flag, Cpoint pt) { Startpoint=endpoint=pt; SetCapture(); } Continue…..

  3. Void On MouseMove (UNIT flag, Cpoint pt) { CClientDC d (this); If(flag==MK_LBUTTON) { d.SetROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN); // erase line d.MoveTo(startpoint); d.LineTo(endpoint); //draw line d.MoveTo(startpoint); d.LineTo(pt); Endpoint=pt; } } Continue…..

  4. Void OnLButtonUp (UNIT flag, CPoint pt){ CClientDC d (this); d.SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); d.MoveTo (startpoint); d.LineTo (endpoint); ::RealseCapture(); } DECEAR_MESSAGE_MAP() };

  5. Program No.8 Public: Myframe() { Create (0,”Horizental or Vertical \lines”); D=new CClentDc (this); Mypen.createPen(PS_SOLID,1,RGB(255,0,0)); d->SelectObject (&mypen); } Void OnButtonDown (UNIT flag, CPoint pt) { Oldpoint=point1=pt; } Continue…..

  6. Void OnMouseMove (UNIT flag, CPoint pt { If(flags==(MK_LBUTTON | MK_SHIFT)) { If(abs(pt.y-point1.y)>abs(pt.x-point1.x)) Pt.x=pint1.x; Else Pt.y=point1.y; d->SetROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN); d->MoveTo (point1); d->LineTo (oldpoint) d->MoveTo (poin1); d->LineTo (pt); oldpoint=pt; } Continue…..

  7. If(flags==MK_LBUTTON) { d->setROP2(R2_NOTXORPEN); d->MoveTo (point1); d->LineTo (oldpoint); d->MoveTo (point); d->LineTo (pt); oldpoint=pt; } } Continue…..

  8. Viod OnButtonUp (UNIT flags,CPoint pt) { d->SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN); d->MoveTo (point); d->LineTo(oldpoint); } DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };

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