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. AskingGood Questions. . Asking Great QuestionsWhat is the goal? Life change through personal discovery.. .
14. Renee’ will intro topic
Have interns hand out copies of the 3 scenarios
Tell each group to read their scenario. We’re going to give them ~5 minutes to come up with some ideas of how to deal with their challenge.Renee’ will intro topic
Have interns hand out copies of the 3 scenarios
Tell each group to read their scenario. We’re going to give them ~5 minutes to come up with some ideas of how to deal with their challenge.
15. Renee’
What does Delilah want (attention, may be lonely or insecure; may also just be really excited about the Word and what the Lord is teaching her, but doesn’t know how she comes across.)
Talk to Delilah privately; figure out what is driving her “dominating” attitude. Talk w/ her about the need to have others share, ask her to help you draw out quieter members
Spend outside time with Delilah, meeting her need to be heard and for attention
If you can arrange it, have Delilah seated next to you, not in your line of eye contact
Address questions to other members of your group by name
After Delilah has shared, asked for input from other members, “Thanks Delilah! I’d really like to hear what the rest of you are thinking also…”
Break your group up into smaller groups for certain parts of the study, so that Delilah isn’t dominating everyone in the study
What does Delilah want (attention, may be lonely or insecure; may also just be really excited about the Word and what the Lord is teaching her, but doesn’t know how she comes across.)
Talk to Delilah privately; figure out what is driving her “dominating” attitude. Talk w/ her about the need to have others share, ask her to help you draw out quieter members
Spend outside time with Delilah, meeting her need to be heard and for attention
If you can arrange it, have Delilah seated next to you, not in your line of eye contact
Address questions to other members of your group by name
After Delilah has shared, asked for input from other members, “Thanks Delilah! I’d really like to hear what the rest of you are thinking also…”
Break your group up into smaller groups for certain parts of the study, so that Delilah isn’t dominating everyone in the study
16. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
17. Renee
What is driving Tad’s behavior? (attention, wide range of interests, curious personality; sometimes this is someone who has not done their study – being unprepared, they don’t have much to say about the material, so it’s easy to think of random questions.)
Consider whether the “tangent” is off course or something you want to talk about (Lindsey – Eternal Security)
“That’s a great question, Tad. Since we don’t have much time to cover all of our material tonight, let’s talk about that after the study tonight.”
Give a brief answer, then redirect the discussion back on topic.
Don’t belittle or criticize him for raising the point
If possible, spend outside time with him so you can know him (if you have a relationship w/ him, it will be easier to “correct” him b/c he’s secure in the relationship)
Talk to him privately; Encourage his curiosity (particularly if it is doctrinal), but ask for his help honoring the time others have committed to studying this particular topic.
What is driving Tad’s behavior? (attention, wide range of interests, curious personality; sometimes this is someone who has not done their study – being unprepared, they don’t have much to say about the material, so it’s easy to think of random questions.)
Consider whether the “tangent” is off course or something you want to talk about (Lindsey – Eternal Security)
“That’s a great question, Tad. Since we don’t have much time to cover all of our material tonight, let’s talk about that after the study tonight.”
Give a brief answer, then redirect the discussion back on topic.
Don’t belittle or criticize him for raising the point
If possible, spend outside time with him so you can know him (if you have a relationship w/ him, it will be easier to “correct” him b/c he’s secure in the relationship)
Talk to him privately; Encourage his curiosity (particularly if it is doctrinal), but ask for his help honoring the time others have committed to studying this particular topic.
18. Brad – close this portion of the topic; hand out reference sheets (15 Common
Small Group Challenges)Brad – close this portion of the topic; hand out reference sheets (15 Common
Small Group Challenges)
21. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
22. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
23. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
24. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
25. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
26. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
27. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
28. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
29. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
30. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
31. Brad
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
Why is Quinn so quiet? (Might be intimidated by the Bible study environment; might not feel confident speaking about the Word; OR may just prefer listening and observing to speaking)
Spend outside time (lunch or whatever) with Quinn so you can get to know him & find out why he is so quiet
Ask a question in which each person must give an opinion (where there’s no wrong answer, non-threatening)
Ask Quinn to share by name (direct question) near the beginning of the discussion, when there are several possible answers; Or ask him an easy question (with encouragement)
Express appreciation for Quinn’s contribution whenever he does share
Make sure that everyone is seated on the same level, and in the circle; if possible, sit so that Quinn is directly across from you (in your direct line of eye contact)
Quietly enlist the help of others in drawing Quinn out
Break into groups of 2s or 3s for part of your group time (less threatening)
Use Quinn’s name in a positive illustration
32. Big Idea
Forgiven people must be forgiving people.
(Credit: Haddon Robinson)