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We at Hap Serv aims to provide our customers with a complete solution to their home appliances problems with service center facility. Washing machine repair, air condition repair, refrigerator repair, microwave oven repair, television LCD & LED repair and all elctronics. We have over 10 years of experience repairing appliances, and with our experience within the industry we are confident in saying that there isnu2019t much that we havenu2019t seen or repaired.<br><br>
Hapserv Tricks to Reduce Electricity Consumption In The Fridge April 05, 2023 Fridge Service in Coimbatore We are so used to living with the fridge that we often overlook that it is one of the appliances that consume the most and that, if we pay attention to it and apply some tricks, this electrical consumption can be reduced. So it's time to sharpen your ingenuity to save on the electricity bill, also with respect to our refrigerator. Regulates the temperature of the fridge to save light It seems like a platitude, but we overlook it more than we should. Regulating the temperature of the fridge helps save light , could extend its useful life and even be bene?cial for the food we store in it. Godrej Fridge Service in Coimbatore Some basic rules -in addition to consulting your fridge's own instruction manual- to know what cold level to set it to, are the following: ·The hotter it is in the environment, the colder the fridge will have to be inside. ·The same in reverse: if the room temperature is low, you will not need to put the fridge on maximum. ·The content of the fridge matters: the emptier it is, the less degrees you will have to lower and vice versa. ·In a fully occupied fridge and in an environment with an average temperature of 25ºC, specialists recommend that the fridge be at -5ºC and the freezer at -18ºC , to give you an idea. We may underestimate the power of a simple movement on the chill level dial, but it's important, especially since no one likes the upset of coming across an undrinkable can of beer or cold meat. parched and hard as marble from an excess of cold. In balance is virtue, as Aristotle would say. LG Fridge Service in Coimbatore Energy class of the refrigerator to save money Also in the world of refrigerators, there have always been classes. Speci?cally, energy classes. In the past it was not very common to pay attention to this aspect as much as to the capacity or design of the refrigerator, but now having an e?cient refrigerator is an obligation for your pocket and for the planet. Many appliance stores offer energy class A refrigerators and, although their price may be signi?cantly higher than that of a less e?cient refrigerator , it is worth the initial effort because it pays for itself in no time. The same occurs with the little crosses that accompany the letter of the energy class . To give you an idea, going from a class A refrigerator to a class A+++ leads to an estimated saving of 500 euros per year, since the class A+++ refrigerator consumes less than half the electrical energy that the A refrigerator needs to function. . Samsung Fridge Service in Coimbatore Posts to choose... choose the size of your refrigerator wisely Assuming that you are in an appliance store and you have many A+++ refrigerator models in front of you , you have another mission ahead of you: choosing the right size. Warning to boaters: this is not like winning a stuffed animal at your neighborhood parties, that you go headlong to catch the biggest one. You need a fridge that ?ts through the door of your house, that ?ts in the space designated for it in the kitchen and, extremely important, that doesn't ruin you with a stratospheric electricity bill. Think about the use you will give it and choose a sensible and functional model according to the amount of food you will store in it. Reference data: the capacity of the fridge is usually measured in units of volume, normally in liters, and for every 100 liters of fridge capacity you will have to pay about 15 euros per year, equivalent to between 120 and 125 kWh of additional consumption , multiplied by the days and hours of operation. Home sweet home... for your fridge You have already chosen the fridge taking into account its size, its energy class and you even know what temperature to set it at. You just need to get home and ?t it in that special corner that will be your home... Be careful here, because a bad selection from this corner can take its toll on you. Speci?cally, a 15% more expensive electricity bill than if you had allocated a more suitable space for your refrigerator. Roughly speaking, these are the characteristics that the ideal corner must meet for your refrigerator to work e?ciently: ·Away from ovens, stoves, dishwashers and other appliances that emit heat. ·Away from windows from which they receive direct sunlight. ·Separated from the wall a few centimeters so that the heat from your engine circulates and dissipates properly. ·Plugged into a dedicated power outlet to prevent overloading. Whirlpool Fridge Service in Coimbatore Cold, that great escapist It sounds like a mother's myth but it's true: the cold from the fridge comes out through the door when we keep it open or close it badly. Maybe it seems trivial to you since the fridge is made to cool, does the cold escape? Well, make it colder. And, although you are right, what you could be missing with that thought is a little bit of energy e?ciency. Solution: try to keep your fridge tidy and decide before opening it what you are going to look for in it, so that you simply open it to get what you need and immediately close it again. Oh, and be careful not to leave it closed badly because of that leak that makes the top: a fridge with cold leaks not only uses more electricity , but it can spoil your food. Bonus track: never ever keep hot food in the fridge, since thermal shock affects, on the one hand, the food you are storing, and on the other, the general functioning and thermoregulation of your fridge . Neither frost nor frost: let the fridge be "no frost" Ice machines and ice cube molds and ice making bags and, of course, the sale of ready-made ice have been invented for a noble reason: refrigerators that form frost and ice inside them work worse than those that don't. Through technology, the gentlemen who make refrigerators have incorporated into many recent models -if not all- the label "no frost" , which means that the refrigerator is capable of cooling and freezing but without forming ice or frost. Imagine that you are a polar bear trying to catch a salmon that is under a sheet of ice. What would you get more tired of than if you were that same polar bear catching salmon from the surface? Sure, there's more energy expended when the ice sheet gets between the salmon and your bear claw, right? That is exactly what happens to your fridge: the wall of your fridge is the bear and the ice plate prevents it from reaching those foods that you have put inside. So a fridge with a plate of ice and/or frost will need up to 30% more energy consumption to cool the food than one with a clear space. Videocon Fridge Service in Coimbatore Make it beautiful every little bit with a complete fridge maintenance Apart from hygiene in its interior chambers, which we take for granted, we want to tell you about some very simple refrigerator maintenance tricks so that yours is always like the ?rst day. A fridge in shape is a fridge that saves light , don't forget. ·Vacuum the back, with emphasis on the engine grill, once every three months to prevent dust and dirt from trapping heat. ·Clean the interior with an anti-mold product suitable for refrigerators and opt, if you see it necessary, to incorporate a device that absorbs odors. ·Check the door rubbers at least twice a year to make sure they close perfectly. A little hermetic fridge is a kilowatt strainer. ·Make sure you don't have extra accessories (special shelves for cans, Tupperware for vegetables, molds for making ice, etc...) or food that comes up against the walls of the fridge, as this will prevent the circulation of cold and will make your electricity bill more expensive. Fridge Service in Coimbatore Godrej Fridge service in coimbatore LG Fridge Service in Coimbatore Whirlpool Fridge Service in Coimbatore Samsung Fridge Service in Coimbatore To leave a comment, click the button below to sign in with Google. SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE Popular posts from this blog Most common failures in refrigerators and how to identify them December 08, 2022 How to notice a gas leak or, on the contrary, excess refrigerant? How to level your refrigerator? What to do if the cabin lamp is damaged? We will tell you, along with other technical questions for the arrangement of refrigerators. 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