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Lessons Learned in My Career

Lessons Learned in My Career. Jim Borchers BYU- Idaho Business Summit March 27, 2003. Career Overview. Prior to Mission - KBCI -TV Asst. Producer After Mission - Mobile Home Manufacturer; Freight Company Dock Work Media / Photography Company Marketing / Consulting Idaho Dept. of Commerce

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Lessons Learned in My Career

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  1. Lessons Learned in My Career Jim Borchers BYU- Idaho Business Summit March 27, 2003

  2. Career Overview • Prior to Mission - KBCI -TV Asst. Producer • After Mission - Mobile Home Manufacturer; Freight Company Dock Work • Media / Photography Company • Marketing / Consulting • Idaho Dept. of Commerce • Blue Cross Of Idaho • Xerox Corporation

  3. What do I do? • Find and Identify Business Problems • Act as a Business Problem Solver - “Consultant” • Call on “C” Levels - CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, CMO • Present to Senior Management Teams • Manage teams of professionals in IT, Information Management, Document Management fields • Develop “solutions” made up of software, hardware, and services

  4. Prepare to Serve Prepare Financially Work Full Time Go to school Prepare Spiritually Institute Ward Mission Splits Prior to Mission

  5. Lesson #1 - Serve a Mission! • Lesson Learned - “There was no penalty for serving an honorable mission.” • Better Prepared to Study • More Mature • Mission Habits Last a Lifetime

  6. Lesson #2 • Do not delay getting your education • Get into school as soon as you can after your mission • It will never be easier than it is now • Get as much education as you can • Try to work as you go to school - try get experience as you learn • Serve in the church

  7. Lesson #3 • No one is more interested in your future than you. • You are the steward of your future • Find others that are interested in you - your family, friends, business leaders

  8. Lesson #4 • Set your standards and live them • There is no reward in compromising your standards to “get ahead” - you won’t in the long run • Honesty and hard work pay off but... • Life is not fair. We knew that when we came here. Sometimes others with other standards do win - in the short term.

  9. Lesson #5 • Be financially conservative. • Do not live above your means • Pay your tithing • Save - you will be old someday • Do not try to keep up with anyone - there will always be those who have less and those who have more

  10. Lesson #6 • Take the “Men in Black” approach - • Stick your neck out - sometimes it might sting but it will grow back! • Stretch to see what you really can do • Try things both in and out of your career path • Not everyone will be “entrepreneur of the year”

  11. Never burn a bridge You may end up working for that person You may need that connection again Always build bridges Meet those who have done what you want to do Lesson #7

  12. Lesson #8 • Timing Plays a Larger Role Than You Might Think • Be prepared when the time comes! • Sometimes timing is on your side - sometimes it is not.

  13. Lesson #9 • Real freedom is having choices • The more options you have the easier it is to move when and if you need to • Prepare for the next step (job) • Never stop learning

  14. Lesson #10 • Know yourself • After a while you get to know what you really enjoy doing • Even if you find a job you enjoy there will be things you don’t enjoy • The grass is not always greener on the other side • If you don’t enjoy your work - change you or find a new job

  15. Understand Money and Finances Learn about the market Invest do not speculate There is no free lunch Talk to your customers it is the only way no know what they really think Be Leader not a Manager set an example set the standard Don’t try to go it alone Two or three heads give you more ideas We are people first then employees Practical Lessons

  16. Other Thoughts • Give back to the community • People will work miracles if they think they will be successful • “Your next success is only on the other side of fear.” Remember the death-o-meter! • Learn how to find your cheese - regardless of where it goes • “It does not matter what you do as long as you do it well and are worthy of a temple recommend”

  17. Remember who you are!Q & A Jim Borchers Manager, Advanced Solutions Xerox Global Services

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