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NCSX. Stability Studies Plans (FY11). E. Fredrickson, For the NCSX Team. NCSX Research Forum Dec. 7, 2006. Outline. Equilibrium Reconstruction (FY11) Stability Physics (FY11) Magnetic Islands Neoclassical affect on intrinsic & current driven islands External kink modes
NCSX Stability Studies Plans (FY11) E. Fredrickson, For the NCSX Team NCSX Research Forum Dec. 7, 2006
Outline • Equilibrium Reconstruction (FY11) • Stability Physics (FY11) • Magnetic Islands • Neoclassical affect on intrinsic & current driven islands • External kink modes • Initial survey Alfvén Eigenmodes (*AE). • Disruptivity (does MHD limit ?)
Equilibrium Studies in FY11 • Goal is to apply 3D equilibrium reconstruction code to NCSX • Benchmark V3Fit (being developed under separate grants) • Validate modeling of PIES and other codes • Document configuration variation with plasma pressure and current • Experiments to address goals in FY11 • Test consistency of V3Fit with full diagnostic set Magnetics (extensive saddle coil array and B probes) Mapping of profile diagnostics (Thomson scattering, Chers, SXI) Contact with PFCs (thermal imaging) • Look for effects correlated with low-order resonant surfaces • Compare with modeling by PIES and other codes
Bootstrap current in reversed shear should stabilize islands • Pellet-induced Te drop triggers island; then heals • Evidence for bootstrap current suppression of islands on LHD. • Saddle coils might detect change in JBS • Soft x-ray camera and Mirnov coil diagnostics, together with Thomson, Chers, etc. should be adequate diagnostic set.
TFTR data suggests no stabilization Island width evolution measured with ECE on TFTR • Simulations find best agreement with no neoclassical contribution in negative shear region. • Double tearing mode non-linear evolution has similarities to error-field induced islands on Stellarators. • Outer island acts as "error field" in inner island growth, and vice versa. • "error field" plays important role in island growth • Rotation/sheared rotation should decouple and stabilize islands. Fredrickson, et al., Phys. Plasmas 7 (2000) 4112.
Goals for neoclassical island studies • Effect of bootstrap current on intrinsic islands • Make vacuum islands or excite n=1 islands with trim coils • Will the bootstrap current heal intrinsic vacuum islands? • Islands are stationary and stellarator symmetric; growth detectable in saddle coil data? • With small islands, plasma rotation may stabilize. • Effect of bootstrap current on ' islands: • Use OH current drive to make ' unstable plasmas • Use scan to vary neoclassical stabilization term • Islands might rotate (sxi & Mirnov) or be stationary (saddle coils)
PFC Boundary Coil Flexibility Gives Control of Kink -limit • Simulations predict external-kink critical- changed from 3% to 1% by modifying plasma shape • either at fixed shear or fixed edge-iota ! • Assume free-boundary equilibria, fixed pressure and current profiles • In unstable configuration, is beta limited by kink onset?
Goals/Requirements for external kink stability studies • Test understanding of 3D effects in theory & determine role of iota-profile • Determine impact of unstable external kink on plasma performance. • Vary % external transform, look for affect on disruptivity • Can we do similar study for ballooning modes? • Soft x-ray camera, Mirnov coils and/or saddle coils to detect external kink. • Some capability for equilibrium reconstruction and mapping of equilibrium data profiles.
Density window for TAE studies Assume ISS04v3 confinement, 1.2 T and 3 MW of 45 kV hydrogen beams • Density scan controls fast and VAlfvén. • Window around 4–6 x 1013/cm3 for Alfvén mode studies: • beam ions should be super-Alfvénic. • fast/thermal > 30% . • Early TFTR beam driven TAE studies were at ≈ 3 x 1013/cm3, 110 keV deuterium beams, Btor ≈ 1T Vfast/VA≈fast/thermal ≈ 1
Goals for TAE studies • Configuration scans (shear) explore continuum damping. • Density and beam power scans to identify threshold for excitation. • Required diagnostics would be equilibrium profile data and Mirnov coils with ≈ 200 kHz bandwidth.
We will have the tools to perform exciting research • Program to develop stellarator equilibrium code is moving forward; • Benchmarking the code will be done in FY11 • The diagnostic set planned for FY11 operation is sufficient for initial stability studies of: • Neoclassical tearing modes in negative shear • Configuration-dependence of stability limits • Initial investigations of fast ion driven instabilities • Acquire preliminary information on disruptivity