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Germany is the largest European national economy. Located in central Europe, it is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea; to the south by Austria and Switzerland; to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. Germany also encompasses a section of the Alps Mountains, the famous Rhine and Danube rivers, and the Black Forest into its borders. It’s capital is Berlin
Studyin Germany Germany isthe largestEuropean national economy.Located incentral Europe,itis bordered tothenorth bythe North Sea,Denmark,andthe Baltic Sea; tothe south by Austria andSwitzerland;tothe east by Polandandthe Czech Republic andtothe west byFrance,Luxembourg,BelgiumandtheNetherlands. Germany alsoencompassesasectionof the Alps Mountains,the famousRhine andDanube rivers,andthe Black Forest intoitsborders. It’s capital isBerlin. Germany isthe fourth-largest bynominal GDPeconomyin the world, andfifth by GDP(PPP) in2008. Sincethe ageof industrialization,the countryhas beena driver,innovator, andbeneficiaryofan evermore globalised economy. Germany istheworld's thirdlargestexporterwith$1.408 trillion exported in2011(Eurozone countriesare included). Exportsaccount formore thanone-thirdofnationaloutput. About 70%oftheentire GDPis contributedby the servicesector; industries cover 29.1%and agriculture 0.9%.Engineeringproducts like automobiles,machinery,metals, andchemical goodsetc,make upmostof theproductsof the country. Alsopopularas the world’s leadingproducerofWindturbinesandsolar power technology;The FederalRepublic of Germany is amember state ofthe United Nations, NATO, theG8 andthe G4 nations. It isalsoafoundingmember of the European UnionandEU's mosteconomically powerful andpopulous statemember. GermanEducation System Germany's highereducationsystemis characterized by particularvarietyandversatility.Germanyhas a varietyof degreesandcourses- practice-focuseduniversitiesof applied sciences;classicaluniversity training; internationally-renowned vocational academies; etc. Universities andCollegesare locatedin cities aswellas countryside’s;togrant youoptionstoselectfrom. Germany has alongtraditionin education,science andresearch.As per2001, thereare 349higher educationinstitutions andalmost350 state-maintained anda numberof privatelymaintained higher educationinstitutes locatedthroughoutGermany.ThoseinterestedinstudyinginGermany can choosebetweenuniversitiesanduniversity-status institutions,suchasthetechnicaluniversities,or the universitiesofapplied sciences,orthecollegesofart,music andfilm. All state-maintained higher educationinstitutions areopen tostudentsof all nations. Typesof InstitutioninGermany Universitiesare researchorientedandtheyfollowtheidea ofcombiningresearchwithteaching. On the other hand, Universities of Applied Sciencesareprofessionallyoriented Institutions andthey essentially focusonEngineering, BusinessAdministration, andSocialScience&Design. More than500 courses in engineeringfields (Mechanical, Civil,Electronics, Electrical, Computer Science,IT etc.);Electronics andCommunications; Biotechnology;MBA; Finance;BusinessStudies; Economics andInternational Relationsetc. alltaught inEnglish language. QualityAssuranceinGermanEducation
The accreditationof GermanStudy programs is carried outby AccreditationAgenciesthat are certified by the AccreditationCouncil ofthe FoundationfortheAccreditationofStudy Programs in Germany. Theaccreditationof the programsis decidedonthebasisof reliable, transparent and internationally recognizedcriteria.