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The AI Babysitter

The AI Babysitter. Book Learnin’. University of Chicago BA in General Studies Masters work in AI & Information Systems Northwestern University PhD work in AI: Robotics & Video Games. Street Smarts. Game Design and Tuning Workshop Indie Game Jam/Experimental Gameplay Workshop

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The AI Babysitter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The AI Babysitter

  2. Book Learnin’ • University of Chicago • BA in General Studies • Masters work in AI & Information Systems • Northwestern University • PhD work in AI: Robotics & Video Games

  3. Street Smarts • Game Design and Tuning Workshop • Indie Game Jam/Experimental Gameplay Workshop • IGDA Education Committee • Currently: Lead Designer: MySims

  4. The Designer-Player Relationship   Creates Consumes Game Designer Player

  5. The Designer-Player Relationship   Creates Consumes Game AI Player

  6. Rules System Behavior “Fun” A Formal Model of“Game Consumption”

  7. Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics The MDA Framework

  8. Our Task • Hide-and-seek game • CMU: “Woggles” • Tag the T

  9. Our Task • Hide-and-seek game • Can be played from both perspectives • the babysitter • and the child • Simple, 3 room environment

  10. Our Map

  11. Avatar: Babysitter • Moves • Speaks • Extra Moves? Why?

  12. 1. Sensation Game as sense-pleasure 2. Fantasy Game as make-believe 3. Narrative Game as drama 4. Challenge Game as obstacle course 5. Fellowship Game as social framework 6. Discovery Game as uncharted territory 7. Expression Game as self-discovery 8. Submission Game as pastime Eight Kinds of "Fun"

  13. The Dynamics of Hide and Seek excitement exhaustion

  14. The Babysitter • What kinds of fun? • What kinds of AI?

  15. Technical Details • Waypoints? • Obstacle detection? • Cover points?

  16. Seek! • Brainstorm: 5 behaviors • Babysitter (NPC) • Baby (PC) • Prototype/Play/Discuss • Goal: Clearly understand mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics of this design

  17. Our Map

  18. Results? • What makes playing with the babysitter fun?

  19. New Constraints • Player = babysitter • What kinds of fun? • What kinds of baby AI?

  20. AI : Baby • Reconsider: • Hiding behaviors

  21. AI : Baby • Reconsider: • Hiding behaviors • “Tells”

  22. AI : Baby • Reconsider: • Hiding behaviors • “Tells” • Group goals?

  23. AI : Baby • Reconsider: • Hiding behaviors • “Tells” • Group goals? • Pacing and Flow

  24. Seek! • Brainstorm: What changes? • Babysitter (PC) • Baby (NPC) • Prototype/Play/Discuss • How has the player experience changed?

  25. Hunter vs. Hunted • What makes playing with the babies fun?

  26. Baby AI • Advanced abilities and moves?

  27. Technical Details • Waypoints? • Obstacle detection? • Cover points?

  28. Technical Details • Waypoints? • Obstacle detection? • Cover points? • World view?

  29. Technical Details • Waypoints? • Obstacle detection? • Cover points? • World view? • Competition?

  30. But Wait – There’s More!! • Full-blown simulation of tag • Multiple Babies • “Real Strategic Gameplay” • Showcase character AI.

  31. Baby AI • What does it look like NOW?

  32. Reality is Expensive • Can’t do it all by hand! • Consider “style” or “personality” • Easier to recognize/predict • Different targets require different skills • This means more granularity – more complex representation.

  33. Fidelity • Hiding • How much cover is the fern...as opposed to the closet or under the table? • Do AIs perceive others and plan around them? • Do they track the babysitter? • What if they can turn on and off lights?

  34. Scale • Did your design scale when player character changed? • Does it scale when the aesthetic itself changes? • Is it still fun • To desgin • To play

  35. Other Thoughts?

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