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ELE2MIC Lecture 19

Understand the functions and applications of multiplexors, demultiplexors, and data distribution in microcontroller systems. Learn about addressing, timing, memory configuration, and external RAM usage.

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ELE2MIC Lecture 19

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  1. ELE2MIC Lecture 19 • MULTIPLEXOR - DATA SELECTOR • DEMULTIPLEXOR - DATA DISTRIBUTOR • External Address Bus • Timing Diagrams • Address Decoding using a 74LS138

  2. Multiplexor - Data Selector • Multiplex (MUX) many inputs to one output • Switch selects the one signal source from many input signals. • Like Stereo HiFi source selection switch

  3. Two Input Multiplexor Output = (Input0 & Select#) | (Input1 & Select)

  4. Four Input Multiplexor

  5. Eight Input Multiplexor

  6. 74F151 8-Input MUX

  7. 74F151 8-Input MUX Pin Names and Loading / Fanout

  8. Mux vs DeMux

  9. AVR On-Chip SRAM Timing

  10. AVR Data Ram • When 4KB is enough RAM for an application, the On-Chip SRAM is sufficient. • When 4KB is insufficient, an external RAM chip can be used to expand the address range to 64K bytes. • There are four memory configuration options for external RAM.

  11. AVR External Data Ram • By setting the XMEM bit to 1, the eXternal MEMory interface is enabled, and the dedicated external memory control lines become active. • The dedicated controls are ALE#, RE#, WE# and the multiplexed address & data bus bits 0..7 and the address bits 8..15 take control, overriding the port A, port C and port G (pins 0..2) functions.

  12. AVR External Data Ram • The dedicated control signals are: • RE# - Read Enable - Active Low • Data is read from the external memory (or device) into the AVR microcontroller. • WE# - Write Enable - Active Low • Data is written from the AVR to the external memory (or device).

  13. AVR External Data Ram • ALE - Address Latch Enable - Active High. • When ALE transitions high, the Memory Address Register is asserted onto the Multiplexed Address & Data bus lines • the bus enters a write-address phase • the address is latched into an external address latch which is used to form an system’s external address bus.

  14. AVR External Data Ram • ALE - Address Latch Enable - Active High. • When ALE is low, a data phase commences and data can be read or written to the external memory or device. • (external in this context refers to off-chip memory)

  15. AVR External Address Latch

  16. AVR External Mem Timing

  17. AVR External Mem Timing

  18. 68HC11 External Address Latch

  19. HC11 Strobe Timing Diagram

  20. Applications of a de-multiplexor • The Memory Chip Select device used on the original IBM PC is a 74xx138 de-multiplexor. • The 74LS138 is used to activate 1 of 8 lines based on the conditions of the three binary select inputs A, B & C, and the three enable inputs. • The 74LS138 Outputs are “Active Low”.

  21. 74LS138 8-Output DEMUX De-Multiplex one input to many outputs -Reverse operation of a multiplexor 74LS138 Truth Table

  22. DeMultiplexor • The 74LS138 can be implemented by the logic shown. • The 54LS138 is identical in function, but can operate over the “Mil-spec” -55°C to 125°C Temperature Range. • The 74LS138 can operate over the Commercial 0°C - 70°C Temperature Range.

  23. Memory Select

  24. Address Decoding & Chip Select • A15 -> G1#, E -> G, A14 -> A2, A13 -> A1 • R/W# -> A0 • Chip is enabled when A15 = 0 & E is High • Y2 = (A14#) & (A13) & Write (R/W#=0) & E • Y3 = (A14#) & (A13) & Read (R/W#=1) & E • Y4 = (A14) & (A13#) & Write (R/W#=0) & E • Y5 = (A14) & (A13#) & Read (R/W#=1) & E

  25. Write Data Timing Diagram

  26. EEPROM Technology (1)

  27. EEPROM Technology (2) Erasure of Cells is performed by providing a tunnelling voltage to the control gate which causes the charge on the floating gate to be removed. When read, each cell returns a logical ‘1’ value.

  28. EEPROM Technology (3) Programming of Cells is performed by providing a tunnelling voltage to the control gate which causes the charge to be placed on the floating gate. The write process writes the ‘0’s into each cell.

  29. Logic Family - Propagation Delay (H-L)

  30. Logic Family - Propagation Delay (L-H)

  31. Logic Family - Propagation Delay (3)

  32. Bus Design Rules Bus lines have very low line impedances (20 .. 40 Ohms). • Bus lines have to be terminated to prevent line reflections (signal distortion, circuit malfunctions due to undershoots). • Take care of propagation times (25 ns/m). Settling time of signals on TTL-type buses is 2 x tp (no incident wave switching). • Take care of control lines (clock, read, write, etc.). • Provide shielding between control lines and data / address lines.

  33. Bus Design Rules • A multiplexed data and address bus reduces design problems (50% less signal lines and 50% less line drivers). • Driver output current is 100 mA/line. Provide adequate and low inductance GND return path (simultaneous switching)! • Rule of thumb: 25% of all backplane connector pins have to be GND lines! • Use multilayer boards with separate GND and Vcc plane for backplanes.

  34. Acknowledgements • Altium Protel 98, DXP or Altium 6 to create these schematic diagrams • Logic Timing Diagrams are from Texas Instruments (TI) Logic Selection Guide - Digital Design Seminar • National Semiconductor data sheets 74LS138. • http://www.sea.vg/mic/2007/Atmel/Atmega128ManualDoc2467.pdf • Paul Main - sea.net.au, October 2007

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