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Merle Mishel’s. Uncertainty in Illness Theory. Overview.
Merle Mishel’s Uncertainty in Illness Theory
Overview • The following NURS 324 Powerpointpresentation will explore Merle Mishel’snursing theory. Our group consists of four members: Meagan Dyer, Patricia Priest, Sharon Lumbert and Tamara Putney. We selected Merle Mishel because we were not familiar with her theory. We want to expand our knowledge of nursing theorists, and since we all work in some form of critical care, we knew we could apply this theory, in some form, to our everyday practice.
Optimal Health • As nurses, we must recognize that there are many possible states of health. Bringing people to their optimal state of health is the goal. It is imperative to foster adaption and promote, maintain and restore optimum health for our patients.
Body, Mind and Soul • Exploring and harnessing the power of body, mind and soul is imperative to teach one to cope. For when faced with uncertainty in life, weakness and fear becomes all consuming as it attempts to prevail over “living” itself.
Empower • When uncertainty is due to illness, there is a way to help. There is a way to empower the patient to understand the fear, gain clarity and find direction… • As nurses, our goal is to guide the patient to a place of certainty in light of uncertainty. • We must facilitate new life…
Crucial • It is crucial to never assume the only person needing help is the patient… • This uncertainty can exist in any individual that is affected by the illness…
Merle HelaineMishel Mishel has gained recognition for her research in psychosocial responses of the chronically or terminally ill patient. She strives to improve the outcomes and care of patients during times of uncertainty, keeping in mind the overburdened healthcare system and the individualized needs of the patient (Mishel, 2011). . 1961 Boston University, BS Nursing 1966 University of California, MS Nursing 1976 Claremont Graduate School, MA Psychology 1980 Claremont Graduate School, Ph.D. Psychology Her dissertation began as the Perceived Ambiguity in Illness Scale, but was later renamed the Mishel Uncertainty of Illness Scale (MUIS-A) 1991 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing 1994- Awarded Kenan Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing • http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/Mishelbio.html
Theory Influence Mishel had a personal experience with uncertainty through her father, • who suffered with colon cancer (Smith & Liehr, 2008) . Mishel anguished in the fact that “….his body was swollen in some places and emaciated in others” (p.56). “He didn’t understand what was happening to him to cause these diverse physiological responses, so he focused on whatever he could control to provide some degree of predictability for himself”(p.56).
Focus • Merle Mishel’s focus on uncertainty did not begin until she entered doctoral study in psychology. • It was at that point, she focused her dissertation on the development and testing of a measure of uncertainty(Smith &Liehr, 2008).
Uncertainty in Context Mishelis the first nursing theorist to apply uncertainty in the health and illness context (Tomey & Alligood, 2010). When researching uncertainty she drew from previous research in the information-processing models done by Warburton in 1979 and personality research by Budner in 1962 (2010).
Merle Mishel’s Two Part Theory The Theory of Uncertainty in Illness and The Re-conceptualized Theory of Uncertainty in Illness “The theories focus on the individual in the context of illness or a treatable condition, and on the family or parent of an ill individual” (Smith and Liehr, p.56). The Re-conceptualized Theory of Uncertainty in Illness was developed through a “need to rethink the theory for application with the chronically ill. The Re-conceptualized Theory includes ideas of disorganization and reformulation of a new stability to explain how a person with enduring uncertainty emerges with a new view of life” (p.58). This theory is generally applied after the patient is assessed using the original theory, especially in the face of chronic or terminal illness.
Uncertainty Defined • Mishel defines uncertainty as “the inability to determine the meaning of illness-related events, occurring when the decision maker is unable to assign definite value to objects or events, or is unable to predict outcomes accurately” (Mishel, 1981). • This model is very applicable to all aspects of nursing and healthcare, because there is uncertainty in any health care problem or diagnosis.
Four Global Concepts • This model perfectly describes the four global concepts: • Human Being, Environment, Health and Nursing • Human Being: Focuses on the human experiences in coping with illness. This theory is patient and family oriented. Mishel believes that human experiences with uncertainty in illness happen gradually and affects self and interpersonal relationships. • Environment: This theory is primarily used in the hospital setting, but can and has been adjusted to many other environments. • Health: Concerned with the effects of uncertainty and coping mechanisms on illness. The evaluation tools assist patients and families to achieve a new outlook on life. • Nursing: Nurses are in a position to help patients and families to understand uncertainty in illness and learn a new way of life.
Managing Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) Mishel’s theory employs the use of scales designed by Mishel to evaluate the patient and family perceptions of the situation and illness. The results of this assessment are used by the nurse to help the patient and/or family to manage the uncertainty and develop coping mechanisms. This, in turn will produce better decision making and improve quality of life (Mitchell & Courtney, 2004).
Broad Scope Although Mishel originally developed this model to be used with cancer patients, this model has a rather large view and can also be used in other specialties of nursing. Uncertainty in Illness can be found in any aspect of healthcare. People need to be educated about illnesses, surgeries, life-changing events because uncertainty in illness is prevalent. Some Examples of the widespread use of this theory: • Uncertainty in Illness Theory was used when diagnosing children with Cystic Fibrosis and parent reactions. “Uncertainty emerged as the central dimension of parents’ experience related to their infants’ equivocal diagnostics for CF” (Tluczek, 2010). • A study was done on patients receiving ICDs, implantable cardioverter defibrillators) using Merle Mishel’s Uncertainty in Illness scale (Carroll, 2010). • A journal article was published related to the spiritual well being of individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome and used a modified Uncertainty in Illness model (Anema, 2009). • Other illnesses and patient populations this theory has been applied in: Breast cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoma, diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, multiple sclerosis, trauma, head and neck cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS, and many more.
Conclusion In conclusion, the use of this theory allows nurses and caregivers to provide information and support to patients and their loved ones that have uncertainty about the illness. It allows patients to be emotionally healthier and have more strength to fight against an illness. Also, addressing uncertainty using Mishel’s theory, identifies and explains the stressors that manifest from a diagnosis. By addressing uncertainty, clarity is provided and knowledge is gained. The empowerment provided to the patient or family member by the use the Mishel’s theory and assessment tools can create a new view of life and greatly increase quality of living.
For More Information Scholarly Articles • Bailey, D. r., Barroso, J., Muir, A., Sloane, R., Richmond, J., McHutchison, J., & Mishel, M. (2010). Patients with chronic hepatitis C undergoing watchful waiting: exploring trajectories of illness uncertainty and fatigue. Research in Nursing & Health, 33(5), 465-473. doi: 10.1002/nur.20397 • Lien, C., Chen, S., Tsai, P., Chen, K., Hsieh, Y., & Liang, Y. (2010). Effectiveness of nursing instruction in reducing uncertainty, anxiety and self-care in breast cancer women undergoing initial chemotherapy. [Chinese]. Journal of Nursing, 57(6), 51-60. • Mishel, M. (2007). Reconceptualization of the uncertainty in illness theory. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 22(4). 256-262. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.1990.tb00225.x • Ya-Ling Lee, Bih-ShyaGau, Wen-Ming Hsu, Hsiu-Hao Chang. (2009). A model linking uncertainty, post-traumatic stress, and health behaviors in childhood cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36, doi: 10.1188/09.ONF.E20-E30 • Web Links • http://nursing.clayton.edu/eichelberger/nursing.htm • http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/bsumm.html • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2570257/ • http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/Mishelbio.html
Case Study Please read the following case study. Using the information you have learned about this theory, answer the questions at the end of the study. The original theory will be applied, then, as the patient condition progresses you will see how the consequent re-conceptualized theory can be applied (basically, rethinking or reevaluating, using the same tools) to assist the patient in developing further mechanisms of coping or adjustment to a lifetime of uncertainty.
Case Study Continued (Original Theory of Uncertainty in Illness) Mary was diagnosed with Stage II Ovarian cancer. She felt a small mass in her abdomen and presented to her doctor. She was scared and tried to find as much information as possible through journal articles, books, videos. She was flooded with lots of information some of which seemed very outdated. Mary was referred to a gynecologist who had a CT and blood work done which confirmed a large mass and blood levels that revealed an elevated CA of 125, which is a tumor marker for ovarian cancer (the normal range is 0-30 and Mary's was 4147). She visited an oncologist and got a second opinion from a gynecological oncologist and found a treatment plan she was happy with. She began chemotherapy and visited community wellness center. This provided her with a support group for patients and family members and offered lectures from doctors, nurses, dietitians, and offered holistic health approaches. Mary also joined a support group of 12 people that became like family to her. She finished her chemotherapy treatments and had a repeat CT done to find she had four new tumors. She underwent a second round of chemotherapy and another "second look" surgery. This surgery resulted in majority of the biopsies being negative and some still had a few cancer cells. The next step was having radioactive isotope, P-32 injected into her abdomen to kill those cells on contact and another round of chemo.
Case Study Continued (Re-conceptualized Theory Application) It has been one year since Mary's last surgery and six months since her last chemo treatment. She changed career paths going from a lawyer to a substitute teacher. She experienced the loss of some friends that could not cope with the stressors that come with cancers while she gained lifetime friends that gave her much needed support. She also has permanent hearing loss due to the chemotherapy which has proved to be an adjustment. She has accepted the side effects from the cancer treatment. She also visited England, which she had been wanting to do for some time. She also went to Alaska and began to take camping trips to enjoy the beauty in nature. • Please answer the following questions: • If you were a part of a health team who had a patient like Mary, how would you assess her uncertainty? How could you help to lessen this uncertainty? What would be the best way to present information regarding treatment options? • What do you think patients need with diagnosis such as this? • How would you gauge the amount of support that a patient requires to meet their needs?
References Anema, C., Johnson, M., Zeller, J., Fogg, L., & Zetterlund, J. (2009). Spiritual well-being in individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome: relationships with symptom pattern variability, uncertainty, and psychosocial adaptation. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 23(1), 8-22. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Carroll, S., & Arthur, H. (2010). A comparative study of uncertainty, optimism and anxiety in patients receiving their first implantable defibrillator for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(7), 836-845. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.12.005 Mishel, M. (1981). The measurement of uncertainty in illness. Nursing Research, 30, 258-263. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Mishel, M. (2011). Managing uncertainty in cancer. Retrieved from http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/Mishelbio.html Mitchell, M. L., Courtney, M. D. (2004). Reducing family members’ anxiety and uncertainty in illness around transfer from intensive care: an intervention study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 20(4):pp. 223-231. Retrieved from http://eprints.qut.edu.au/1363/1/1363a.pdf Smith, M.J., & Liehr, P. R. (2008). Middle range theory for nursing (2nd ed.) (pp. 56-58). New York: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/18432523/Middle-Range-Theory-for-Nursing-Second-Edition Tluczek, A., Chevalier McKechnie, A., & Lynam, P. (2010). When the cystic fibrosis label does not fit: a modified uncertainty theory. Qualitative Health Research, 20(2), 209-223. doi:10.1177/1049732309356285 Tomey, M.A. & Alligood, M.R. (2005). Nursing theorists and their work (7th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
Additional Information http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/index.html http://nursing.unc.edu/muic/instruments.html http://nursing.unc.edu/directories/search.php?x=76 http://www.nurses.info/nursing_theory_midrange_theories_merle_mishel.html http://www.nursing.arizona.edu/scripts/ShowNursingVideoAllv1.asp?qtype=date http://www.journalofnursingstudies.com/article/S0020-7489%2810%2900175-6/abstract Thank You