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The Colonies Become New Nations: Africa

The Colonies Become New Nations: Africa. Essential Questions: How did former European colonies gain independence, and what challenges did they face after independence? - What challenges did new African nations face ? - How has political self-determination changed life in Africa?.

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The Colonies Become New Nations: Africa

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  1. The Colonies Become New Nations: Africa Essential Questions: How did former European colonies gain independence, and what challenges did they face after independence? - What challenges did new African nations face? - How has political self-determination changed life in Africa?

  2. How did former European colonies gain independence, and what challenges did they face after independence?

  3. Common Themes In New Nations • Borders drawn by European colonial powers left nations with diverse religions and ethnic groups. • Ethnic and religious diversity has brought conflict. • Military coups, one-party systems, and dictatorships kept some countries from achieving democracy.

  4. Common Themes In New Nations (cont.) • Citizens and foreign lenders have forced former dictatorships to hold elections and transition to democracy. • Natural resources such as oil have been a source of wealth for some nations but have fueled conflicts in others. • During the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union competed for influence, particularly in regions with natural resources such as oil, or locations near strategic waterways.

  5. These are just some of Africa’s major languages

  6. Each splash of color is a separate ethnic group with their own languages and traditions…

  7. Why do you think there are so many conflicts in these areas?

  8. These are the same conflicts when shown on modern national boundaries

  9. Should this be how Africa looks?...

  10. Growing Unrest • Negritude movement – pre-World War II celebration of African culture • War effort emboldens Africans; Europeans question colonial policy too • Colonies take different paths to freedom; some peaceful, some violent • Many African colonies become new nations in years after World War II • Most new African nations struggle to become stable and strong

  11. The First Independent Nation • British colony, Gold Coast, is first to gain independence in 1957 • Kwame Nkrumah – leader ousts Britain from Gold Coast • Nkrumah serves as first president, attempts to modernize country • His policies hurt; he is eventually ousted from power • Army begins long rule in 1966; first free elections held in 2000

  12. Kwame Nkrumah Speaks!

  13. Kenya Claims Independence • Jomo Kenyatta – leader of Kenyan independence movement • Mau Mau – secret society of Kenyans who fight against British rule • Kenya wins independence in 1963; Kenyatta becomes president • Daniel arapMoi follows Kenyatta, ruling harshly, corruptly • Moi resigns in 2002; new party gains power through free elections

  14. Mau Mau field marshalls Musa Mwariama & DedanKimathi Mau Mau in Kenya

  15. Jomo Kenyatta

  16. Daniel arapMoi ArapMoi celebrates NRM's 24 year rule

  17. Algeria Struggles With Independence • Algeria wins independence from France in 1962 after armed struggle • Ahmed Ben Bella – first leader of Algeria, overthrown in 1965 • Nation faces many problems; causes dissatisfaction among citizens • Spurs rise of Islamic fundamentalists; group wins election in 1991 • Government does not cede power, prompts continual civil war

  18. Freedom And Turmoil For Congo • Congo wins independence from Belgium in 1960 • Army leader Mobutu SeseSeko rules from 1965 to 1997 • Rule is repressive and corrupt; overthrown by rebel forces • Rebel leader takes control; rival groups continue to fight for power • In 2006, Joseph Kabila elected president under a new constitution Mobutu's Rise and Fall to Touch It

  19. War Tears At Angola • Angolans fight for and win independence from Portugal in 1975 • Two rival groups battle for power; civil war finally ends in 2002

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