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Explore the challenges faced by righteous individuals and the steps taken to destroy a society in the Book of Mormon. Discover how to remain righteous amidst increasing wickedness and the consequences of straying from the ways of the Lord.
“How Could Ye Have Departed from the Ways of the Lord?” Mormon 1-6 Moroni 9
There could not be a happier people… 3 Nephi 22- 4 Nephi
4 Nephi 1:20-46 • What challenges do you think a righteous person would have faced ? • What might a person have done to remain righteous when the rest of their society took that step downward?
Mormon 6:17-22 How did this happen? How did Mormon and Moroni survive spiritually in an environment of increasing wickedness?
4 Nephi 1:16,44-45 • “Sin, like a journey, begins with the first step” • Spencer W. Kimball(The Miracle of Forgiveness [1969], 214).
Steps to Destroy Zion Society The BoM Made Easier, David Ridges, 233-234
Steps to Destroy Zion Society The BoM Made Easier, David Ridges, 233-234
Steps to Destroy Zion Society The BoM Made Easier, David Ridges, 233-234
Mormon 1:13-18What losses did the Nephites suffer because of their hard hearts and wickedness? Take away beloved disciples (3 Nephite) Miracles and healings cease No gifts from the Lord Holy Ghost did not come upon any Mormon forbidden to preach The land was cursed, treasures became slippery Battles Their lives
Mormon 2:18-19 • What gave Mormon hope and peace even when he viewed the wickedness of his people? • How can we maintain hope and peace amid the wickedness of the world today?
4 Nephi 1:34; Mormon 9:5How to respond? • …the testimony of the gospel is an anchor to the soul in the midst of confusion and strife. Knowledge of God and his laws means stability, means contentment, means peace, and with that a heart full of love reaching out to our fellow men, offering the same blessings, the same privileges. Love will beget tolerance and kindness. • …all members (of the Church) are striving to establish the kingdom of God. Let us hold to that fact as the anchor of our soul and then breathe forth charity and love to those who may not see just as we do. • David O McKay, CR Oct 1960, 7
4 Nephi 1:34Mormon 9:5How to respond? • One of mortality’s great tests comes when our beliefs are questioned or criticized. In such moments, we may want to respond aggressively – to “put up our dukes.” But these are important opportunities to step back, pray, and follow the Savior’s example. Remember that Jesus himself was despised and rejected by the world. • Robert D Hales, CR Oct 2008
4 Nephi 1:34No script or formula for Christlike response to criticism
Mormon 1:1-5 • And now I, Mormon, make a record of the things which I have both seen and heard, and call it the Book of Mormon. • And about the time that Ammaron hid up the records unto the Lord, he came unto me, (I being about ten years of age . . . ) and Ammaron said unto me: I perceive that thou art a sober child, and art quick to observe; • Therefore, when ye are about twenty and four years old I would that ye should remember the things that ye have observed concerning this people. . . . • And behold, ye shall . . . engrave on the plates of Nephi all the things that ye have observed concerning this people. • And I, Mormon, . . . remembered the things which Ammaron commanded me. [Mormon 1:1–5; emphasis added]
“Quick to Observe” • “Your future success and happiness will in large measure be determined by this spiritual capacity” -David A. Bednar, BYU Devotional, 10 May 2005
Two Definitions of Observe • “to look” or “to see” or “to notice”
What is the difference between observing, glancing, looking, and seeing?
Two definitions of Observe • “to obey” or “to keep
“Thus when we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey. Both of these fundamental elements—looking and obeying—are essential to being quick to observe. And the prophet Mormon is an impressive example of this gift in action.” -David A. Bednar, BYU Devotional, 10 May 2005
Why? • “being quick to observe is an antecedent to and is linked with the spiritual gift of discernment. And for you and for me, discernment is a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark.” • – David A. Bednar, BYU Devotional, 10 May 2005
Antecedents and Links • Faith precedes the miracle • Baptism by water comes before baptism by fire • Gospel milk comes before gospel meat • Clean hands lead to a pure heart • Aaronic Priesthood before the Melchizedek Priesthood
Why? • “being quick to observe is an antecedent to and is linked with the spiritual gift of discernment. And for you and for me, discernment is a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark.”
Now, the gift of discerning of spirits not only gives men and women who have itthe power to discern the spirit with which others may be possessed or influenced, but it gives them the power to discern the spirit which influences themselves. They are able to detect a false spirit and also to know when the Spirit of God reigns within them. In private life this gift is of great importance to the Latter-day Saints. Possessing and exercising this gift they will not allow any evil influence to enter into their hearts or to prompt them in their thoughts, their words or their acts. They will repel it; and if perchance such a spirit should get possession of them, as soon as they witness its effects they will expel it or, in other words, refuse to be led or prompted by it. • [Gospel Truth: Discourses and Writings of President George Q. Cannon, comp. Jerreld L. Newquist (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1974), 1:198–99]
Things the gift of discernmentcan do for us: • 1) helps us detect hidden error and evil in others and in ourselves • 2) it helps us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in others and in us.
“If all you know is what you see with your natural eyes and hear with your natural ears, then you will not know very much.” • Boyd K. Packer
Quick to Observe • David A Bednar, BYU Devotional, 10 May 2005 Antecedent to and linked with Gift of Discernment a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark.
Sober • One who is sober is thoughtful, calm, temperate and moderate.
Mormon 3:9; 5:10 • Recognize our source of strength
Mormon 3:12,16; 6:17-19,22 • Maintain your integrity • Do not depart from the Lord • Great nations do not fall because of external aggression; they first erode and decay inwardly, so that, like rotten fruit, they fall of themselves. • Ezra Taft Benson, This nation Shall Endure, 84
Mormon 5:17-18 “As a vessel is tossed about upon the waves, without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer her…” What gives us sail and anchor?
Mormon 5:2,6; Moroni 9:6 • Labor diligently, don’t cease to labor
Why continue to labor diligently? • One day a Tzadik came to Sodom; He knew what Sodom was, so he came to save it from sin, from destruction. He preached to the people. "Please do not be murderers, do not be thieves. Do not be silent and do not be indifferent." He went on preaching day after day. But no one listened. He was not discouraged. He went on preaching for years. • Finally someone asked him, "Rabbi, why do you do that? Don't you see it is no use?" • He said, "I know it is of no use, but I must. And I will tell you why: in the beginning I thought I had to protest and to shout in order to change them. I have given up this hope. Now I know I must shout so that they should not change me." • Elie Wiesel
What helped Mormon survive amid rising wickedness? • No vengence • Quick to observe • Sober • Maintain integrity, utterly decline to give in • Recognized the source of his strength • Wrote and studied scriptures • Labored diligently • Had the Savior and His gospel as sail and anchor