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Competency Area G: On-the- Job Training of Paraprofessionals. On-the-Job Training Competencies:. Provides opportunities for on-the-job training for paraprofessional skill development.
On-the-JobTrainingCompetencies: • Provides opportunities for on-the-job training for paraprofessional skill development. • Educates paraprofessionals of their legal rights and responsibilities regarding their student interaction, services, and instructional programming. • Advocates for school and district to provide inservice training opportunities that are directly related to the daily work of paraprofessionals. • Advocates for school and district to offer paraprofessionals a basic training in current issues and strategies related to the teaching of students with disabilities.
Teacher’s Role - To provide on-the-job training to paraprofessionals regarding what they do with students everyday and to advocate for additional training at school and district level.
Training - Joyce & Showers (1980) as in Pickett & Gerlach (2003) • Theory - skills, strategy or concept clearly described • Demonstration - shows the skill or strategy in a realistic situation • Practice - paraprofessional tries out the skill or applies the practice in a controlled setting • Feedback - feedback is provided • Coaching - occurs on-the-job while the paraprofessional works with students
Coaching - • French (2003) says that coaching is most important of all training practices because it allows for fine tuning of newly acquired skills until they become solidly cemented into the paraprofessional’s repertoire.
Content Areas in Which Paraprofessionals Have Had Training (2000, 2003)Wallace, Stahl, & Johnson (2003)
Content Areas in Which Paraprofessionals Have Had TrainingWallace, Stahl, & Johnson (2003)
A Process Using MN Tools • Paraprofessional and/or his/her supervisor complete the Paraprofessional Skills Inventory to identify existing knowledge and skills as well as gaps. • Paraprofessional should begin list of prior training and experiences that align with competencies. • Paraprofessional begins preparation of his/her Portfolio, which provides an avenue to show evidence of knowledge and skills aligned with the competencies. • District offers and/or paraprofessional pursues additional training (Para elink, college courses, district workshops, etc.) needed as identified through the skills inventory.
Paraprofessional Skills Inventory Core CompetenciesParaprofessional Instructions -
What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a systematic, organized collection of evidence used by the paraprofessional and those directing the work of paraprofessionals to monitor the growth of the paraprofessional’s knowledge and skills in specific competency areas.
What is the purpose of the paraprofessional portfolio? Directed to paraprofessionals -- The purpose of this portfolio is to illustrate who you are now and who you want to be as a paraprofessional. This portfolio should be a reflection of your current and emerging self as a paraprofessional. Each section of this portfolio should contain entries (transcripts, certificate of participation) that illustrate evidence of your accomplishments in designated competency areas. A documentation sheet that explains how the entry/activity applies to your work as a paraprofessional should accompany each entry.
How can paraprofessionals meet the competencies thru the portfolio? • College Course (transcript and syllabus) • Para eLink (documentation) • Conference/Workshop (certificate of participation) • Demonstration/Skilled Competencies only (observation/documentation) • Transferable Work Experiences (examples of work)
Para eLink offers training in each of the nine core competency areas for paraprofessionals established by the Minnesota Paraprofessional Consortium.
Other training avenues - • District workshops • Courses offered through institutions of higher education • Conferences (knowledge level information; rarely skill level) • Other -
Training Plan and Documentation • It is important to have a plan for addressing training needs AND to ensure it is documented. This documentation is important for the paraprofessional and the district.
Support for ongoing training… Effective organizations include professional development in their personnel practices because it ensures the presence of requisite skills in the workforce, helps provide equal opportunities for persons with diverse backgrounds, and aids in both recruitment and retention of competent personnel. - Crist, P. (1996)