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Exercise!. 5 minutesIntroduce yourself to neighbourThink together about a case familiar to you involving possible psychosis. Layout of session. Brief overview of service15 minute case scenario discussion in groupsDiscussion of issues raised by casesHandout checklist for psychosisTime for burni
1. Early Intervention in psychosis What you really need to know!
Brigitta Bende, Julie Clitheroe, Dave Hedges, Kate Wood
Mersey Care NHS Trust
2. Exercise! 5 minutes
Introduce yourself to neighbour
Think together about a case familiar to you involving possible psychosis
3. Layout of session Brief overview of service
15 minute case scenario discussion in groups
Discussion of issues raised by cases
Handout checklist for psychosis
Time for burning questions
4. Why? The quicker you treat the better the outcome – evidence based
Stronger emphasis on recovery and psychosocial techniques
Policy Implementation Guide (politics!)
Reduced burden on economy in long term for psychosis (controversial)
5. What and where? 3 teams covering Liverpool and Sefton
Based in Wavertree, Aintree and Southport
For example, South team:
Consultant Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Team Leader, Mental Health Nurses, STaR workers, Pharmacist, PT spR, Staff grade doctor, Secretary
6. Who? Referral Criteria:
Age 14 to 35
First presentation of psychosis
Or within first 3 years of treatment
Also see people at high risk of psychosis (prodromal symptoms)
7. How?
8. What do we actually do? Comprehensive holistic assessment
involving carers:
Use of formal assessment tools
Mental state
Social network
Occupational needs
Carers’ needs
Psychological formulation – early experience relating to what’s happening now
Risk to self, others, vulnerability and of neglect
9. What do we actually do? cont Regular medical review including medication needs
Psychosocial interventions
Family work, safeguarding children
Relapse prevention
Use of STaR workers for specific time-limited pieces of work
Strong emphasis on recovery
10. Case scenarios In groups of 6, discuss the case and try to answer the questions. Presenters will be available to facilitate
15 minutes only!
Nominate a person to summarise the case in a few sentences for your colleagues
11. Case Scenario – Janet
At what points were there opportunities to refer to Early Intervention?
What would make you reluctant to refer to Early Intervention?
12. Case Scenario – Janet 1. At what points were there opportunities to refer to Early Intervention?
?direct from school tutor via mental health link worker, from GP, from AED Crisis team
2. What would make you reluctant to refer to Early Intervention?
Stigmatisation, patient choice, insurance, employment
13. Case Scenario – Ryan What signs and symptoms would lead you to suspect early stage psychosis? What areas need to be assessed?
What risk factors can you identify here and what would be an appropriate management plan?
14. Case Scenario – Ryan
1.What signs and symptoms would lead you to suspect early stage psychosis? What areas need to be assessed?
Biological, social, psychological
Predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating
What risk factors can you identify here and what would be an appropriate management plan?
Suicide, stalking, assault, weapons, vulnerability
15. Case Scenario – Anthony What opportunities can you identify where Anthony could have been referred to EIS earlier?
What factors would you consider before using the Mental Health Act with younger people presenting with psychosis?
16. Case Scenario – Anthony 1. What opportunities can you identify where Anthony could have been referred to EIS earlier?
Parents, GP, college tutors (X2), Housing officer
2. What factors would you consider before using the Mental Health Act with younger people presenting with psychosis?
Health, risk to self and others, vulnerability
17. Case Scenario – Bob What factors increased the likelihood of Bob developing a psychotic illness?
18. Case Scenario – Bob What factors increased the likelihood of Bob developing a psychotic illness?
Biological, social, psychological
Predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating
19. The future? Spreading the word about early detection and intervention:
Primary care- Gps, school nurses, counsellors
Secondary Schools - mentors
Mental health Link workers within education
Connexions – careers advise
YPAS, The Door, Engage (voluntary sector)
Criminal Justice System
Drug and alcohol services
20. Psychosis checklist
21. Psychosis checklist If score 20 or more, refer
If any * scored, refer even if less than 20
Take away and use it
If in doubt, ring us and/or refer
There are now 50 EI services across the country
Seek out your local team
Early detection and treatment means better outcomes
22. Thank you for listening
Any questions??