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Life Cycle Assessment IV. INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ISO 14000. Contents. Global environmental problems Sustainable development Extended Produces Responsibility (EPR) Environmental management (EM) Environmental standardisation International standards
Contents • Global environmental problems • Sustainable development • Extended Produces Responsibility (EPR) • Environmental management (EM) • Environmental standardisation • International standards • ISO 14000 series • Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) • Environmental Labelling (EL) • Standardisation of LCA • Design for Environment (DfE) • Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Environmental Problems Local, Regional Global
Global Environmental Problems • Green house effect/climate change • Ozone layer depletion • Acidification • Contamination of drinking water • Pollution of oceans and coastal waters • Deforestation • Desertification • Loss of species (flora & fauna) • Managing hazardous wastes (U.N. identified “top ten” environmental issues in 1989)
PAST ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENCES • Minamata Disease - Japan (1968) • Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident - USA (1979) • Bhopal chemical Accident - India (1984) • Chernobyl nuclear disaster - Ukraine (1986) • Exxon Valdez tanker accident - USA (1989)
Minamata Bay, Japan • 1953- outbreak of polio-like disease among coastal fishing villages • 1953 startup of acetaldehyde production at a coastal factory using mercuric oxide as a catalyst • Stray cats went crazy after eating fish • 1968-mercury diagnosed as cause of 2000 disease victims
Polluting with HG Discharge in Minamata Bay
Minamata disease-infants • Mental retardation in infants • Abnormal reflexes, ataxia, involuntary movements • Cerebral palsy • Developmental delays—some didn’t walk until age 7
Minamata disease in adults • Paresthesia-numbness “pins and needles” • Cerebellar ataxia, tremors, convulsions • Constriction of visual fields, loss of smell • Loss of hearing, dizziness, insomnia • Dysarthria -speech disorder. Speech is slow, weak, imprecise or uncoordinated. • Cognitive impairments, such as inattention, excitement, hallucinosis, loss of intelligence
Three Mile Island • Three Mile Island took place on March 28, 1979, in Pennsylvania when equipment malfunctions, design related problems and worker errors, led to a partial meltdown of the TMI-2 reactor core but only a very small amount of off-site radioactivity releases took place.
Chernobyl took place on April 26, 1986, in the former Soviet Union. It was the result of a flawed reactor design trained and inadequate personnel. • The technicians allowed the power in the fourth reactor to fall to low levels as part of a controlled experiment which went wrong. As a result, the reactor overheated and caused a meltdown of the core. • The steam explosion and fire released about five percent of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere and downwind into the surrounding area. The clouds of deadly radioactive material stayed in the atmosphere for over 10 days.
Consequences • The people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 100 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb, killing thirty people immediately. • The clouds of radioactive material spread globally and 70% of the radiation is estimated to have fallen on Belarus. Ten years later babies are still being born with no arms, no eyes, or only stumps for limbs. • The accident has victimized over 15 million people in some way and cost over 60 billion dollars in health care. More than 600,000 people involved with the cleanup are now dead or sick.
An estimated 20 million Soviets were exposed to radioactivity, resulting in as many as 5,000 deaths. The accident may yet cause up to 300,000 deaths, ultimately claiming more victims than did WWII. • In the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia there was twice the normal rate of birth defects among those living in the vicinity of the plant. Thyroid glands of more than 150,000 people were "seriously affected" by doses of radioactive iodine. 800,000 children are at risk of contracting leukemia. Even the U.S. felt the effects as demonstrated by a small excess mortality in May 1986.
Environmental Effects • The radioactive fallout was detected all over the world, from Finland to South Africa. Two million acres of land in Belarus and Ukraine, including 20% of Belarus’ farmland, could not be exploited and one-fifth (1/5) of the republic of Belarus' more than 10 million people have to be moved from areas contaminated by radiation, including 27 cities and more than 2,600 villages. • $26 billion was allotted for the resettlement of the 200,000 people still living in the irradiated areas and it may end up costing $400 billion. • It will take up to 200 years before the effects of Chernobyl are no longer felt in the affected areas.
Radioactive contamination of Europe including Chernobyl fallout.
Bhopal Disaster December 3, 1984 Slide #19
Bhopal Disaster • On December 3, 1984, a chemical accident occurred at Bhopal, India. • Resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 people and injuries to tens of thousands. • Disaster had a profound effect on Canada’s emergency planning. • After this event, the federal Department of Environment initiated a Bhopal Aftermath Review Project.
Bhopal Aftermath Review Project • Department of the Environment led an industry and government steering committee to examine the potential for Bhopal-type accidents in Canada. • Bhopal Aftermath Review: An Assessment of the Canadian Situation was released in March 1986 and had 21 recommendations. • Review concluded that “The possibility of a major industrial accident does exist in Canada”
Exxon Valdez • On the 24th of March 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground in the Prince William Sound off Alaska, spilling more than 11 millions gallons of crude oil, affecting more than 1000 miles of shoreline. • A major oil spill can be very expensive • Exxon spent some 2 billion US dollars cleaning up the spill, and a further 1 billion to settle civil and criminal charges related to the case. • The ecological damage is impossible measured by money. For example, only 25% of the migratory salmon population returned to the area the following season, thousands of otters were poisoned, and tens of thousands of birds died.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT • “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” -United Nations World Commission onEnvironment and Development (UNWCED) • “Sustainability means living on nature’s income rather than its capital” -Murray Gell-Mann 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics
“Golden Rule for restorative economy” 1. Leave the world better than you find it 2. Take no more than you need 3. Try not to harm the environment 4. Make amends (hüvitised) if you do -Paul Hawken (The Ecology of Commerce)
Change Management Knowledge and Information Systems Strategy Formulation FACTORS REQUIRED TO MAKESUSTAINABILITY ACCESSIBLE
Stage 1 Controlling waste and releases Making existing processes and products more efficient Stage 2 Innovate and develop product or service that are far more eco efficient Stage 3 Evolution of Environmental Management Process
WHY ADOPT POLLUTION PREVENTION STRATEGIES? • Environmental problems - population, industrialization, consumption - wastes, pollutants, emissions - dead rivers, air quality, waste dumps, acid rain, ozone layer • Environmental cost - expensive treatment - investment, maintenance, chemicals - training of operator
Global Environmental Carrying Capacity has its limit Natural resources agricultural productivity self purification capacity all have limits Irrational resource consumption irresponsible environmental pollution from product life cycle : Raw material acquisition, manufacturing, use, disposal
Reason : • Industrial structure • Consumption pattern • Not environmentally friendly • Concern about our future : Sustainable society may not be achievable Environmental Loads occurring throughout a product life cycle Main cause of today’s environmental problem
The impact on the environment and business Future society Non material economy Service oriented economy Wealth w/o virgin resource consumption Recycle and reuse Resource consumption environmental emissions Threatened by
Environmental laws and regulations Command and control End-of pipe treatment Burdens to most corporations No improvement in global environmental problems
Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR) The cost associated with the waste product’s collection, treatment, disposal should be borne by the manufacturer Responsibility shifts from government and local authorities to the manufacturers
Example of EPR policy • Packaging and packaging waste order • Germany 1992 • Packaging covenant • the Netherlands, 1991 • Voluntary agreement on the cost bearing • of the waste automobiles disposal • German automakers, 1998
Environmental Management(EM) In response to command and control First in the Netherlands in early 1980s Setting Environmental policy Identifying significant environmental aspects of a corporation
Consider suppliers and consumers Prepare environmental and operational programs Measure and monitor the environmental performance Audit the environmental performance Review the overall environmental management
Acceptable to the government because EM considers entire life cycle of a product It strives for pollution prevention rather than end-of-pipe treatment Government relax some command and control regulations
What are standards? • Standards are documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. (egs. credit cards, phone cards etc.)
The need for international standardization • Existence of non-harmonized standards for similar technologies in different countries or regions can contribute to so-called “technical barriers to trade”. • The need to agree on world standards to help rationalize the international trading process. • The origin of the establishment of ISO.
What is ISO ? • The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. • ISO members are the national standards bodies of 111 countries. • Founded in 1946, ISO’s objective is to develop manufacturing, trade and communication standards. • All standards developed by ISO are voluntary, however, countries often adopt ISO standards and make them mandatory.
Purpose Of An EMS • Identify regulatory requirements • Identify and control effects • Establish a policy, objectives and targets • Monitor performance • Manage risks and opportunities
ISO 14000 - AN INTRODUCTION 1. Is a series of environment management standards 2. Provide structure and tool for managing the environmental aspects/impacts of the organization’s activities 3. Include basic environmental management systems, auditing, labelling, performance evaluation, life cycling assessment and product standards • Descriptive rather than prescriptive • Preventive rather than corrective • Voluntary • Framework for self-regulatory
Why the need for EMS ISO 14000 Standards • The purpose of the ISO international standards is to allow organizations to focus environmental efforts against an internationally accepted criteria. • A single standard will ensure that there are no conflicts between regional interpretations of good environmental practice. • The environmental management system can be adopted to include the organization’s products, services, activities, operations, facilities,transportation, etc.
History of Development ISO 14000 series • Emerged primarily as a result of the Uruguay round of the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)negotiations and the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. • Generated a commitment to protection of the environment across the world. • Other environmental standard- • the British Standards Institution BS 7750. • Canadian Standards Association environmental management, auditing and eco-labeling. • European Union eco-management and audit regulations.
ISO 14000 series Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) United Nations Committee for Sustainable Development Requests the standardization of the Environmental Management Fields to ISO in April 1991
Strategic Advisory Group on Environment (SAGE) Evaluates the Necessity in October 1991 Technical Committee(TC) 207 in June 1993 Standardization of the environmental management systems : ISO 14000 series
ISO/TC 207 Subcommittees: • SC1: Environmental Management • SC2: Environmental Auditing • SC3: Environmental Labelling • SC4: Environmental Performance Evaluation • SC5: Life Cycle Analysis • SC6: Terms and Definitions • WG1: Environmental Aspects in Product Standards
EMS Improve the organization’s environmental performance continuously Benefits: Reduced cost in pollution prevention activities Compliance with regulatory requirements Better organization’s image Potential technical barriers to trade
Environmental Auditing Life Cycle Analysis Environmental Labelling ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Environmental Management System Environmental Performance Evaluation Environmental Management