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Funded by the European Commission Contract n° ERAC-CT-2003-003219

S ustainable ma N agement of s O il and ground W ater under the pressure of soil pollution and soil conta M in A tio N. ENACT : Extending the Monitored Natural Attenuation Toolbox for Chlorinated Solvents. Project partners.

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Funded by the European Commission Contract n° ERAC-CT-2003-003219

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  1. Sustainable maNagement of sOil and groundWater under the pressure of soil pollution and soil contaMinAtioN ENACT: Extending the Monitored Natural Attenuation Toolbox for Chlorinated Solvents Project partners ENACT is a research project trans-nationally funded under the SNOWMAN umbrella by Flan-ders (Belgium), Germany and the Netherlands. Project duration: 12 months Project start: 27.11.2007 • The project partners are: • Tauw bv, Deventer/Netherlands • Institute WAR der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt/Germany • VITO, Mol/Belgium • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam/Netherlands • TNO Built environment and Geosciences, Utrecht/Netherlands • Helmholtz Center Munich: German Research Centre for Environmental Health, Neuherburg/Germany Aims and objectives Some natural attenuation (NA) processes are well-known and can be demonstrated rather easily. For other processes that can potentially play an important role, it is more difficult to find evidence. Traditional methods are not suited for demonstra-ting these processes and their significance in the sub-surface is still unknown. The project investigates the use of a new analytical technique called “compound specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA)” to study the relevance of the abovementioned NA processes. The properties of single atoms in the contaminant molecules can be studied with CSIA. Chlorinated solvents consist of carbon and chlorine. By looking into both types of atoms, it is possible to identify and quantify different NA processes. CSIA for carbon is already applicable for field application, but CSIA for chlorine has been developed very recently and requires optimization. The objective of the project is to optimize the use of CSIA for chlorine and to demonstrate the use of combined carbon and chlorine isotope analysis as a tool for demonstrating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents. Research activities • Methodoptimization for stable chlorine isotope • analysis - to make it suitable for application on • samples from contaminated groundwater. • Execution of a laboratory study, in which the rela-tion between the targeted degradation processes and the isotope analysis results will be established. • Extendinganexisting computer model suitable for • interpreting carbon isotope data to make it applicable to chlorine isotopes. • Method application at three field sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents. • Additionally, application of more conventional • methods to obtain a complete picture on the natural processes. • The resultsof ENACT will help to understand the • complex natural processes that determine the fate of this class of harmful groundwater contaminants. ENACT contact Coordinator: Frank Volkering … Phone: +31 57 06 99 795 E-Mail: frank.volkering@tauw.nl Funded by the European Commission Contract n° ERAC-CT-2003-003219 Contact: SNOWMAN Secretariat, Mr. Arnd Wieland, c/o Umweltbundesamt Dessau, P.O. Box 1406, D-06813 Dessau secretariat@snowman-era.net

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