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Important Features Of The Victorian Age. : Scientific & Technology and Engineering.
:Scientific & Technology and Engineering The period is marked by many great scientists and thinkers and their legendary inventions. Though the seeds of the great Industrial Revolution were already sown earlier, it was during this period that it gained ultimate momentum. :**The revolution led to 1- The expansion of the railways to wider areas thus connecting even the remotest areas to cities. 2-engineering fields to a great leap forward.. The progress in science also resulted in significant development in medicine during the heydays of the Victorian era. Several new, specialized hospitals were established. These hospitals began to employ advanced surgical treatments due to pioneering breakthroughs in anesthetics and antiseptics.
:Politics and Ideology Politics was very important to people of the Victorian Age. As in science and technology, the Victorians also created a host of important innovations and changes in the field of ideology, politics and society. New ideas like democracy, liberalism, socialism, labour unions, Marxism, feminism and other modern movements that were to change the whole world in future, took form during this period. The Victorians were liberal in their hearts and wanted to spread their ideas throughout the British Empire. The era is famous for great explorations and expansion of the British Empire in large areas of Asia and Africa.
Society, Religion and Institutions: English society was divided into three distinct classes prior to the Industrial Revolution-the Church and Aristocracy, Middle Class and the Poor Working Class. **The Clergy and Aristocrats were had a great power and all the wealth.**The middle class consisted of factory owners, lawyers, engineers, merchants, traders and other professionals**The lower class consisted of the working people in both urban and rural areas.
:religion Victorian England was deeply religious. People were frequent Church goers and read the Bible regularly. But at the later stages of QueenVictoria's reign, doubts were raised against institutional Christianity or organized religion . Many people started to question the role of the Church and the authority . They opined that the Clergy should concentrate on religion only.
Society : The Industrial Revolution brought about change into the structure of the British society. Due to the spread of the railway network into remote areas, more and more people migrated into cities. This new phenomenon along with the emergence of new ideologies like liberalism and socialism created hostility between the upper class and the lower class. The middle class and lower class started to fight for their legal rights.
Education, Literature: Education during the Victorian era was not equal- between the sexes and between the classes. While children from Aristocratic families enjoyed all the benefits of going to famous educational institutions, the lower class had to be content with low quality education. Female education was almost absent. When Victoria became queen, English literature seemed to have entered upon a period of lean years with the death of Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Scott. In the Victorian age the literati consisting of Barret, Browning, Ruskin, Disraeli and Dickens.
Victorian Culture and Architecture: • The period saw GThe apparent change that took place during the reign of Victoria bonded together modernity and cultural continuity and led to the Battle of the Styles between Gothic and Classical ideas. This had been reflected in Charles Dickens' famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities". othic revival, Neoclassicism, Renaissance revival, Neo-Greek and Folk style houses in the field of architecture. The invention of photography greatly influenced in the works of artists and changed their outlooks.