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IYA2009 was so plenty of emotions...

Brazil is making large efforts in education, especially in hard sciences like astronomy. With increasing access to telescopes and strategic investments, Brazil aims to become a leading country in scientific research and education. The IYA2009 played a vital role in promoting astronomy and engaging millions of people.

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IYA2009 was so plenty of emotions...

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  1. IYA2009 was so plenty of emotions...

  2. so diverse...

  3. so rich....

  4. so big...

  5. that we feel small...

  6. unable to report...

  7. but still part of it...

  8. and vital palyers...

  9. In 2009, millions of persons...

  10. changed their perspective...

  11. about our place in the Universe.

  12. Brazil - framework - A developing country; need large efforts in education; specially hard sciences - Governmental priority last 10 years => large increase # PhDs scientific papers - Brazil can be a rich country in 10 years (huge oil reserves) - Astronomy: stead increase (11%/yr) in 35 years. 1,5% world PhDs - 2% papers - Increasing access in first class telescopes (Gemini, SOAR, ELTs?) - Astronomy => strategic to boost teaching on sciences and fertile for investments Funding to IYA2009 -3.5 kU$ S&T Ministry -1 kU$ Education Ministry

  13. 1 12 3 1 3 13 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 8 2 4 1 22 6 5 83 19 15 8 20 • Current Structure • of the IYA2009-Br • 11 National coordinators • 181 active Local Nodes: • +70 Local Nodes not submitting the final report

  14. Global Numbers: events free to the public • # Events: 6 000 • Attendance: 2 197 156 people • People working in the Local Nodes: 1 872 • Website: 593 318 visits

  15. 18 14 49 99 Public 198 330 230 174 1 207 839 563 883 IYA2009-Br demography Education & Research Institutes Amateur astronomer clubs Planetariums Science centers & museums Local Nodes

  16. Brazilian Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad (OBA) • Major IYA 2009 educational event in Brazil. • Held on May, 2009. A total of 858 157 students participated in all states of Brazil. • 10 303 schools spread all over the country, with 74 555 collaborators (teachers).

  17. EXHIBITIONS • “Cosmic Landscapes (FETTU): 652 places; 565 947 visitors (continuing). • 250 large format panels “The Evolving Universe” (detail below) plus 140 000 leaflets explaining the contents.

  18. IAU XXVII GA Assembly in Rio: August 3-14 • Associated events to the public: 20 000 visitors • 2 500 sceintists • 31 Science meetings – brazilian astronomers in 19 SOCs • The Minister of S&T announced: • 2X increase of Brazilian share in Gemini 8-m Telescopes • - Starting negotiations with ESO ELT telescope

  19. INTERNATIONAL AWARD WINNERS • 100 HOURS OF ASTRONOMY • 1-CEAAL (Centro de Estudos Astronômicos de Alagoas): the largest number of events registered by a single group • GALILEAN NIGHTS • 1-CEAAL: the largest number of events (29) registered by a single group • 2-CASB (Clube de Astronomia de Brasilia): highest attendance (16 500 persons) at a single registered event • 3-CEAAL: Community Outreach – largest number of cities (5) visited by a single group

  20. ONGOING PROGRAMS XIII OBA – Brazilian Olympiad of Astron. & Astronautic Book:The Wonders of the Universe (20 000 volumes) Book: OBA Quiz book (10 000 volumes) Book: Astronomy in “Ciência Hoje” magazine (10 000 vol) Distribution of 20 000 Galileoscopes for schools participating in the OBA 80 robotic telescopes for the IFET Schools Plans for 2 additional Regional and one National meetings of Astronomy Teaching Start up of the RBA network (Rede Brasileira de Astronomia – heritage of the IYA2009)

  21. Rescue of the Native indians Astronomy

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