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Simulation Tools

Explore the latest simulation tools developed by Hubert van Hecke in March 2007, including barrel support structures and readout wheels. Export Geant-3 descriptions to a root file for offline analysis. Enhance geometry analysis with volume overlaps and protrusions detection. Improve particle ancestry information preservation with new tools. Learn about optimizing barrel hits for track fitting. Stay updated on the newest features and tasks ahead.

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Simulation Tools

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  1. Simulation Tools Hubert van Hecke 12 March 2007

  2. Pisa • Latest additions: • Barrel support structures • Barrel cooling manifolds and feeds • Readout wheels Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  3. Exporting Geometry Pisa can now export the entire Geant-3 description (geometry, materials, media) to a root file. Details on http://p25ext.lanl.gov:~hubert/phenix/silicon/simulations/jan07/geom_geant_root.html This file is used to Send the geometry to the offline software Check the Geant-3 geometry: Find volume overlaps and protrusions: Work by Zhengyun You Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  4. Example of overlap Helium bag 2 overlaps with the Central arm shielding blocks Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  5. Offline code Import geometry from: fvtxgeom.root fvtxgeom.dat Exported/converted from Pisa Ascii version of .root, plus strip width,tilt Digitization Cluster finding / fitting Use barrel hits Kalman filter track fitter Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  6. Particle Ancestry Information about particle decay chains was not preserved in Pisa output, and not available at the DST level. Zhengyun You has written tools that preserve this information and merges it with the Pisa output. Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  7. repdst.root Intermediate particles (W, Z, D, B, b, c, …) PisaTrack.root Pisa and Pythia info Pythia.root (all particles) Pick PISA info and match PYTHIA Construct PYTHIA Event ( Decay tree ) New scheme preserves all ancestry info: Pythia_gen (fortran) New info added Sngmuon_ pdst.root Stable particles (e,mu,pi,K,p,, …) Pythia.dat (fortran format) SimReco PISA (Geant3) PISAEvent.root Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  8. Some results: Using barrel hits: Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  9. (2) Is the thickness of the Support panels important? Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  10. (3) Is knowledge about the momentum important? Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  11. (4) Is knowledge about the momentum important? Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  12. (5) Tilting strips in various ways improves phi resolution. DCA unaffected. Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  13. (6) Staggering strips improves phi resolution. DCA ~unaffected. Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  14. (7) Combining tilt and stagger does not multiply the improvements Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  15. To be done • Write / find a track finder • Finalize geometry Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

  16. Hubert van Hecke, 12 March 2007 at UNM

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