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Challenges in Sensor Network Query Processing

Challenges in Sensor Network Query Processing. Sam Madden NEST Retreat January 15, 2002. Outline. Background Server Side Solutions Fjords, Sensor Proxies, CACQ Sensor Side Solutions Catalog Management Aggregation Future Work. Background: Query Processors. What is a Query?.

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Challenges in Sensor Network Query Processing

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  1. Challenges in Sensor Network Query Processing Sam Madden NEST Retreat January 15, 2002

  2. Outline • Background • Server Side Solutions • Fjords, Sensor Proxies, CACQ • Sensor Side Solutions • Catalog Management • Aggregation • Future Work

  3. Background: Query Processors

  4. What is a Query? • Declarative statement requesting a subset of data • Possibly transforming or computing statistics about that data • Data independent • Query can apply to any data

  5. What is a Query Processor? • Converts declarative queries into flow of data operators, a query plan • Relational Operators: • Project, Select, Join • ‘Scans’ read data from base relations, indices, etc. • Traditional Flows: • Pull based, ‘iterator model’ • Higher level operators call ‘getNext()’ to extract data from lower level operators

  6. Query Optimizer • Given a declarative query, build the ‘best’ query plan • Choose which operators to run • What order to run them in • Where to run them • In distributed databases

  7. Why Databases and Sensors? • All applications depend on data processing • Declarative query language over sensors attractive • Application specific solutions difficult to built and deploy • Want “to combine and aggregate data streaming from motes.” • Sounds like a database…

  8. New Problems In Sensor Databases • Sensors unreliable • Come on and offline, variable bandwidth • Sensors push data • Sensors stream data • Sensors have limited memory, power, bandwidth • Communication very expensive • Sensors have processors • Sensors very numerous

  9. Components of A Sensor Database • Server Side • Query Parser • Catalog • Query Optimizer • Query Executor • Query Processor • Sensor Side • Catalog ‘Advertisements’ • Query Processor • Network Management

  10. Outline • Background • Server Side Solutions • Fjords, Sensor Proxies, CACQ • Sensor Side Solutions • Catalog Management • Aggregation • Future Work

  11. Fjords • Query Plan Abstraction to handle lack of reliability and streaming, push based data • Combine push and pull in arbitrary combinations • Use connectors between operators to isolate them from flow direction • “Bracket Model” – Graefe ‘93

  12. Fjords (Continued) • Operators assume non-blocking queue interface between each other. • Queues implement push vs. pull • Pull from A to B : Suspend A, schedule B until it produces data. A cannot go forward until B produces data. • Push from B to A : A polls, scheduler thread invokes B until it produces data. A can process other inputs while waiting for B. • Supports parallelism between operators via queues, state machines, and OS (e.g. NIC buffers, DMA) in operator transparent way.

  13.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  14.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  15.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  16.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  17.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  18.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  19.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  20.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  21.  Fjords Example Push Push  Pull Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin. Fjording The Stream: An Architecture For Queries Over Streaming Sensor Data. International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. To Appear, Feburary 2002.

  22. Fjords Applications • Combine traffic streams with web-based accident reports Francis Li, Sam Madden, Megan Thomas. Traffic Visualization. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~mct/infovis/project/traffic.html

  23. Operators for Streaming Data • Need special operators for dealing with streams (See P. Seshadri, et al. The design and implementation of a sequence database systems..VLDB ’96) • In particular, streams can’t be joined or sorted in the traditional sense • Solution: Use windows – e.g. “Zipper Join”

  24. Sensor Proxy • Energy-sensitive database operator • Buffer sensor tuples and route to multiple user queries to hide query load from sensors • Push aggregation operators into sensors to reduce communications load • Dynamically adjust sample rate based on user demand • Push results into Fjords so that other operators don’t block waiting on slow or dead sensors

  25. Some Results • Pushing predicates into sensors can vastly reduce costs: Atmel Simulator 100 samples / sec 5 vehicles / sec 7x power savings

  26.  Query 1 Query 2   Stocks. symbol = ‘APPL’ Stocks. symbol = ‘MSFT’ Stock Quotes ‘MSFT’ ‘APPL’ Stock Quotes CACQ • Expect hundreds to thousands of queries over same sensor sources • Continuously Adaptive Continuous Queries • Continuous Queries: Long running queries which combine selections and joins to improve efficiency (See Chen, NiagaraCQ, SIGMOD 2000)

  27. static dataflow eddy CACQ (Cont.) • Continuous Adaptivity From Eddies • Route tuples differently, depending on selectvity and cost estimates of operators Diagrams Courtesy Joe Hellerstein

  28. CACQ (cont.) • Combining CA with CQ is a win: • CQ increases number of simultaneous queries • Adaptivity well suited to long running queries • Eddies allow us to avoid ugly query-optimization phase in traditional CQ • Eddies + Streams == few copies, unlike traditional CQ

  29. CACQ (cont) Look for a paper in SIGMOD 2002 (fingers crossed!)

  30. Outline • Background • Server Side Solutions • Fjords, Sensor Proxies, CACQ • Sensor Side Solutions • Catalog Management • Aggregation • Future Work

  31. Sensor Side Solutions • CACQ + Fjords provides interface + performance on QP, but sensors still need help: • Locate / identify sensors • Reduce power consumption • Take advantage of processors? • Improve responsiveness

  32. Cataloging Sensors • To query sensors, need a way to locate, identify properties, extract values • Goal: Drop a bunch of sensors around the DBMS, allow them to be queried without manual effort • Idea: Add a layer to each sensor which advertises its capabilities

  33. #temperature sensor field { name : "temp" #optional type : int units : celsius min : -20 max : 100 bits : 8 sample_cost : 10.0 J #optional -- for use in costing sample_time : 10.0 ms #optional -- for use in costing input : adc2 #optional : read from adc channel 1 sends : ondemand accessorEvent : GET_TEMPERATURE_DATA responseEvent : TEMPERATURE_DATA_READY } Compiled in 27 bytes of memory Layer to register with Query Processor Can be “push” or “pull” Catalog (Continued)

  34. Aggregating Over Sensors • Sensor Proxy combines user queries, pushes down aggregates • Goal: Save energy, increase efficiency • Idea: Take advantage of the routing hierarchy

  35. Why bother with aggregation • Individual sensor readings are of limited use • Interest in higher level properties, e.g. what vehicles drove through, what is the spread of temperatures in the building • We have a processor & network on board, lets use it • We cannot survive without aggregation • Delivering a message to all nodes much easier than delivering a message from each node to a central point • Delivering a large amount of data from every node harder still, vide connectivity experiment • Forwarding raw information too expensive • Scarce energy • Scarce bandwidth • Multihop performance penalty

  36. Aggregation challenges • Inherently unreliable environment, certain information unavailable or expensive to obtain • how many nodes are present? • how many nodes are supposed to respond? • what is the error distribution (in particular, what about malicious nodes?) • Trying to build an infrastructure to remove all uncertainty from the application may not be feasible – do we want to build distributed transactions? • Information trickles in one message at a time • Never have a complete and up-to-date information about the neighborhood • What type of information should we expect from aggregation • Streams • Robust estimates

  37. What does it mean to aggregate(The DB Perspective) • General purpose solution: apply standard aggregation operators like COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, and SUM to any set of sensors. • Existing solutions are application specific • In sensors, operators may be arbitrary signal processing functions • By assuming a standard interface, many optimizations are possible • Example: TopN queries via hypothesis testing • Provide grouping semantics: e.g. ‘select avg(temp) group by trunc(light/10)’ • In sensor networks, groups may be random samples t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9

  38. Outline • Background • Server Side Solutions • Fjords, Sensor Proxies, CACQ • Sensor Side Solutions • Catalog Management • Aggregation • Future Work

  39. Future Work • DBMS Side • Efficient Catalog Management • Moving Object Databases • Query Optimization Techniques • Sensor Side • Efficient Grouping • Joins over Network Topology • Non Standard Aggregate Functions • Somewhere In Between • Histograms and other Correlations • Sampling and Compression for Streams • Real Query Language / API • Demonstration Apps (SIGMOD Demo)

  40. Questions?

  41. 3 4 5 1 2 Scenario: Count

  42. 1 2 3 4 5 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  43. 1 2 3 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  44. 1 2 3 4 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  45. 1 2 3 4 5 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  46. 1 2 3 4 5 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  47. 1 2 3 4 5 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  48. 1 2 3 4 5 Sensor # Time Goal: Count the number of nodes in the network. Number of children is unknown. Scenario: Count

  49. Counting Lessons • Take advantage of redundancy to improve accuracy (reply to all parents, not just one) • Use broadcast to reduce number of messages • Result is a stream of values: much more robust to failures, movement, or collision than a single value.

  50. Aggregation in network programming • Network programming problem • Reliable delivery of a large number of messages to all nodes in range, while exploiting the broadcast nature of the medium • Basic setup • Broadcast a known number of idempotent program fragments • Each node keeps a bitmap of fragments received (1=packet received) • Two stages of the problem: single hop, and multihop • Solutions • Single hop, dense cell • Broadcasting the program – trivial, the central node broadcasts • Feedback from nodes – broadcast a request from the central node: Is anyone missing packets in this packet range? • Convergence: no replies to the request

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