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European Public Health Research & Lifelong Physical Activity – Increased Happiness For All?. Kevin McCarthy Head of Sector Public Health Directorate Health for Research & Innovation European Commission.
European Public Health Research & Lifelong Physical Activity – Increased Happiness For All? Kevin McCarthyHead of Sector Public HealthDirectorate Health for Research & InnovationEuropean Commission Seminar Lifelong Physical Activity – Increases Happiness for All?South Finland EU Office 22 February 2011
N.B.: The European Commission currently manages about 5% of total public spending in R&D in the European Union. The EU currently invests about 1.9% of GDP in research EU Research Policy -Competitiveness, Quality of Lifeand Support to EU policies The key objective of EU Research policy (Art. 173 of Lisbon Treaty): “strengthening its (Union) scientific and technological bases by achieving a European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely, and encouraging it to become more competitive, including its industry“ and “while promoting all research activities deemed necessary by virtue of other chapters of the Treaties”(Art. 168 – public health) The core objectives for Health research in FP7 are “improving the health of the European citizens and increasing the competitiveness of the European health related industries and businesses…” with emphasis on “translational research”.
European Commission programmes bring down barriers : between countries: multinational consortia (EU-27 + associated countries) researchers from any country in the world can participate; and promotes coordination of national funding programmes (ERA) between different types of organizations:universities, research centres, SMEs, large companies, etc. between disciplines: focus on translational research and encourages mobility: Marie Curie fellowships for researchers and for host institutes, including ingoing & outgoing grants Role of EC in Research
Demand-driven Responsive to policy requirements: European Social Agenda -ageing, combating discrimination, barrier-free Europe EU Public Health Programme –monitoring, information, threats, determinants Clients: DG SANCO, DG EMPL, DG ENV,DG ECFIN, DG ENTR Budget:+/- 50 million € FP6 – SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT TO POLICIES (SSP)
“Health, Security and Opportunities for the People of Europe” - Health determinants, sustainable health care services and pension systems (in particular in the context of ageing and demographic change)Area 2.1 - Public health issues • epidemiology, disease prevention, rare and communicable diseases, allergies, secure blood and organ donations, non-animal testing methodsArea 2.2
FP6 SSP PROJECTS EUROCADET Impact of key determinants on the current and future burden of caner in Europe EURO-PREVOB Tackling the social & economic determinants of nutrition and physical activity for the prevention of obesity in Europe HOPE Health-promotion through obesity prevention across Europe – An integrated analysis to support european health policy AHEAD Ageing, health status and determinants of health expenditures SPHEREStrengthening public health research in Europe MHADIE Measuring health and disability in Europe: supporting policy development EPIC European prospective investigation into cancer, chronic diseases, nutrition and lifestyle
EURO-PREVOB Review the determinants of, and inequalities in, obesity in Europe and policy initiatives to tackle obesity Develop and pilot a tool to examine policies related to obesity in Europe and to assess the food and built environments that rich and poor people live in Make recommendations to prevent obesity, especially among those disadvantaged, and develop means to evaluate the economics of policy options Promote networking among different stakeholders involved in nutrition, physical activity, obesity and inequalities in obesity
The built environment i.e. the ‘walkability’ and ‘bikability’ of affluent vs. deprived neighbourhoods in terms of: -the availability and quality of: cycle lanes public open spaces (including parks and playgrounds) public transport stops marked road crossings sidewalks or pavements - traffic volume - evidence of ‘attractiveness / unattractiveness’ EURO-PREVOB
Government policies and initiatives should support a health promoting natural and built environment, taking into account the needs of low income and other vulnerable groups. to support active transport such as walking and cycling. access to local food markets can simultaneously increase opportunities for healthy affordable food options while supporting the local economy. EURO-PREVOB recommendation: a health-promoting built environment should be created
Best approaches to improve behavioural outcomes related to Physical Activity: - Multi-component interventions (e.g. when targeting children)- Potential differential intervention effect on PA level and relative body weight by socio-demographic characteristics- Impact of policy interventions on environmental changes EURO-PREVOB research recommendations - How to create a health promoting natural and built environment
2nd Programme of Community Action in the field of Health • DG SANCO – Operational Policy DG • One of our clients – close collaboration • Own programme to support public health projects • Information, Threats, Health Systems, Determinants, Ageing • EAHC - An Executive Agency for the public health programme • Does not support ‘research’ • Share many of the same ‘customers’ with research
EU 7th Framework Programmefor Research (FP7) 2007-2013The Health Theme in the Cooperation Programme
Cooperation:Collaborative research in FP7 • Thematic Priorities • Health 6.1 • Food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology 1.9 • Information and communication technologies9.1 • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies3.5 • Energy 2.3 • Environment (including climate change) 1.9 • Transport (including aeronautics) 4.2 • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 0.6 • Security & 10. Space 2.8 • Total for collaborative research €32.4 billion
Health theme structure Pillar 3: Optimising the delivery of health care Pillar 2: Translating research for human health Pillar 1: Biotechnology, generic tools & technologies for health Cross-cutting issues:child health, the health of ageing population gender-related health issues Activity (Pillar) 4:Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICAs) and other actions across the theme– EU policy needs
The Health ThemeActivity 3 • 3.Optimising the delivery of health care to citizens • … performing health policy-driven research at the European level enables comparisons to be made of the models, systems, data, and patient material held in national databases and biobanks. • This activity aims at providing the necessary basis both for informed policy decisions on health systems and for more effective and efficient evidence-based strategies of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and therapy. • Translating clinical research into clinical practice • Health care systems research • Health promotion and disease prevention
The Health themestructure and content • 3.Optimising the delivery of health care to citizens • Translating clinical research into clinical practice - behavioural and organisational interventions, patient safety, better use of medicines, decision-making in clinical settings • Quality, efficiency,solidarity of health care systems, organisational, financial, regulatory aspects, best-good practice, workforce • Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention, wider determinants of health, providing evidence of best public health measures – life styles, interventions, mental health in a life course perspective
The Third Pillar: a completely new activity – health policy driven, informing policy aims at developing new research methods to generate a sound scientific basis to underpin informed policy decisions on health systems to achieve more effective and efficient evidence-based strategies of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis and therapy in a context set by the overarching values of universality, access to good health care, equity and solidarity aiming to make provision that is patient-centred and responsive to individual need Users: EC, MS, WHO, OECD, clinicians, professionals, patients, other stakeholders Collaborative researchin the Health Theme
109 EU FP7 Public Health Research Projects - some 275+ million € in support • Quality and safety of hospital care • Healthy behaviour • Child health research • Child & adolescent mental health • Long term care • Primary care quality linkage to costs • Health workforce – mobility & planning • Health inequalities • Urban health
Activity 3 Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens + SICAs Support to Activity 3 after 4 Calls: 109 Projects 275 M€* 2007 – 2010 Budgets, 4th Calls to-date: 637.5M, 578.3M, 624.6M, 657,4M Total of 2,497.8M€ 5th Call – current one Indicative budget of 662,5MActivity 3 (+ SICAs) : 42M * includes EU policy support projects
Activity 3Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens + SICAs Support to Activity 3 Calls 1-4*109 Projects - 275 M€ • 3.1: Translating clinical research outcome into clinical practice- 28 projects 67.5 million € • 3.2: Health systems research - 26 projects 63.5 million € • 3.3: Health promotion & disease prevention- 20 projects 47 million € • 3.4:International public health & health systems research - 35 projects 97 million € • * includes EU policy support projects
Activity 3Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens SP Mandate 3.3: Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention: to provide evidence for the best public health measures in terms oflife styles, work and living circumstancesand interventions at different levels and in different contexts. Focus will be on thewider determinants of healthand how they interact at both theindividual and communitylevel (e.g. diet, stress, tobacco, alcohol and other substances, physical activity, cultural context, socio-economic and environmental factors). In particular,mental healthwill be addressed in a life-course perspective.
Activity 3 Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens http://ec.europa.eu/research/health/public-health/index_en.html
Building Bridges – what kind The Research – Policy Gap Knowledge transfer-brokering Understanding the translation – ‘translational research’ … Fit for purpose ?
5th Call Topic on translating researchinto policy HEALTH.2011.3.3-3* Developing & implementing methods for the transfer of research into policy in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention * Closed 10 November 2010
Influencing factors … • Increased focus on limited number of strategic areas, innovation, SMEs, EU2020, ERA, • Innovation Partnerships – Health, Ageing • Joint programming – Alzheimer, ageing, diet • Specific programme coverage & cross-thematic approaches • Socio-economic dimension • EC policy services, FP projects … • Dissemination actions, brokerage • Post FP7 – programming …
Commission Recommendation on Joint Programming for "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" Adopted on 28/04 2010 C(2010)2587 final Approved at Competitiveness Council of 26/05/2010 StrategicResearch Agenda in formation through a Management Board (national representatives)
The grand challenge for Europe is to reverse this situation; to shift from a defensive policy combatting illness to an offensive and preventing approach promoting health Societal / Medical / Economic challenge JPI ProposalGrand challenge
Three Programme Lines: 1) Lifestyle and social determinants Consumer behaviour, determinants of food choice and life styles, social and economic effects of public health interventions, programmes, policies 2) Prevention of chronic diseases and health maintenance : Improve detection of common and distinct pathways (mechanisms of inflammation, genetics susceptibility, biomarkers etc.). Databases, registers, cohorts Diet and food production – Comprehensive approach New and advanced technologies for a comprehensive approach- Targeted development of products and processes JPI ProposalResearch questions
Food and health research is a very complex field Need for advancing the understanding of the interaction between food, nutrition, genetics, lifestyles and health Need to develop advanced methods based on new and cross-cutting technologies Need to develop advanced approaches and methods in social sciences Information on the state of research in food and health in Member States is fragmented and non-homogeneous Very few EU countries have developed an ‘integrated’ food and health programme Joint research programmes on food and health at national level are more common Current scientific issues- Need for coordination
Influencing factors … • EU – Member States (n = 27) • Candidate/Accession countries • Croatia • Turkey • Countries associated with the FP • Iceland • Israel • Norway • Switzerland
Realising the Potentialof EU Public Health Research • Working with other themes, actions within FP7 to identify potential contributions – SSH, Env, Food, ERA-Nets, JP, Marie Curie … • Working with operational services of the Commission to share/identify that potential – SANCO, EMPL, ENV, TRNSPORT, MARKT, DEV, AIDCO also ECDC, EUROSTAT … • Reaching out to stakeholders/communities to inform them of such potential – MS,professionals, patients, policy-makers, academia … through various fora • Communicating/sharing project developments and results – but more than dissemination • Interacting at the international level –WHO, OECD …
5th Call Topic on translating researchinto policy HEALTH.2011.3.3-3* Developing & implementing methods for the transfer of research into policy in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention Will focus on physical activity * Closed 10 November 2010
Contacts: Director – Ruxandra Draghia-Akli: Scientific Adviser:Alain Vanvossel(alain.vanvossel@ec.europa.eu) Medical Research unit (F2) Acting & Deputy Head of unit:Maria Vidal (maria-jose.vidal-ragout@ec.europa.eu) Infectious Diseasesand Public Health Research unit (F3) Head of unit: Line Matthiessen-Guyader (line-gertrud.matthiessen-guyader@ec.europa.eu) Deputy Head of Unit Anna Lönnroth (anna.lonnroth@ec.europa.eu) Head of Sector Public Health: Kevin McCarthy (kevin.mccarthy@ec.europa.eu) Genomics and Systems Biology unit (F4) Head of unit: Patrik Kolar (patrik.kolar@ec.europa.eu) Deputy Head of unit: Bernard Mulligan (bernard.mulligan@ec.europa.eu) Head of Sector Medicines for the Future: Irene Norstedt irene.norstdt@ec.europa.eu) Health Biotechnology unit (F5) Head of unit: Arnd Hoeveler (arnd.hoeveler@ec.europa.eu) Admin. & Finance unit (F6)Head of unit: Georgios Zisimatos(georgios.zisimatos@ec.europa.eu) Coordination unit (F1)Head of unit: Stéphane Hogan(stephane.hogan@ec.europa.eu)
Contacts & Information SME participationDr. Ludovica SerafiniTel. +32 2 295 6759 – Email: ludovica.serafini@ec.europa.eu International CooperationDr. Indridi BenediktssonTel. +32 2 299 3137 – Email: indridi.benediktsson@ec.europa.eu Framework Programme 7: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7 Experts: http://cordis.europa.eu/research_openings/ NCP: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/get-support_en.html
Thank you ! • EU – Member States (n = 27) • 12 Countries associated with FP7 • Albania • Bosnia Herzegovina • Croatia • FYR of Macedonia • Iceland • Israel • Liechtenstein • Montenegro • Norway • Serbia • Switzerland • Turkey