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Vocal Leaders. Involves 6 Main Characteristics: Commitment Confidence Composure Character Encourager Enforcer . Why Are Vocal Leaders Important?.
Vocal Leaders Involves 6 Main Characteristics: • Commitment • Confidence • Composure • Character • Encourager • Enforcer
Why Are Vocal Leaders Important? • Because so many situations, challenges, conflicts, and problems occur throughout the season that require someone to step up, speak up, and deal with them with assertiveness and tact. • If a person chooses only to lead by example and not get involved verbally, they aren’t able to adequately address many of the issues that effective team leadership requires.
Transforming Leaders by Example into Vocal Leaders Why do some athletes make the jump from Leader by Example to Vocal Leader? • Some people are naturally wired by personality (extroverts) to lead vocally. • Some become Vocal Leaders when they become more established on a team(seniors, 2&3 year starters). It’s a confidence thing. • Shy and reserved athletes who are Leaders by Example become Vocal Leaders because of their competitiveness and commitment.
Communication Skills Are Critical • Listen Up…Build relationships of trust with your teammates. Understand what motivates them and frustrates them. • Communicate…You must communicate. DURING PRACTICES AND GAMES, YOUR VOICE SHOULD BE HEARD JUST AS MUCH AS YOUR COACHES, SOMETIMES MORE SO!! • You are communicating to build confidence, keep the team focused, confront problems, stay in touch with coaches, and show your teammates that you care about them and the team.
Don Mattingly “Team sports are usually difficult things. Sometimes your team wins because of you, sometimes in spite of you, and sometimes it’s like you are not even there. That’s the reality of the team game. Then at one point in my career, something wonderful happened. I don’t know why or how, but I came to understand what a ‘team’ meant. It meant that although I didn’t get a hit or make a great defensive play, I could impact the team in an incredible and consistent way. I could impact my team by caring first and foremost about the team’s success and not my own. I don’t mean rooting for us like a typical fan, fans are fickle. I mean care, really care about them…about ‘us.’ I became less selfish, less lazy, less sensitive to negative comments. When I gave up ME I became more. I became a captain, a leader, a better person and I came to understand that life is a team game…And you know what?...I’ve found most people aren’t team players. They don’t realize that life is the only game in town. Someone should tell them. It has made all the difference in the world to me.”
Vocal Leader: Encourager (75%) Servant Confidence Builder Understands each teammate. Jason Giambi Quote. Develop a Relationship with Each Teammate. Helps teammates feel good about themselves. Reaches out to struggling teammates and provides support and encouragement. • Willingly does the grunt work. • Example: grooming the baseball field. • Brett Favre quote. • Takes the younger athletes “under their wing.” • Teach them what is expected and what they will experience in given situations throughout the season. NO HAZING! • Listens and supports teammates/Keep Tabs on Teammates
Brett Favre “If you think you are too good to block for a running back or dive for a first down, the other guys are going to be like, ‘to heck with him.’ Whether I’m in the locker room or on the field, I try to show that we’re all on the same level, that nobody’s more special than anybody else, and I like to think guys feed off that.” (321 Consecutive Starts)
Jason Giambi “Being a leader, you have to be able to find some things in common with all the guys. Sometimes, maybe on the surface, you’ll look at another guy and think you don’t really have anything in common with him, so that’s when you have to make the extra effort to get to know that guy. Find out what makes him tick. And that’s when you find that you do have something in common with him.”
How To Build Confidence In Teammates • Let them know what to expect (investments, practices, school, travel, tournaments, playoffs, etc). • Remind them of their strengths. • Remind them of their past successes. • Remind them of their preparation and hard work. • Encourage your teammates to keep their thinking simple. • Show and tell your teammates you believe in them. • Demonstrate your confidence in your teammates through your words, body language, and actions.
Vocal Leader: Encourager (75%) Refocuser Team Builder Unifies team around a common goal. Establishes and focuses team on a common goal. Helps teammates understand, accept, and feel appreciated for their roles. Brings team together and builds team chemistry. • Helps teammates stay mentally tough when faced with adversity. • Emotionally intelligent to sense mood of team. • Refocuses teammates when they are down or distracted. • “You’re ok. Don’t worry about it. Get the next one.” • “Get your head out of your ass and start playing.” • Communicates a sense of optimism and hope. • Control the controllables; Focus on the present, the positive, and the process; Play with perspective; Focus on the Message, not the Messenger (feedback); Take responsibility for mistakes
Assignment • Write down 5 things you learned from this lesson. • Make a list of the problems that your team is dealing with OR list the typical situations when your team tends to get frustrated, distracted, and out of sync: (poor calls from officials, road games, poor weather, slow start, lack of focus or investment, etc.) Then write down a specific plan of what you can do or say to refocus the team when these situations arise. Example: Challenging Situation:______________________ Refocusing Plan:___________________________
Vocal Leader: Enforcer (25%) • Courage to confront. • Holds self and teammates accountable to high standards. Demanding. • Constructively confronts undisciplined teammates. • Handles conflict in a firm, fair, direct, and consistent manner.