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Home Ownership Assistance Program “HOAP”

This program aims to advance equity and racial justice by addressing systemic barriers in housing and economic prosperity. It offers assistance to low and moderate-income Oregonians to achieve and maintain homeownership. Organizations can apply for funding up to $300,000 for general assistance and $150,000 for veterans. Eligible households can receive up to $30,000 in combined assistance. Awarded organizations provide education, counseling, and financial support to homebuyers without loan fees. The program emphasizes equitable outcomes and partnerships to promote stable households. Discussion topics include statewide housing goals, racial equity, and affordability options. This summary covers the HOAP Down Payment Assistance Program framework and the role of homebuyer counseling in achieving stable homeownership in Oregon.

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Home Ownership Assistance Program “HOAP”

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  1. Home Ownership Assistance Program“HOAP” Housing Stability Council September 6, 2019 Homeownership Division

  2. Priority: Equity and Racial Justice Advance equity and racial justice by identifying and addressing institutional and systemic barriers that have created and perpetuated patterns of disparity in housing and economic prosperity. Homeownership: Provide more low and moderate income Oregonians with the tools to successfully achieve and maintain homeownership, particularly in communities of color. Homeownership Division

  3. Down Payment Assistance Program $8 Million in funding available to organizations statewide • $4 Million HOAP General • $1.8 Million HOAP Veterans • $2,258,460 Construction Excise Tax 6 cities, 1 county Homeownership Division

  4. Down Payment Assistance Program Organizations can apply for the maximum amount approved by Housing Stability Council in October 2018: • $300,000 HOAP General, and • $150,000 HOAP Veterans, and • CET: Amount available in city/county, with the exception of the City of Portland (divided equally amongst awarded organizations) • Exception: organizations serving more than four (4) counties can apply for additional funds Homeownership Division

  5. Household Eligibility:Below 100% Area Median Income • HOAP General $15,000 • HOAP Veterans $15,000 • CET $15,000 Maximum available per eligible Household CET and HOAP General or HOAP Veterans can be combined for up to: $30,000 per eligible Household Homeownership Division

  6. Awarded Organizations: • Up to 10% Administrative fee of amount expended HOAP funds • Provide required Homebuyer Education • Provide required “one on one” counseling to household, specific to homebuyers goals and budget to achieve sustainability as a future homeowner • Can offer Grants or Loans to Homebuyers • No loan fees to Homebuyers (recording fees only) Homeownership Division

  7. Research and Partner April 13, 2020 Discussion Topics: Statewide Housing Plan – Homeownership Goals- July 2018 Partner Outreach Discussion Items Racial Equity – Increased Community Outreach Household Funding Limits – Culturally specific AMI Equitable Outcomes: Loans or Grants Affordability Options – Synergies with other OHCS programs Homeownership Division

  8. Down Payment Assistance Discussion: Motion: Request: Approval of the framework for the HOAP-Down Payment Assistance Program RFA Meeting materials page 87-90 • Questions? • Comments…. Homeownership Division

  9. HOAP Homeownership Center Program Homeownership Division

  10. “An organization that assists in securing the future of Oregonians by providing Homeownership Counseling and Education, Housing Counseling including default and foreclosure counseling in an effort to create stable households throughout the state” New Homeownership Center Definition Homeownership Division

  11. Counseling Definitions: Homeownership Counseling: is housing counseling that covers the decision to purchase a home, the selection and purchase of a home, issues arising during or affecting the period of ownership of a home (including financing, refinancing, default, and foreclosure and other financial decisions) and the sale or other disposition of a home. Housing Counseling: independent, expert advice customized to the need of the consumer to address the consumer’s housing barriers and to help achieve their housing goals and must include the following processes: intake, financial and housing affordability analysis, an action plan, and a reasonable effort to have follow-up communication with the client when possible. As defined by HUD 24.CFR 5.100 Homeownership Division

  12. Partner Outreach Conducted – August 2019 Homeownership Definition • Adding default is a problem, homeownership counseling has many hats, including fair housing, rent, maintenance • Default counseling is an essential part of homeownership center programming • We are close to a good definition, don’t give up • Adding default counseling drifts from the stated purpose of HOAP, ORS 458.630 • Changing definition to say: “may”, “can” include default counseling so it is not “required” by all partnering centers • Will the Public understand the difference between default and foreclosure? Homeownership Division

  13. Continued: Partner Outreach Comments Default Counseling: • Could default counseling be confused with foreclosure counseling? • I like the idea of expanding, keeping someone in the home could be easier than getting someone into a home • Default counseling is like a “case management” service • Sounds like Financial Capability Counseling which should be included • What is the level of support? This is a programmatic change • There could be capacity and training issues • What are the options? Can partnering centers chose not to offer default counseling? Homeownership Division

  14. Homeownership Definition: In an effort to align the program with the Statewide Housing Plan, creating stable environments is key to Oregonians maintaining their homes. • Should all Partnering Homeownership Centers provide Default Counseling when no other service is available? • If it is optional, should OHCS offer additional funding or incentivize Centers providing Default Counseling? • What is the value to centers for providing this service? • Is this a needed, valuable service to Oregonians? • Is Council comfortable with using HUD definitions to set baseline services? Homeownership Division

  15. Performance Based Contracting Current program expectations to be new Performance Measures: • Data Integrity – client data submitted complete • Reports – submitted on time • Service Areas – equally supported Multnomah: 482 Clackamas: 49 Washington: 94 Homeownership Division data-1/1 to 3/31/2019

  16. Performance Based Contracting Additional measures: Website Management – Calendars reflect current Education Sessions Outreach Activities – Addressing racial disparities Homeownership Division

  17. Performance Measures: Resolutions: Incentives: Automatic Funding Automatic Grant Renewal Limited, to no monitoring • Work Out Plan • Technical Assistance • One on One Training • Letter of Explanation • Site Visit, as necessary • Mini Application Homeownership Division

  18. Performance Measures: By adding specific standards and performance measures, this will create consistent Partnering Centers throughout the state to ensure clients are being served by experts in the homeownership field. We are striving for equitable services to ensure effective, high-quality, efficient services to all Oregonians in an effort to better align our program and partnering centers with the Statewide Housing Plan. Homeownership Division

  19. Housing Stability Council Discussion Homeownership Center Definition Default Counseling, required or not Performance Measures Homeownership Division

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