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GPS- Global Positioning System. A GPS is a System that provides us directions to where we want to go , the time to get there , and the roads we can choose .
GPS- Global PositioningSystem A GPS is a Systemthatprovidesusdirections to wherewewant to go, thetime to getthere, andtheroadswecanchoose. Thegoogthingaboutitisthatwhenwedon´tknow a certaindirectionwecanputthatdirectiononitanditwillseewherewe are andwhat to do to get to ourdestination.
Positive Thingsabout GPS: • Theemergencyservicesdependon a GPS to locatethevictimsandget to themontime • It´suseful to satellites, mobile phonesorjust to givedirectionswhenwe drive to some unknownplace. • Ithas a highspeakerfunctionthatmaybeveryuseful, sothatwedon´thave to lookatitallthetimeandgetdistracted. • Taxi drivers, orthosewhohave to drive a lotintheirwork, mayalso use it to findbetterroutes.