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Protocol • Thank God for this opportunity of SHARING • Profound gratitude and appreciation: • The Most Revd. Nicholas D. Okoh, Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of All Nigeria • The Coordinators and other Resource Persons • Recognize Course Participants & Officials • Delighted and excited to be here • Calibre of the audience: Servants of God, Mind Builders, Opinion Moulders • Please get involved, let’s make the Talk interactive and participatory …NOW LET’S FIRE ON
Setting the tone • “Ancient of days as old as You are…” • “Awesome God, Mighty God” • “The Most Excellency is JESUS” • “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” PRAYER • Recall the maxim, “ATTITUDE, more than LATITUDE, determines ALTITUDE”. Recall an anonymous saying signifying some general expectations about Ministers of the Gospel: • “A minister is expected to have the WISDOM of a SCHOLAR, the LOGIC of a LAWYER, the PERIPATETIC ENERGY of a FAMILY DOCTOR, the WIZARDRY of the FINANCIER,
Setting the tone • the RHYTHYM of the POET, the IMAGINATION of an ARTIST, the ENDURANCE of a HORSE, and the SANCTITY of a SAINT-all for the salary of a domestic assistant” • Recall also, that CHANGE is a phenomenon most resisted by human beings even though it is a natural certainty; therefore “CHANGE MANAGEMENT” (CM), for it to be successful, requires correct orientation which includes: • Its ACCEPTANCE, • Systematic study with a view to determining its (C.M.) APPROPRIATENESS and BENEFITS. • Adoption of realistic and Logical Strategy for C.M. • TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) issues, especially from the points of sustainability, institutional framework, backup or fall back position.
Setting the toneCASE STUDIES • Consider 60 to 50 years ago, with the PRESENT:
CONTENT • Who is a CEO? • Types of CEO (What kind of CEO are you?) • Types of Organisations • Beatitudes Of Leadership • Some Essential Attributes of Successful CEOs • Pitfalls • Being a godly, heaven-minded and Successful CEO
WHO IS A CEO? • The highest-ranking Corporate Officer (Executive) or Administrator in charge of total management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to a board (the Board of Directors). • A Chief Executive Officer (CEO, American English), Managing Director (MD, British English),[Executive Director (ED, American English) for non-profit organizations, or Chief Executive (CE, British English) – It’s a matter of nomenclature: what’s in a name anyway?
RESPONSIBILITIES • The responsibilities of an organization's CEO (Chief Executive Officer) (US) or MD(Managing Director) (UK) are set by the organization's Board of Directors (the Apex authority) or other authority, depending on the organization's legal structure. They can be far-reaching or quite limited and are typically enshrined in a formal delegation of authority. • Usually, the CEO has a Boss / Controlling or Reporting Authority
…RESPONSIBILITIES (contd) • Typically, the CEO/MD has responsibilities as a Communicator, Decision Maker, Leader, Manager and Executor. The Communicator role can involve the press (spoke’s person) and the rest of the outside world, as well as the organization's management and employees; • The decision-making role involves high-level decisions about policy and strategy. • As a Leader, the CEO/MD advises the Board of Directors, motivates employees, and drives change within the organization. • As a Manager, the CEO/MD presides over the organization's day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year operations.
TYPES OF CEO • Knowing yourself • Self audit • Skills, Behavioural type and traits (SWOT) • Personal development and Building a team • Understanding the type and developmental stage of the corporation. (SWOT)
REQUISITE SKILL SET (Generic) • Envisioning - Ability to focus on the vision and to communicate that vision to stakeholders. • Motivator / Team building - Hires strong management teams and supports their decisions. • Creating and maintaining Corporate Culture • Customer / Stakeholder focused - Meets with customers and can articulate customer needs, challenges and business goals. • Understanding the financials
REQUISITE SKILL SET (Specific) • Understanding the Business - Awareness of operational details, however, not involved with them. • Working knowledge of all aspects / Macro management • Understanding expectation from Board of Directors and Financiers • On top of industry trends -- an avid reader. • Design measurement, monitoring & feedback systems
ATTRIBUTES: BEHAVIOURAL SET • Humility • Attitude of respect • Staying connected with “the little people” • Learning well • Raise the Bar • Passionate Curiosity • Battle-Hardened Confidence • A Simple Mind-Set • Fearlessness – Security consciousness
TYPE(S) & DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE • Pioneer / First in the field • Follow the leader • Technical Based • Me too • Sectorial peculiarities • Business environment (Just In Case) • Infrastructure • Corruption extreme • Available workforce
BEATITUDES OF LEADERSHIP • Be Inspirational • Christian CEO brings faith into workplace • Talk with conviction. • Be Bold and Challenge Status Quo • Don’t do things the same manner while expecting better result. Never be satisfied with just being good. Strive for improvement/progress. • Be a Risk Taker. Be innovative • Progress depends on change and change is risky
…BEATITUDES OF LEADERSHIP (cont’d) • Be Authentic and Approachable • Create an open and supportive environment • Be a Role Model • Actions speak louder than words • Be Out and About • Deploy latest technology and stay connected with the fast changing world • FINALLY, it is very IMPORTANT to be PRAYERFUL
SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS The list is in no particular order: just for emphasis • Adaptable to changing situations and circumstances • Can handle ambiguity - is not ‘black and white' • Is analytical, can get to the core issue quickly • Astute people selection - does not seek clones but rather those who complement their skills and who won't be afraid to challenge • Balanced - has a life outside the office
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Challenges the status quo • Clarity - can think and talk clearly, stays focused • Is a willing and available coach/mentor to others • Shows commitment - to the business, the task in hand, the executive team and staff generally • A good communicator, both in one-to-one and group situations, as well as in writing - in substance and not just style • Competent in the role/level
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Confident of their ability but keenly sensitive to the dangers of hubris • Has the courage of their convictions- particularly in troubled times, but is not foolhardy • Delegates - doesn't try to do everything themself, but expects accountability • Is clear on their direction - knows where they are heading and why, and how to get there • Has ‘emotional intelligence' - can empathise and manage relationships with others
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Is energetic - but knows when to slow down/switch off • Is engaging - and genuinely interested in people and their well-being • Minimises the casualties from their decisions • Maintains focus on the strategic direction • Generates ‘buy-in' from all parties • Humility - keeps their feet on the ground • Has high standards of integrity - and insists on the same from others. Zero tolerance for fraud.
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Intellect - has a high level of intelligence • Exercises sound judgement- particularly under pressure • Knows the business and its operating environment well • Knows the questions to ask • Is a good listener, emotionally stable as well • Should be numerate - can read and understand financial statements • Doesn't ‘play games' or mess people around - ensures others do likewise
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Is passionate - about life, the business, family, other interests • Has top grade people skills - encourages their input, values their opinions, develops their skills and is motivating, supportive, caring and constructively critical • Is perceptive - can read situations and other people well • Persists - when the going gets tough... • Is persuasive - without being a bully or dogmatic • Prioritises tasks - works on the important stuff
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Is resilient - bounces back from setbacks • Is self-aware and self critical - knows their deficiencies and addresses them; can accept criticism from others • Has a healthy self-esteem - but does not believe they are infallible • Is strategic in thinking and outlook - but is also aware that successful implementation is what counts • Is a team player - not an autocrat, gives credit to others and seeks and values their opinions
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Trusts others - & verifies what they are told (credulous) • Is trusted by others - is honest in all dealings (credible) • Understands the ‘value proposition' of the business • Is unwavering in the pursuit of their goals - but is aware of risks, monitors progress and is not afraid to change course when needed (resolute but pragmatic) • Has clearly developed and articulated values (principled) • Is visionary - can see the big picture and read future trends
…SOME ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF TRULY SUCCESSFUL CEOS (cont’d) • Walks the talk - always • Is consistent and even-handed in behaviours and decisions (fairness, transparency and stability) • Watches the details - while delegating and not getting bogged down himself; well understands that inattention to the detail can bring them undone • Is not afraid to admit mistakes - learns from them and moves on • Has a degree of grace(luck?), even though it is true that we can make our own. Sometimes, just being in the right place at the right time does help!
PITFALLS • Arrogance by externalizing blame • Egoism - Believing in a title • Mental/Intellectual/Knowledge stagnation: Stop learning • Anything-goes syndrome: Compromise Ethics • Money-minded: what’s in it for me? - Focus only on Money
BEING A GODLY, HEAVEN-MINDED & SUCCESSFUL CEO • Live out Ephesians 4:5 “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” • The Blessings of diversity of GIFTS and ABILITIES (Romans 12:4-8) • REFUSE the Temptation and Sin of PRIDE & ARROGANCE in a CEO • LOVE is the GREATEST! (I Cor. 13:13, Rom. 12:9) Avoid being at fault in the event of breakdown of PEACE • Subscribe to COOPERATION and not COMPETITION. No to individualism in the Ministry
A LAST WORD……….. • Yes, Rome was not built in a day: but • Noah built the Ark before the flood Please make the most of this course. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you!!! +Adebayo D. AKINDE, abp August 19, 2013