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Working Group and Wrap up Meeting for Finalization of Sectoral Outlay for Annual Plan 2012- 13. Women and Child Development Department Government of Gujarat. ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 11 th FIVE YEAR PLAN (FYP) 2007-12. Financial and Physical achievements During 11 th FYP (2007 – 12)
Working Group and Wrap up Meeting for Finalization of Sectoral Outlay for Annual Plan 2012- 13 Women and Child Development DepartmentGovernment of Gujarat
Financial and Physical achievements During 11th FYP (2007 – 12) Women and Child Development Dept., Gujarat
Financial achievements During 11th FYP (2007 – 12) (Rs. In Lakhs) Women Empowerment
Financial Achievement of ICDS - Scheme wise during 11th FYP The total financial outlay for ICDS during 11th FYP was Rs. 282265.43 lakhs
Widow Pension scheme - provision, expenditure & number of beneficiaries during 11th FYP Social Defnece
ICDS – Financial and Physical achievements During 11th FYP (2007 – 12) .
Rs in Lakhs • Increase in State Budget Provision • The budgetary allocation for DWCD has been increased from Rs. 143.57 crore in 2002 – 03 to Rs. 1281 crores in 2011-12. Thus, amounting to an increase of 892 % in during 11th FYP.
Increase in State Budget Provision for Supplementary Nutrition and Plan Budget for ICDS (in Crores) For 2011 – 12 For Supplementary Nutrition, there as a total budgetary provision of Rs. 637.94 crores of which of which State share was Rs. 407.04 crores and that of central govt. was Rs. 230.90 crores. Thus, State spent an additional of Rs. 176.14 crores from State budget on ICDS over an above the normal CSS norms
Thrust Areas Commissionerate, WCD 1. Multi Purpose Women Welfare Centres (MPWWCs): • 25 Multipurpose Women Welfare Centres at District, 235 centers in urban areas as well as Taluka are being run to provide vocational training, solving social, economic, legal and other problems of women. For these activities Legal Advisor, Assistant Legal Advisor, Social Worker, Assistant Social Worker and Clerk cum Computer Operator are appointed. Districts and Taluka centers are provided with annual grant of Rs.2.25 and Rs. 1.25 per annum respectively. • In last five years 2301387 women beneficiaries have availed benefit of the scheme. • 25 district Women welfare centers are connected with Women Helpline. About 6988 women have been taken benefit during the year 2011-12. • 240 Centers are also connected with SATCOM facility for provision of trainings. • 241 Centers are also notified as Service providers under PWDVA-2005. • Gujarat is the only state to frame such scheme on its own.
Mahila Awards To facilitate the outstanding contribution in empowering women, Institutions and Individuals are honored . Every year one individual and one Institution are given “Mahila Puraskar”.
Swadhar Shelter homes and short stay homes • Four Shelter homes at Vadodara, Bhavnagar, Ahmedabad, Surendranagar and three short stay homes at two Gandhinagar and one Godhara are functional to give services to family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism or are being forced into prostitution women and girls. • 540 Beneficiaries have provide Temporary facilities and 124 Beneficiaries have rehabilitated during the year 2011-12 through the shelter homes and short stay homes. • From the year 2012-13 the Central Government have merged both schemes and named as Swadhar Greh. Working Women Hostel • Seventeen Working Women Hostels are functional through which around 2256 women have been benefited during the year 2011.
Thrust Areas Gujarat State Commission for Women • Legal Assistance : The Commission received 5457 applications & 4574 application were disposed. • Sensitization programme : Legal awareness seminars/ workshops were organised through District Panchayat/ Municipal Corporations for elected women representatives. About 12000 representatives have been covered till 2012. • NRI Cell -NRI Cell has been established in the Commission Since August 2008. Till now 60 applications have been received in the Commission. • Nari Adalat-This is an alternate infrastructure for imparting justice to rural women and is very sucessful in the State. 35 Nari Adalats are functioning at taluka level and supported by State.
Thrust Areas Directorate, Social Defence • Widow Pension Scheme • Widows of the age between 18 – 60 years having annual family income below Rs.4500/- and individual income below Rs.2400/- with no son of the age of above 21 years receive a monthly pension Rs. 500/- and Rs. 80/- for a child (up to two Children), deposited in her account in the nearby Post Office. 2. Widow Training Scheme • Under the widow financial assistance scheme the destitute widows between the age group of 18-40 years are required to join a government recognized training course and after successful completion of employability training they are entitled to the financial assistance of Rs. 5000/- for purchase equipments for self employment or loan for self employment project. 3. Group Insurance Scheme for Widows: • State Government has initiated coverage of widows under Group Insurance Scheme through which after the death of a widow her children get up to Rs. 1,00,000/-.
Institutions Under Social And Moral Hygiene • State Home for Women / Lady Reception Centre / Preventive & Rescue • Under the Prevention of Immoral Traffic Act – 1956 (amendment 1986), State Govt. runs 21 Institutes (State Home for Women and Lady Reception Centre). The facilities provided under this are food, cloths, education to girls, vocational training, etc. Social Defnece
Thrust Areas Gujarat Women’s Economic Development Corporation • GharDivda Scheme • GWEDC provides subsidy to BPL women to establish micro-enterprise. The Corporation recommends the banks of respective areas to accept the application forms of the applicants for providing them loan up to Rs. 50,000/- for undertaking economic activities. 2. Exhibition cum sale: • The Corporation provides marketing support to rural and urban artisan women through organizing various craft melas and Bazaars within and out of the State . 3.General (Vocational) Training Programme • For building capacities of BPL women between age group of 18 to 35 for livelihood options. Also a stipend of Rs. 250/month is given to all trainees. 4. MahilaSammelan • In order to create mass awareness on rights and steps being taken up for empowerment of women MahilaSammelans are being organised all over the State. This helps as an effective medium for information dissemination to women in far flung areas.
Gujarat Women’s Economic Development Corporation 12th Five Year Plan (2007-12)
Gujarat Women’s Economic Development Corporation 12th FYP (2007-12)
Thrust areas for Child Development • First 1000 days of opportunity: Most under nutrition sets in the first two years of life. (life cycle approach) and Focus on Adolescent girls • Strategy for ten critical interventions which can reduce under nutrition • Understanding the importance of life cycle approach with focus on adolescent girls • Early Childhood Education (ECE) as a key for more effective operation of AWC building upon the experience of ‘Tapovan’ and other pilots. • Communitisation of ICDS • Capacity building efforts – Trainings • A comprehensive IEC / BCC strategy for nutrition and health. • Focus on Urban areas • Convergence with various other line departments for improving with nutritional status • Supplementary Food to all the beneficiaries of AWCs • Construction of AWCs
NUTRITION & HEALTH STATUS OF WOMEN & CHILDREN IN GUJARAT 41.1% underweight (< 3 yrs) 50% Breastfed in 1st hr *** 45% Exclusively breastfed ** 56% Initiate Complementary food - 6-9 months*** 24% Get adequate Proteins & Calories 80% Anaemic (6-35 m) 56% Households use Iodized salt 56% Vit A supplement** NFHS 2005-2006 * NNMB (ICMR) ** DLHS 3 – 2008 *** CES, UNICEF- 2009 DLHS 2, 2002-04
Nutritional status of children below 3 years in Gujarat NFHS-3 (2005-06) Nutritional status of Women in Gujarat NFHS-3 (2005-06)
Status of pregnant women utilizing services at AWC NFHS-3 (2005-06) Status of feeding practices for children below 3 years NFHS-3 (2005-06)
Reasons for Undernutrition in Gujarat GOAL 100% Source: DLHS-3, 2007-08, *NFHS-3 data (2005-06), **data for all India BF: Breastfeeding; CF: Complementary foods; IYCF: Infant and Young Child Feeding; SAM: Severe Acute Malnutrition
Coverage of beneficiaries under Supplementary Nutrition Program of ICDS (2007 – 12)
Activities and Achievement under ICDS during 11th FYP • Taluka centric approaches and convergent efforts on the education, health and nutrition front. • ATVT (Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko) : Decentralization and local ownership of AWCs by the local community through the panchayats with the involvement of women’s groups, SHGs, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Membership-Based Organizations (MBOs) and NGOs requires to become the norm. The concept of ‘Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko’ (ATVT) has been initiated in Gujarat as a major step in the direction of decentralization and de-concentration of administration upto the Taluka Level. This speed up the process of decision making, grievance redressal, and effective coordination at field level with regular monitoring and supervision of ICDS services. • Gujarat has recognized these disparities (NFHS –III and other data from past few years). Measures have been taken to reduce the gaps through Taluka Centric Approaches, Garib-KalyanMelas, KanyaKelavani, ATVT initiatives, Gunotsav, Chiranjivi, Mamta Abhiyan, Annaprashan Diwas, Doodh Sanjivaniand many other convergent initiatives from the Gujarat government.
Activities and Achievement under ICDS during 11th Five Year Plan ICDS activities initiated during 11th Five year Plan: • For accelerating the efforts towards improving the nutritional status of children, (i) provision of micronutrient fortified ‘BAL BHOG’ to children (3 -6 years), (ii) Fortified Atta (iii) Nutri-candy was launched by Hon’ble CM on 13 – June – 2007 as a pilot project which was expanded across state wide by November, 2007. • Gujarat State launched ‘Nirogi Bal Varsh Abhiyan’ -Year of the Healthy Child Campaign during 2008 – 09. The main objective of “Nirogi Bal Varsh” campaign is to focus on holistic development of all children in terms of their physical, mental, social and emotional health.
Activities and Achievement under ICDS during 11th Five Year Plan Complying the GoI 2009 guidelines, concept of three meals per day (breakfast, afternoon meal and fruits / milk) to children coming to AWCs was introduced, alongwith provision of ‘Take Home Ration’ to decrease the gap in achieving the RDA. • Provision of ‘Energy Dense Extruded Blended Micronutrient Fortified Food’ i.e. BALBHOG (for children), Sheera, Sukhadi and Upma (for pregnant, lactating women and adolescent girls) was launched by Hon’ble CM on 8th June, 2010. • Approximately, 914378 beneficiaries and 384798 community members attended the Rasoi shows. • 6 days a week breakfast prepared through Matru Mandals and Hot cooked afternoon meal prepared with wheat is provided through Matru Mandals and Sakhi Mandals in 18543 AWCs covering 12,60,610 children in the age group of 3 – 6 years. (March,2012)
Daily Schedule of types of Supplementary Food being provided to 3 – 6 years of children at the Anganwadi Center(600 kilocalories and 18 – 20 grams of proteins per child per day)
Activities and Achievement under ICDS during 11th Five Year Plan • Under the ‘Doodh Sanjeevani Yojana’ in collaboration with the Tribal department in 10 selected Blocks of 6 Tribal districts in the State. 100 ml Fortified flavored double toned pasteurized milk, twice/week in 10 blocks of 6 districts. (Rs. 2.45 per beneficiary for 1 time supply of 100 ml milk). This scheme is implemented with the help of local dairies. • Local seasonal fruit- Twice a week (Monday & Thursday) • For pregnant, lactating and adolescent girls: • Hot cooked Sukhadi : 130 gram/day – twice a week through Matru Mandals -In 2011 – 12, there was a budgetary provision of Rs. 1.48 crores.
Annaprashan Diwas – a fixed day, fixed site, fixed time monthly counseling strategy for ‘Symbolic’ timely initiation of complementary feeding of children completing 6 months of age was launched by Hon’ble CM on 8th March, 2010. Annaprashan Diwas : (As on March, 2012): more than 1. 38 lakh infants covered; with 79,776 infants initiated Complementary feeding for first time. • The Gujarat State Nutrition Mission has also been launched to improve nutrition and major initiatives are to be taken up. • Geographical and Functional Synchronization of Health & ICDS supervisory areas for joint planning, implementation and supervision of Health and Nutrition services • AWWs and ANMs trained together for Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI)
Mamta Abhiyanis a joint four pronged joint nutrition and health delivery strategy consisting of Mamta Diwas (Village health and nutrition day), Mamta Mulakat(Post natal care home visit), Mamta Sandarbh(Referral) and Mamta Nodh(Record and reports) launched in 2007. • On Mamta Divas -13,82,680 ante natal care mothers 11,95,855 post natal care mothers were registered, of which 9,81, 703 ANC mothers and 9,56,676 PNC mothers were given IFA tablets. Moreover, 7,73,558 pregnant and lactating mothers received free 1.5 kg iodised salt on Mamta Diwas. and Nutrition Centres. • Severely anemic mothers individually tracked in 12 tribal districts under the Gujarat Integrated Nutrition project. • Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) - a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) scheme to Pregnant & Lactating mothers who receives a total of Rs. 4000 per beneficiary mother. During 2011-12, a total of 65216 beneficiaries that is pregnant and lactating women received benefits from the IGMSY scheme which is currently being piloted in Bharuch and Patan. During 2011-12, a total of 65216 beneficiaries that is pregnant and lactating women received benefits from the IGMSY scheme which is currently being piloted in Bharuch and Patan.
Understanding importance of Life cycle Approach and long term significance of adolescent girl’s nutrition, for the first time in India, Govt. of Gujarat initiated provision of supplementary food to 10 Adolescent girls per AWC which was later expanded to 20 AWCs per AWCs during last 11th Five year plan. Subsequently, in 2010, Gujarat launched Mamta Taruni scheme (a joint Health and ICDS package) wherein all the adolescent girls received nutrition and health services. • Mamta Taruni (Gujarat State Initiative) – RCH and nutrition package for out of school Adolescent Girls (supplementary nutrition, IFA, regular HB estimation, BMI, TT vaccination and Nutrition Health Education) • Further, for achieving overall holistic development and empowerment of Adolescent girls, since November, 2010; SABLA scheme (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescents Girls) with both Nutrition and Non-Nutrition components like Vocational trainings, life skill education etc. is being piloted in selected 9 districts of Gujarat.
Additionally, there is KishoriShaktiYojanaearlier operational in all districts however, since implementation of SABLA it is now operational in rest 17 Non - SABLA districts wherein vocational training, SNP, IFA tablets and Nutrition Health Education etc. A total of 5,72,059 adolescent girls were enrolled under KSY. (March, 2012) • BalikaSamruddhiYojanawas discontinued by GoI in 2006 -07 however GoG continued the scheme from State budget with a view to bring change in the negative attitude of family and society towards girl child and mother, increase enrollment and attendance in the school, ensuring marriage at right age, providing financial aid to the girl child. Approximately, Rs. 80.42 crores have been spent under the scheme. For this scheme, State expenditure is Rs. 10 crores for the year 2010-11, while there is a provision of Rs. 20.64 crore for the year 2011-12. A total of 24.93 lakh girls were benefitted from the scheme.
The award winning e-Mamta Mother and Child tracking systemhas been developed for tracking severely acute malnourished children. Anganwadi beneficiary data is under convergence with the e-Mamta health database. • Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping of AWCs to ensure that no pocket/area remains without ICDS coverage. Out of 50,226 AWCs, approximately 48,000 AWCs across Gujarat have been mapped and by April, 2012 and mapping of remaining AWCs will also be completed soon. • Gujarat has completed listing of location of Anganwadi Centre’s including name of Anganwadi Workers for 24 districts out of 26 district. It is available on the WCD- Gujarat Website. The link is http://www.wcd.gujarat.gov.in/
Nationally adopted ‘New WHO growth standards’ were rolled out by the Gujarat across all the districts since May, 2010. Now the nutritional status are categorized in 3 gradation – Normal, moderate and severe underweight. • State has introduced 46 ‘Mobile Anganwadi Vans’ in difficult to access areas and for beneficiaries working at construction sites, railway tracks etc.