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当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻. 第三讲 自由主义( 3 ) : 哈耶克 Lecture 3, Liberalism ( 3 ): F. A. Hayek. 一,哈耶克的生平.
当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻 第三讲 自由主义(3):哈耶克 Lecture 3, Liberalism(3): F. A. Hayek
一,哈耶克的生平 • Friedrich August von Hayek (8 May 1899 – 23 March 1992), was an Austrian and British economist and philosopher known for his defense of classical liberalism and free-market capitalism against socialist and collectivist thought.
1,1899年出生于维也纳,父亲是一名医生,家族有贵族血统,与哲学家维特根斯坦是表兄弟。1,1899年出生于维也纳,父亲是一名医生,家族有贵族血统,与哲学家维特根斯坦是表兄弟。 • Hayek was born in Vienna, then capital of the Austro-Hungaria Empire, the son of a doctor in the municipal health service.
2,少年时期,接触费尔巴哈的哲学著作及亚里士多德的伦理学。2,少年时期,接触费尔巴哈的哲学著作及亚里士多德的伦理学。 • Already as a teenager, and at his father's suggestion, Hayek read the philosophical works of Ludwig Feuerbach. In school Hayek was much taken by one instructor's lectures on Aristotle's ethics. • →费尔巴哈
3,1917年,加入奥军的炮兵部队,主要在意大利前线作战。3,1917年,加入奥军的炮兵部队,主要在意大利前线作战。 • In 1917 he joined an artillery regiment in the Austro-Hungarian Army and fought on the Italian front. Much of Hayek's combat experience was spent as a spotter in an aeroplane.
一战后,哈耶克立志献身学术。 • Hayek said about his experience: "The decisive influence was really World War I. It's bound to draw your attention to the problems of political organization." • “决定性的影响是第一次世界大战。它必定吸引你去关注政治组织的问题。”
4,1921年和1923年,他在维也纳大学分别获得法学博士与政治科学博士,并且对哲学、心理学和经济学兴趣浓厚。4,1921年和1923年,他在维也纳大学分别获得法学博士与政治科学博士,并且对哲学、心理学和经济学兴趣浓厚。 • At the University of Vienna, he earned doctorates in law and political science in 1921 and 1923 respectively, and he also studied philosophy, psychology and economics with a keen interest.
5,在冯·米塞斯的帮助下,20世纪20年代后期,任奥地利商业周期研究所所长,直到1931年赴伦敦经济学院任教。5,在冯·米塞斯的帮助下,20世纪20年代后期,任奥地利商业周期研究所所长,直到1931年赴伦敦经济学院任教。 • With the help of von Mises, in the late 1920s Hayek founded and served as director of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research , before joining the faculty of the London School of Economics (LSE) in 1931. • →Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
小卡片:米塞斯的经济学观点 • 米塞斯一項突出的理論是主張社會主義在經濟上必然會失敗,因為經濟計算問題(economic calculation problem)註定了社會主義的政府永遠無法正確的計算複雜萬分的經濟體系,由於失去了價格機制,社會主義政府根本無從得知市場需求的情報,而隨之而來的必然是計畫的失敗和經濟的徹底崩潰。
6,在英国,开始写作《通往奴役之路》,1944年,该书正式出版。6,在英国,开始写作《通往奴役之路》,1944年,该书正式出版。 • It was during this time that he wrote The Road to Serfdom. Hayek was concerned about the general view in Britain's academia that Fascism was a capitalist reaction against socialism. A chapter in the book is entitled, "The Socialist Roots of Nazism."
7,1950年,由伦敦赴芝加哥大学社会思想委员会,并于1960年出版《自由宪章》。7,1950年,由伦敦赴芝加哥大学社会思想委员会,并于1960年出版《自由宪章》。 • In 1950, Hayek left the London School of Economics for the University of Chicago, becoming a professor in the Committee on Social Thought. He completed The Constitution of Liberty in May 1959, with publication in February 1960.
8,1962-1968年,在德国弗来堡大学任教,出版三卷本《法律、立法与自由》8,1962-1968年,在德国弗来堡大学任教,出版三卷本《法律、立法与自由》 • From 1962 until his retirement in 1968, he was a professor at the University of Freiburg, West Germany. It was here where he wrote most of Law, Legislation and Liberty. This was intended for a technical audience, and it was published in three volumes in 1973, 1976 and 1979.
9,1969-1977,在奥地利萨尔茨堡大学任教,但他似乎不满意,后回到弗莱堡大学。9,1969-1977,在奥地利萨尔茨堡大学任教,但他似乎不满意,后回到弗莱堡大学。 • He became professor at the University of Salzburg from 1969 to 1977; he then returned to Freiburg, where he spent the rest of his days.
10,1974年,与米尔达一起获得诺贝尔经济学奖,颁奖会上,他送前苏联持不同政见者索尔仁尼琴一本俄文版《通往奴役之路》。10,1974年,与米尔达一起获得诺贝尔经济学奖,颁奖会上,他送前苏联持不同政见者索尔仁尼琴一本俄文版《通往奴役之路》。 • On 9 October, 1974 it was announced that Hayek would be awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, along with Swedish socialist economist Gunnar Myrdal.
11,1970年代与1980年代,数次访问皮诺切特领导下的智利。11,1970年代与1980年代,数次访问皮诺切特领导下的智利。 • Hayek visited Chile several times in the 1970s and 1980s during the reign of dictator Augusto Pinochet. Commenting on dictatorships to a Chilean interviewer, Hayek stated: "Personally I prefer a liberal dictator to democratic government lacking liberalism. My personal impression — and this is valid for South America - is that in Chile, for example, we will witness a transition from a dictatorial government to a liberal government."
12,1991年,布什总统授予他“总统自由勋章”,1992年在德国弗莱堡去世。12,1991年,布什总统授予他“总统自由勋章”,1992年在德国弗莱堡去世。 • In 1991 President George H. W. Bush awarded Hayek the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the two highest civilian awards in the United States, for a "lifetime of looking beyond the horizon". Hayek died in 1992 in Freiburg, Germany.
(1)想想人类语言的产生,是有一个中心学会有意识地规定发音、语法与词汇吗?(1)想想人类语言的产生,是有一个中心学会有意识地规定发音、语法与词汇吗? • Consider the growth of human language. No central academy master-minded its pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It is a living code created by the interaction of countless speakers pursuing their own objectives.
(2)再想想校园中穿过草地的“小路”,也是人为地设计产生的吗?(2)再想想校园中穿过草地的“小路”,也是人为地设计产生的吗? • Consider further the short-cut across the grass. No coordination between the scores of daily short-cut takers was necessary.
(3)社会制度不是为了追求社会共同福祉被创造出来的,它们代表了无数关注其本身事务的个人之自私/合作的相互作用。(3)社会制度不是为了追求社会共同福祉被创造出来的,它们代表了无数关注其本身事务的个人之自私/合作的相互作用。 • Social institutions are not created in order to pursue society’s common goals; they represent the selfish/cooperative interactions of innumerable individuals attending to their own affairs.
(4)因为社会蓝图远不如它想设计的现实复杂,所以它总是将许多人不可化约的利益简化或扭曲一种线型的理性建构。(4)因为社会蓝图远不如它想设计的现实复杂,所以它总是将许多人不可化约的利益简化或扭曲一种线型的理性建构。 • Because social blueprints are invariably less complex than the reality they seek to design, they always abridge and distort the irreducible interests of the many into a streamlined rational construction.
(1)即使是最有才华的管理者,而且他还有最大的信息库支持,但他也不能与每天胼手抵足地在日常生活中为自己的目标打拼的人们相提并论.(1)即使是最有才华的管理者,而且他还有最大的信息库支持,但他也不能与每天胼手抵足地在日常生活中为自己的目标打拼的人们相提并论. • Even the most gifted administrator aided by the largest databanks of information does not begin to compare with the firsthand, on-the-ground, exhaustive knowledge possessed by all those who are daily involved in millions of different human pursuits.
(2)与熟知自己生活的个人相比,管理者只是一个一无所知的笨伯。(2)与熟知自己生活的个人相比,管理者只是一个一无所知的笨伯。 • Compared to the host of individual experts on their own lives, the administrator is a patent ignoramus.
(3)与许多个人汇集起来的知识相比,管理者的知识只是一种理论抽象。(3)与许多个人汇集起来的知识相比,管理者的知识只是一种理论抽象。 • The total cumulated knowledge of the many individuals that we compared to the administrator’s is, in fact, a theoretical abstration.
(1)价格告诉我们何时买卖、生产与消费,以及买卖、生产与消费什么。(1)价格告诉我们何时买卖、生产与消费,以及买卖、生产与消费什么。 • Prices tell us when and what we should sell, buy, produce, and consume.
(2)价格,能够谐调不同个人的不同利益。它能够自然地整合我们的行为与选择。(2)价格,能够谐调不同个人的不同利益。它能够自然地整合我们的行为与选择。 • Prices, in short, match up the diverse interests of different individuals. They coordinate our activities and choices naturally.
(3)价格不是通过个人追求的目的使他们连结起来,而是通过其手段——市场体系使个人连结起来,个人通过市场体系获得他们的目的。(3)价格不是通过个人追求的目的使他们连结起来,而是通过其手段——市场体系使个人连结起来,个人通过市场体系获得他们的目的。 • It binds individuals not by the ends they seek (which is impossible) but by the means—the market system—they employ to achieve these ends.
4,计划意味着强制与冲突。Planning means coercion and conflict
(1)在计划之下,人们只能追求有选择的、简化过的,以及党派的利益。尽管人的本能冲动潜存于其中,但集体目标只是一个占统治地位的社会集团所核准的政治目标。(1)在计划之下,人们只能追求有选择的、简化过的,以及党派的利益。尽管人的本能冲动潜存于其中,但集体目标只是一个占统治地位的社会集团所核准的政治目标。 • They can only pursue selected, simplified, and partisan interests. Despite the humanitarian impulses that sometimes underlie them, collective goals are nothing but the politically sanctioned goals of a dominant social group.
(2)自由市场与计划经济就像两种选举制度:比例代表制与与相对多数票制。(2)自由市场与计划经济就像两种选举制度:比例代表制与与相对多数票制。 • The free market and planned economies might be compared to two different types of electoral arrangements: the system of proportional representation and the plurality system.
5,自由存在于自由市场之中。Liberty underlies the free market
(1)价格机制不仅在生产者与消费者之间培育一个精密调整过的交通网络,也能确保较低的价格与更好的服务。(1)价格机制不仅在生产者与消费者之间培育一个精密调整过的交通网络,也能确保较低的价格与更好的服务。 • The pricing mechanism not only fosters a minutely adjusted communications network between producers and consumers, but tends to ensure lower prices and better service as well.
(2)因为只有自由的个人能够注册其真实利益,所以只有一个自由市场能够为之提供相关必需的经济信息。(2)因为只有自由的个人能够注册其真实利益,所以只有一个自由市场能够为之提供相关必需的经济信息。 • Because only free individuals are in a position to register their genuine interests, only a free market has available to it all the relevant and necessary economic information.
(1)社会主义失败,不仅是因为它侵犯了个人自由,也不仅是因为它与个人的人性相悖,还因为它不可能。(1)社会主义失败,不仅是因为它侵犯了个人自由,也不仅是因为它与个人的人性相悖,还因为它不可能。 • Socialism fails, not merely because it violates personal liberty or because it goes against the grain of an individualistic human nature; it fails because it is, strictly speaking, impossible.
(2)计划经济,当其发出灾难性误导信号之际,就因其缺少重要信息使人室息。(2)计划经济,当其发出灾难性误导信号之际,就因其缺少重要信息使人室息。 • Planned economies, when they are not emitting disastrously misleading signals, are suffocating from the lack of vital information.