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Social Welfare Final Presentation. By Jessica Evans. Research Question. Does mental disability have any correlation on poverty rates among male and females ?. Literature Review.
Social WelfareFinal Presentation By Jessica Evans
Research Question • Does mental disability have any correlation on poverty rates among male and females?
Literature Review • ELWAN: Said that there is an assumption that people living in poverty are more likely than others to be disabled. • ENTMACHER: One in seven women lived in poverty in 2012. Poverty rate for women (14.5 percent) was 3.5 percentage points higher than it was for men (11.0 percent). • O’BRIEN: Stability of job market plays a role in the security of a person, people with a mental disability tend to have unstable mental security. Disability assistance programs offer more security then self-reliance. • LENNON: research on welfare recipients has not included measurements of mental health in general or of depression, in particular. With the Family Support Act of 1988, which encouraged the employment of women on welfare, and the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), which requires work, researchers have become increasingly concerned with identifying potential obstacles to employment and job retention. PRWORA created a five-year lifetime limit on receiving aid (some states have even shorter time limits), as well as a stringent work requirement: recipients must work after two years of consecutive support. • BLALOCK: Speak to the 1996 PRWORA and how this policy saw reduction in the overall caseloads dependent on the welfare some poverty reduction. What is over looked: Most recipients mostly women, do find employment. Usually low-wage sector yet obtain a nonpermanent positions due to weak work skills and lack of education.
Works Cited • Entmacher, J., Gallagher Robbins, K., Voghtman, J., & Frohlich, L. National Woman's Law Center, (2013). Insecure & unequal poverty and income among women and families 2000-2013. Retrieved from website: http://www.nwlc.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/final_2013_nwlc_povertyreport.pdf • Elwan, A. The World Bank, (1999). Poverty and disability: A survey of the literature (9932). Retrieved from website: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2000/12/15/000094946_0011210532099/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf • O’Brien, R. (2013). Economy and disability: Labor market conditions and the disability of working-age individuals. JSTOR, 60(3), 321-333. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/sp.2013.60.3.321 • Lennon, M. C. (2001). Depression and low-income women: Challenges for tanf and welfare-to-work policies and programs. Unpublished manuscript, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, , Available from Naational Center for Children in Poverty. Retrieved from http://academiccommons.columbia.edu/catalog/ac:127584 • Blalock, L., Tiller, V., & Monroe, P. (2004). "they get you out of courage:" persistent deep poverty among former welfare-reliant woman. Family Relations,53(2), 127-137. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/3700256
Data Sources Used • http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml • This site provided a guided source to create a data based off of the criteria I imputted
Data analysis • Went to website fact http://factfinder2.census.gov • Used advanced search • Imputed criteria I wanted to the table • MENTAL DISABILITY BY SEX BY AGE BY POVERTY STATUS FOR THE CIVILIAN NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION For 2005 and 2007 for Onondaga County, New York State and United State • Cleaned up the information on excel • Had to format the number from the data to number configuration in excel format • Made table for male population for Onon. County, New York and the US with and without disability that had income above poverty level and below Poverty level Ages 16-64 • Used formula to combine ages 16-20 and 21-64 to create age of 16-64 • After that created chart for female population in Onon. County, NY, and the US with and without disability that had income above poverty level and below Poverty level Ages 16-64 • Then I created Bar graphs and Line charts for all three of the areas.
Findings • According to the data within Onondaga county and New York State males actually have a higher poverty rate then females • And overall there are actually more males and females above the poverty level • Overall in the United States there are more females in poverty with a mental disability • There are more men below poverty then above • There are more women above the poverty level then below