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This session focuses on the development of WPC YP Committees, sharing best practices, and highlighting the most active YP National Committees. Topics covered include organizational structure, key initiatives, main challenges, and collaborations with industry and academic institutions.
3_89 Agenda • The Host country YP Presentation • WPC YP Presentation • NC Network presentation & Sharing best Practices • Focus on the most Active YP National Committees
The Host country YP Presentation • The Host Country give a presentation focusing on these topics: • Organization of the National YP Committee (chair, vice-chair, project leads, key numbers) • Key initiatives • Main challenges
-Members are from Oil and Gas Industry and university students. -There is no annual budget. -Cooperation with NC: All activities of Youth Committee of Serbia are supported and coordinated by National Committee. -National Petroleum Committee of Serbia helps us with organization of our programs. -Cooperation with other peer organizations, universities:University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, NIS J.S.C. Novi Sad, PE Transnafta, PE Srbijagas, Association of Oil Companies of Serbia, and Serbian Oil and Gas Association (SNAGA) -Website: http://www.wpcserbia.rs/ • Serbia
3_89 Agenda • The Host country YP Presentation • WPC YP Presentation • NC Network presentation & Sharing best Practices • Focus on the most Active YP National Committees
5_84 The Committee has already 36 representatives and alternates*from 26 different countries and with various background for 2017-2020 • A. Berntsen Norway • A. Abouardini • Denmark C. Parish Canada A. Illarionova & V. Streletskaya Russia P. Seitinger Germany • K. De Raeve • Belgium A. MukazhanovaKazakhstan K. Wilk ¨Poland J. Sherburne & M. Khan UK C. Zsoter Hungary S. Rousselet & A. Eyoum France T. Liu China D. Lankford-Bravo & E. Reyes USA L. Garcia Spain A. Neculae Romania H. Lamik Morocco E. Alkhasli & A. Huseynova Azerbaijan A. Rech & G. Lemmerer Austria • G. Morales & C. Morales Colombia A. Rahneshin Iran D. Ludolf Brazil M. Hamid & M. Emad Egypt Z. Al Khateeb Kuwait M. Cuberes & J. Mahdjoubian Argentina Background Gender A. Al Sofi Saudi arabia U. Ugurluer & V. Kara Turkey Note: (*) Official representatives as communicated to the Secretariat of the World Petroleum Council as of October 10th
WPC YP are Committed to support the World Petroleum Council’s charity objectives Vision Statement Shaping the global energy future by bringing together the passion and talents of industry students, young professionals and emerging leaders. We seek collaborative and innovative solutions to key technical, social, environmental and management energy challenges for future generations, guided by our values and commitments to: leadership, diversity, participation, sustainability, transparency, and excellence. Mission Statement • Connecting future leaders together, and to current industry leaders • Sharing passion for the industry and the WPC brand “glocally” • Bridging geopolitical boundaries to foster new relationships • Integration of global young professional perspectives to the industry • Fostering leadership skills today to serve the future of the industry 1 2 3 4 5
3_85 20_85 8_84 WPC Young Professionals Committee gathers the representatives nominated by their National Committees YPC is part of wpc organization YP ORGANIZATION • They elect within themselves the Chair and Vice-Chair of the YPC at the Congress • The YPC Chair is member of the CPC and works closely with the Vice President Youth & Gender • They are accountable for presenting roadmaps and results of their initiatives once a year to the Council meeting Council (National Committees) Executive Committee NOMINATIONS BY NC WPC Secretariat • Representatives are nominated by their National Committees • NC can nominate two young professionals per country: a representative and an alternate. Both should be under the age of 35. • The nomination is for the next three-year cycle, nominations to WPC secretariat first half 2017 would allow representatives to meet in Istanbul. Congress Programme Committee (CPC) Nominations Committee (NC) Young Professionals Committee (YPC)
37_85 35_85 38_85 Three years to build together a stronger Young Professionals Committee: Main actions roadmap Year 1: Failing to plan is planning to fail • Definition of key initiatives & milestones, endorsement by EC • Launch of key organizational tools and procedures for YPC • Launch of the mentoring program • Improvement of our communication towards with Council & CPC • Expanding our network & its contribution: • YP representatives engagement & onboarding • Volunteers attraction, retention & activation Year 2: Road to FLF – Saint Petersburg • Building YP impact on the industry community at FLF via magazine, survey and connect while professionalizing our outcomes • Expanding our network & its contribution: • YP representatives engagement & onboarding • Volunteers attraction, retention & activation • Hold our 3rd edition of the Tomorrow’s leadership symposium and regional expansion Year 3: Road to WPC - Houston • Building YP impact on the industry community at Congress via magazine, survey and connectwhile professionalizingour outcomes • Expanding our network & its contribution: • YP representatives engagement & onboarding • Volunteers attraction, retention & activation • Prepare for the next cycle
27_85 55_85 56_89 57_89 59_89 60_89 62_89 63_89 96_85 97_85 110_85 4_84 We are setting up the organization to actively contribute to the Council development while delivering key initiatives Secretariat & NC C. Zsoter • Contact point with Secretariat for follow up and improvements • YP newsletter to EC, Secretariat and NCs Governance Chair Stephane Rousselet YP Network A. Rahneshin • Extension YP networks at global, regional and country levels • Development of YP Connect • Accountable for committee strategy & execution • Election guidelines and Articles of Association • Member of CPC • Sustainable development of YP Committee(s) in and outside WPC governance bodies Program Committee K. Al Sofi & S. Bozok • Input in the programs of the TLS, FLF and WPC • Coordination of the volunteers Vice Chair Laura Garcia YP Magazine T. Liu & C. Parish • Responsible for development and release of YP magazine • Coordination of the volunteers • Accountable for committee strategy & execution • Buddy program Initiatives YP Survey J. Sherburne & Z. Al Khateeb • Responsible for development and release of YP survey • Coordination of the volunteers and PS support • Sustainable development of YP activities towards targeted audience Legend YP Mentoring A. Eyoum & K. Wilk • Responsible for development and execution of mentoring • Coordination of the volunteers, mentees and mentors Position Task lead name • Main responsibilities
3_89 Agenda • The Host country YP Presentation • WPC YP Presentation • NC Network presentation & Sharing best Practices • Focus on the most Active YP National Committees
3_85 14_85 15_85 16_85 21_85 17_84 32_84 35_84 38_84 52_84 Objectives of the initiative Connecting young people in oil & gas and current industry leaders • Map existing YP National Committees and their development stage • Centralize existing YP National Committees’ best practices and foster experience sharing • Provide guidelines to develop YP national Committees, in alignment with the leadership of their National Committee • Boost the nomination of YP representatives by demonstrating the value of YP initiatives
8_85 Map existing YP National Committees and their development stage Approach & timeline Preliminary results • Create a Survey to get the information needed from the YP National Committees • Engagement of all YP Representatives in doing the survey • Analyze the output of the surveys and the data collected from representatives to recognize the active committees • ( deadline,Roadmap,reports,…) • Arrange meetings with YP Representatives in WPC events and get more information about their committees # of members per YP NC 2018 Priority
7_89 Centralize existing YP National Committees’ best practices and experience sharing Approach & timeline Preliminary results • Examples of Successful Initiatives: • -Annual Gathering of WPC YPs (Iran) • -WPC Youth Petroleum Award (Spain) • -Scholarship: Golden Legacy of WPC (Russia) • -Create Teams for the initiatives, Appoint Coordinators, • Deploy Systematic approach and Performance Management • System for the teams and team members (Iran) • -YP Platform (Spain & Iran) • Define the best initiatives and practices of YP National Committees • Share the best experiences of active YP National Committees with other YPCs and NCs through Workshops and Meetings(Skype meetings, email ….) • Define development action plan, in alignment with the leadership of their National Committee WPC YP Annual Gathering WPC Youth Petroleum Award YP Platform Work Groups 2018 Priority Golden Legacy of WPC Virtual networking platform
3_89 Provide guidelines to develop YP National Committees, in alignment with the leadership of their NC 2019 Priority • 1 to 1 meetings with NCs to raise awareness and identify new development opportunities • Structure YP NCs including operating model, financials, communications • Defining concrete guidelines to set up and grow YPCs
10_84 Boost the nomination of YP representatives by demonstrating the value of YP initiatives # (Total 40) Status Countries Rationales
NC Network Development of YPCs must be done atfive different levels • Countries with YP representatives • High level of activity ready to share best practices and guidelines with other YPCs (priority) • Low or no level of national activity with the ambition to develop the local committee (priority) • No short-term expectation to grow the national committee • Countries without WPC YP representative • Existing or potential interestfor students and young professionals’ initiatives (former representative, direct contact, industry profile) (priority) • No short-term expectation to nominate a YP representative. 1 2
Overall Project Timelineof NC Networks Development Workshop of WPC YPCs
48_84 High-Level Planning - 2018 WIP EC/CPC EC/CPC (15-16, Krakow) EC/CPC/YP (Astana) Roles and responsibilities Refining and approval Articles of association Election guidelines Workshop in YP countries + REX survey+ Analyze the input + Arrange meeting with YP Structure KOM Recruitment 1st term Recurring posts on LinkedIn YP Connect Mentees & Program TLS FLF Call for abstract FLF FLF FLF FLF Set up KOM Structure and topics Initialization Call for articles Arbitration & approval Proofing Tomorrow Leaders Symposium (28-29, Belgrade) Detailed planning Committee recruitment Program Set Up (theme, blocks, topics) Program refining & speaker recruitment Detailed planning Forum topics Chqirs & VC Prepare call for papers Spot support
3_89 Agenda • The Host country YP Presentation • WPC YP Presentation • NC Network presentation & Sharing best Practices • Focus on most Active YP National Committees
4_89 Focus on most Active YP NCsRussia, Canada, Spain,UK YPCs, Iran,… best Practices • Support of the national committee is crucial • Offer a Value Proposition • Internal drive and clear goals • Active local network • Involvement in Global WPC initiatives and programmes • Development of attractive programs • Offer rewards • Utilizing social media is a key • Key performance indicators
-Members are from various industries, not only Oil and Gas industry. -Annual budget: It is determined by EC. -NC helps them by attending their events, offer mentorship and engage with FL Board members -Website: https://wpccanada.com/ -Facebook: WPCCanada • Canada
-Members are only from Oil and Gas Industry. • -NC doesn’t support them very well and their Cooperation needs to be improved. • -no annual Budget. • -Cooperation with peer organizations : Society of Petroleum Engineers. • -Members communicate with each other by email. • -no Website. • Germany
-Benefits for YPC members: Opportunity in participation at the WPC events and activities (congress, forums, mentoring program)Opportunity of possible scientific publications, international networking -Members are from different industries and professions (energy, mining, HR, HSE, economics, marketing, government & administration, PR & communications) -Annual Programs: Scholarships "Golden Legacy of the WPC" twice a year: information distribution, call for nominees applications, selection process, approval by the RNC, organization of awarding ceremony and face-to-face meeting for all winnersApproval and organization of the special WPC Y Sessions at country professional events (Forum Across the Universe, Forum "Unification strategy for the petroleum industry", Youth Petroleum Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons") -no annual Budget. -NC Supports in Sponsorship, communication and mentoring. -Cooperation with other peer organizations, universities: Ministry of Energy of the RFMajor technical and petroleum universities (SAFU, St. Petersburg, Gubkin, Tyumen, etc.)VnipineftAcademy of Natural Science related to petroleum industrySchlumberger Russia & CaspianSPE Moscow Section, SPE Gubkin University Student ChapterOther local petroleum companies -have a website and Facebook account. • Russia
-Members are mainly working in oil and gas industry, and mainly from the companies from the Spanish Committee. However, there are other representatives from the whole energy industry. Within the members there are students, consultants, service companies, etc. -There is not a dedicated budget to the Spanish Youth Committee. The Spanish National Committee´s budget is based on fees paid by their member and sponsorship of specific events. -Activities organized from the Spanish National Committee (Best Practices)-Annual Spanish Youth Petroleum Award- Winner:2016 Rio Forum participation sponsorship thanks to Spanish WPC Committee- Finalists: mentoring program to improve papers in order to be presented in Istanbul Congress Promoting youth attendance in WPC Events -YP activities: Afterworks(gathering)Communications to youth members Promotion of Youth in WPC initiatives (youth survey, publications) Website: http://www.enerclub.es/extfrontenerclub/img/File/indexed/cewpc/Site-Eng/index.htm • Spain
-Members are only from Oil and Gas Industry. • -Data we have about their Cooperation with TNC and their activities belong to the date before 22nd WPC and all their activities were focused on the Congress. • -Coopeartion with peer organizations: • -Local universities that offer degree programs related to Oil and Gas industry. To name a few, Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul University, Ankara University, Hacettepe University. • -No annual Budget. • -Have a Website and Instagram account. • Turkey
-Members are from Oil and Gas Industry and university students:2016 • -Cooperation with NC: All activities of YPCs Of Iran are supported and coordinated by National Committee. Iran NC helps us with organization of our programs. • -scope and aim of your activities? dedicated goals? • YP is an opportunity to communicate and connect young people provides, which is based on values. The energy of young people is a driving force for global sustainable development. we hope that with the efforts of all YP growing oil industry and excellence in this industry. • -How do you motivate young professionals to stick them together? • Active YP and interested in teamwork is the most important factor. • -All programs will be determined annually • -Support from the National Committee In identifying programs • -cooperate with other peer organizations, universities: Petroleum University of Technology/ Amirkabr University/ Sharif University/ Garmsar University/ Research Institute of Petroleum Industry • -No official annual up to now, but our req is in process, we are organized workshops, training courses and use their [rofit . • Website: http://worldpetroleum.ir/en/ • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/group/13612880 • Facebook: no • Instagram:www.instragram.com/ioi_wpc_yc • -Share your further ideas, experiences or advices how local WPC YP Committees should work. • It should work as a consultancy committee to help national petroleum organization to make better decisions. It can work as a community of practice to share new ideas and knowledge within NPC. • Iran