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This study explores college students' knowledge of air and atmospheric pollution and their understanding of topics such as acid rain, greenhouse effect, and ozone. It also presents the results of a lecture series aimed at improving students' understanding of this globally relevant topic. The study concludes that there is still room for improvement in teaching this complex subject and highlights the importance of teacher training.
“Air and Atmospheric Pollution” in Senior Natural Science Class> An Empirical Study and a Resultant Lecture Series
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Introduction „Air andatmosphericpollution“: A globally relevant topic… acid rain greenhouseeffect ozone GreenhouseEffect Acid Rain Ozone
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Empirical Study • What do college students know about... Target group: 1.500 college students of grade 10 and 12 from Germany, Spain, Taiwan and Russia (+ 100 university students from Germany)
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Principal Findings of the Empirical Study (college students only)
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Lecture Series • Conceptual design: Stage 1: Literatureresearch, expert consultations, empiricalstudy Stage 2: Lectureseries – Pilot Concept
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Lecture Series • Conceptual design: Stage 3: Lectureseries – OptimizedConcept Pilot concept • Weaknesses: • expert learning • experiments • topic rotation
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Main results of thelectureseries(pilotconcept)
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Main results of thelecture series + 20 % + 8 % - 7 % + 21 % - 8 % + 30 % + 13 % - 6 %
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class Conclusions • The topic „airandatmosphericpollution“ isdemanding. • Due tothecomplexity of thesubjectarea, thereis still roomforfurtherimprovement. • A surveyamongstteachersshowedtheirinterest in theincorporation of thelectureseries in theirclass. • In order toassurethequalityof thetuition, teachers´ trainingsareveryimportant.
„Air and atmospheric pollution“ in senior natural science class References • Data on greenhouseeffect: • IPCC (2007),Jacobeit (2007), Weischet & Endlicher (2008), Buck & Hohl (2010) • Data on stratosphericozone: • NASA (2012) • Data on NOxand SO2emissions: • Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (2010) • Publication about empirical study: • Harsch, Estay, Barke (2011): Treibhauseffekt, Ozon und Saurer Regen - Wissensstand und Fehlvorstellungen deutscher und spanischer Schüler. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften Chemie 3/60.