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ENERGY FOR LIFE 2012-2014. HYDRO ENERGY. AKHİSAR -MANİSA/ TURKEY. HYDRO ENERGY. Hydroelectric power is one of the oldest methods of producing electricity . People have used moving water to help them in their work throughout history . People used water energy in different ways.
HYDRO ENERGY Hydroelectricpower is one of theoldestmethods of producingelectricity. Peoplehaveusedmovingwatertohelpthem in theirworkthroughouthistory.
Peopleusedwaterenergy in differentways Watermillusedtogrindwheatandgetflour
Hydropower is one of themostimportantandwidely-usedrenewablesource of energy in Turkey
DAMS ARE BUILT MAINLY FOR THREE REASONS IN TURKEY • REDUCING THE RISK OF FLOOD • PRODUCING ELECTRICITY • IRRIGATION OF THE AREA • (Agriculture is veryimportant in Turkey, morethan % 50 of peopleget on theirlivingfromagriculture)
*Turkey has greatamount of rainfallduring a yearespecially in AutumnandSpring. *SomeEasternPartsandCentralAnatoliagets highamount of snowduringwinter. *Theserainfallandsnowfall (precipitation) are mainwatersources of Turkey. Theyfeedthe damsandwater is stored in thesedams. *Wheneveryouneed, youproduceelectricity.
DAMS IN TURKEY Hydroenergy is veryimportantforTurkey . InTurkey , thereare 103 activelyusedhydro electricpowerplants. Mostimportantdams in Turkeyare as follows, 1-Ermenek Barajı 6-Karakaya Barajı 2-Keban Barajı 7-Atatürk Barajı 3-Berke Barajı 8-Hasan Uğurlu Barajı 4-Altınkaya Barajı 9-Kığı Barajı 5-Oymapınar Barajı 10-Gökçekaya Barajı
HowdoesItwork • Firstyouneedtobuild a dam in front of a riveror a lake orsomewhereyouthinkyou can storewater. • Youneedtowaitforoneyearormoretofill in thereservoir of the dam.
Usewaterpowerandturntheturbine • Youcreateelectricitywiththehelp of generators.
Let’s talk aboutAdvantages • Minimal pollution Generatingelectricitywithhydroenergy is not pollutingitself. Theonlypollutionoccursduringtheconstruction of thesemassivepowerplants. • Reliable Hydroelectricity is veryreliableenergy. Thereareverylittleinstability in terms of theelectricpower. As long as there is water in thereservoir, electricity can be generated.
Safe There is no gas, no chemicalpollutantor no danger of explosion. • Flexible You can producehowmuchelectricityyouneed. Adjustingwaterflowandoutput of electricity is easy
Hydro energy production does not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It is a clean form of energy that everybody could enjoy. • Aftersettingupthesystem, it is freetoproduceelectricity • It'srenewable - rainfallrenewsthewater in thereservoir.
Whataboutthedisadvantages ? • Highinvestmentcosts Building a dam is expensive, andyouhaveto buildthedams at thehigheststandards • NegativeEffects on Nature • Insomecases, youmayhavetocuttheforest • Insomecasesyoumayhavetospoilwildlife habitat
Droughtordryseasonsaffectenergyproducingnegativelybecause of thelack of water. • What is theresultnow? Briefly, The advantages that people obtain will always be more than the disadvantages.
Whyshouldweprefer hydroenergy • 1. Hydroelectricity is a renewableenergysource. • 2. Hydroelectricity is cheap • 3. You can decidehowmuchelectricityyouneedtoproduce
4. You can usethestoredwater in differentfields (irrigation, drinking…etc) • 5. Damssometimesreducethe risk of floodandsometimesyou can usethestoredwater in case of drought • 6. It is one of themostreliableandstableenergysource. • 7. It is one of thecleanestenergy