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Cultivating a High-Performance Learning Culture

Explore the dynamics of school culture and its impact on student and adult performance. Delve into metaphors, reflections, and strategies for fostering a positive learning environment. Engage in activities to identify and enhance critical aspects of school culture.

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Cultivating a High-Performance Learning Culture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creating a High-Performance Learning CultureSession #1 Welcome!

  2. But first A word from our sponsors !

  3. Creating a High-Performance Learning CultureSession #1 OBJECTIVE:Participants will develop a shared understanding of the nature of school culture and examine the relationship between school culture and student and adult performance in their school’s. Time Issues: 45 minutes Activities: Culture Inventory and the Gray School

  4. Culture Inventory • For each item, select the answer that best fits your perception of your school’s culture. There are no right or wrong answers.

  5. Culture Inventory • Stand up, walk around the room, and find another person who selected the same answer for item #1. • Share your name, role, and why you chose that choice. Sign the inventory on the line left of the stem • For each item repeat the process.

  6. The Gray School…The Story of a Colorless School with a Toxic Culture • Listen to the story of the Gray School. • Identify the elements of this schools culture that need immediate attention in order to make a difference for the performance of students in the school

  7. The Gray School… • Imagine you are members of the Gray School’s leadership team. • What three or four features of this school would you select as targets for change? • Why are these important?

  8. Getting Clear About the Nature of Culture • What is it? • What are its component parts? • How does it evolve? • What difference does it make?

  9. Metaphorically Speaking. . . Understanding Culture Via Metaphors

  10. Common Threads Running Through Metaphors • Culture as a web (Deal and Peterson) • Culture as a complex pattern (Roland Barth) • Culture as glue (Thomas Sergiovanni) • Culture as a garden (Rick Dufour)

  11. Common Threads Running Through Metaphors • Which of these metaphors speaks to you about culture? Why? • Which is most helpful to you in understanding culture? • Can you give a specific example of how this metaphor applies to your school? • How could you introduce this metaphor to the rest of your faculty?

  12. Common Threads Running Through Metaphors • Culture is intangible • Culture is complex • Culture evolves over time • Culture is powerful

  13. Relationships Policies and Procedures Physical Environment Core Beliefs Reflection Inquiry Effort & Efficacy Ability & Achievement Dialogue Power & Control Strategic Structures Distributed Accountability Norms Behaviors

  14. Questions?

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