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Three Generations of Particles are Necessary in our Universe. Vladimir Burdyuzha Astro -Space Center, Lebedev Physical Inst. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 19 December, 2014, Fort Lauderdel , Florida. In memory of G.M. Vereshkov. Grigoriy Moiseevich Vereshkov
Three Generations of Particles are Necessary in our Universe Vladimir Burdyuzha Astro-Space Center, Lebedev Physical Inst. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 19 December, 2014, Fort Lauderdel, Florida
In memory of G.M. Vereshkov GrigoriyMoiseevichVereshkov (1947-2014) Physical Department of Rostov/Don State University (Russian Federation )
The Universe time formatting t=0 is a moment of creation (a tunneling process from oscillations to Friedmann);Phys. Rev.D.55 (1997)7340 t=10-43 sec - Planck time; r~10-33 cm; T ~ 1032 K t~10-30 sec - inflation phase; t~10-12 sec - reheating phase; t~ 10-5 sec – baryogenesis, DM genesis; t~200 sec - nucleosynthesis (d, α particles);
The Universe time formatting t ~ 3x1011 sec ρrad = ρmatρrad~ r -4; ρmat ~ r -3 ; t ~ 1.2x1013 sec - epoch of recombination, z~1100; t ~ 3x1015 sec – production of DM LSS z ~ 30-20; t ~ 5x1015 sec – the end of dark age, z ~ 20; t ~ 1016 sec - production of baryonic LSS, z~15-12; t >1016 sec – epoch of reionization, z ~ 10-6; t ~ 3x10 16 sec _ the end of reionization epoch, z ~ 5; t ~ 4x10 17 sec - modern epoch,13.76 x109 years, z=0
The Universe Composition (2014) Last data: H0 = 69 (km/sec )/Mpc; Ωb ~ 5% ; ΩDM ~ 26% ; ΩDE ~ 69% (Planck Results)
DM particle may be an axion Axion was postulated more than twenty years ago. Global symmetry UPQ(1) was included and axions as Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with spontaneous breaking of CP symmetry.
An axion Axion has S=0, Q=0, negative internal parity and m ~ 6 x 10-6 eV (1012/fa), fa (a decay constant) must be < 1012 GeV. It may be produced in QCD phase transition. An International axion observatory is under construction; arXiv: 1401.3233 In a laboratory in magnetic field A0→2γ
Familons as particles of DM Familons are a sort of axions (pGB).4 sort of these PG-bosons take place (axions, arions, familons and majorons). The small mass of PGB takes place because of a super weak interaction of Goldstone fields with vacuum condensates: mast ~ 10-3 - 10-5 eV m lab < 10 eV A term “familon” is from the word “family”
If the next fundamental level is DM consists from familons, existence of three generations of particles, existence of distinguished scales in U. Then a fractal distribution of baryon structures is natural phenomenon.
The preon composition of particles Positron + + + +1 Electron - - - - 1 Upper quark + + 0 +2/3 Down quark - □ □ -1/3 Upper antiquark - - □ - 2/3 Down antiquark + 0 0 +1/3 Electronic neutrino 0 0 0 0 Electronic antineutrino □ □ □ 0 W+ + + + 0 0 0 +1 W- - - - □ □ □ -1
Z0 and γ 0 0 0 □ □ □0 + + + - - - 0 Z0 + + - - 0 □ 0 + - 0 0 □ □ 0 γ + - 0 preon + has electric charge +1/3 preon 0 has not electric charge preon - has electric charge - 1/3 antipreon □ has not electric charge
Composite particles It is evident that all elementary particles consist of three preons while the interaction carriers (gauge bosons) of six preons, and at that the Z boson can consist of four combinations of preons. The same building blocks can form gluons
Sizes 10-13 cm What is the true size of the quarks and leptons we do not know, and if we learn that, it will be possible to directly judge about their internal structure. These are the tasks at the LHC, Fermilab.
Note A hint that quarks and leptons are composite particles can be seen in the radioactivity
Notes 2 and 3 generations of particles are excited states of the first generation. Particles of 2 and 3 generations are unstable, although they consist of combinations of the same preons and antipreons. All preons are fermions.
Preon composition of particles uiLa = UαL φa+iαauiLa = (uiL, ciL,tiL) diLa = DαLφa+iαadiLa = (diL, siL,biL) νiLl = UαLχαlνiLl = νLe , νLμ, νLτ liLl = DαLχαlliLl= (eL, μL, τL)
Preon composition of particles The simplest boson-fermionpreon model of left chiral quarks and leptons is considered. Here: UαL , DαL - chiralfermionpreons; also scalar preons of quark and lepton type are. Inside quarks and leptons, the metagluonic fields Gωμνand the scalar preon fields are in the state of confinement.
Which are familons ? Then, DM is a system of familon collective excitations of the preon vacuum. This system consists of three subsystems: familons of upper-quark type, familons of lower-quark type, and familons of lepton type.
Some notes During of evolution, this system has undergone three relativistic phase transitions which took place at different temperatures - different z!!! different sizes!!! SU(2)L X SU(2)R→ U(1)
Preliminary results Then, DM consisting of familons has a hot component from massless particles and a cold component from massive particles. For structurization of DM 3 generations particles are necessary (hep-ph/0801.2527) also J. Modern Phys. 5 (2014) 1963
Phase Transition (upper quarks) SomePG modes: m f(u)2 = - (1/24uf2) <(αs/π)GμνmGμνn >[(mt - mc)2/mcmt] - the negative squared mass of the complex pseudo scalar field, means that at low temperatures, T<Tc (u) I mf I ~ ( Λc2/ Λmc ) √ mt/mc the vacuum of PG particles is unstable.
Phase transition (lower quarks) In such vacuum, at the temperature T= Tc(u) a relativistic phase transition must take place, resulting a state with spontaneously broken symmetry. The same situation for f. of low quarks are: m f(d) 2 = - (1/24ud2) <(αs/π)GμνmGμνn> [(mb- ms)2/mbms] for complex scalar field.
Notes A numerical simulation of such relativistic phase transitions has shown that a spatial interchange of high-symmetry and low-symmetry phases took place in the Universe with the density contrast ~ 0.1. A large-scale structure of DM produced
Note To explain the hierarchy of baryonic structures, our model realizes at least three relativistic phase transitions (T < 10-1eV)
How can check this model? This model can be given an experimental status only after the discovery of familons. Petraki and Volkas discussed already a possible search for composite quarks, leptons and gauge bosons on the basis of studying the dimuon mode in pp collisions at the LHC (the CMS detector) arXiv: 1305.4939
A general note 1 generation gives the observable baryon world, 2 and 3 generations (their existence) give all DM (here familons). The “weak” place of the preon model is a lepto-boson condensate which is unknown Thank you very much