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Unit 6 International Carriage of Goods. Text I International Carriage of Goods by Sea -To learn about the relevant rules in international carriage of goods by sea Text II The Carrier’s Liabilities under a Bill of Lading
Unit 6 International Carriage of Goods Text I International Carriage of Goods by Sea -To learn about the relevant rules in international carriage of goods by sea Text II The Carrier’s Liabilities under a Bill of Lading -To understand the 3 undertakings by the carries in a contract of carriage by sea in common law Typical Sentence Patterns: Contract (I)
Text I International Carriage of Goods by Sea Useful expressions: maritime nation, unit of account, state party, landlocked state, competition of treaties, exculpate oneself by, null and void, be limited to (prep.), be of direct application to, follow from, port of departure, by definition, internationality, be in the care of sb., clear oneself, take reasonable measures, be (held) liable for, on the part of sb., rest on, claimant, be of mandatory law, wilful misconduct Terms: bill of lading, term of limitation, protocol of signature, Himalaya clauses, burden of proof, shipper, contracting / actual carrier, consignee Proper names: Hague Rules, Visby Protocol, HVR, SDR Protocol, Hamburg Rules
Questions based on the text • What are the international conventions governing the liability of the carrier for loss of or damage to cargo in international carriage of goods by sea? • What is the relationship between the 3 conventions and what is their scope respectively?
International conventions on international carriage of goods by sea 1. Hague Rules (also the Brussels Convention on Bills of Lading 1924, International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading ) 《海牙规则》,全称《1924年统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约》 See http://www.admiraltylawguide.com/conven/haguerules1924.html 2. Hague-Visby Rules (also the Hague Rules as Amended by the Brussels Protocol 1968 ) 《海牙-维斯比规则》,全称《修改统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约的议定书》 See http://www.admiraltylaw.com/statutes/hague.html 3. Hamburg Rules (also United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978) 《汉堡规则》,全称《1978年联合国海上货物运输公约》 See http://www.admiraltylaw.com/statutes/hamburg.html
Relationship between the 3 conventions 《海牙规则》是海上运输方面一个十分重要的公约,几十年来许多国家的航运公司都在其所制发的提单上规定采用本规则,据以确定承运人在货物装船、收受、配载、承运、保管、照料和卸载过程中 所应承担的责任与义务,以及其应享受的权利与豁免。 自一九二四年制订《海牙规则》实施半个多世纪以来,由于本身存在的和在实施过程中出现的各项问题,以及 近年来国际经济、政治的变化和海运技术的发展,某些内容已经过时,多数国家特 别是代表货方利益的国家和第三世界国家强烈要求修改本规则。目前,对《海牙规则》的修改存在两个方案:一个是代表英国及北欧各传统海运国家提出的《维斯比规则》,另一个是由联合国国际贸易法委员会所属国际航运立法工作组提出的代表第三世界和货方利益的汉堡规则,由于目前正处在新旧交替过程中,而这三个规则 在实际的海运业务中,分别为有关国家及其船公司所采用。
Relationship between the 3 conventions (《汉堡规则》Art. 31(1))在成为本公约缔约国时,凡是一九二四年八月二十五日在布鲁塞尔签订的 关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约(一九二四年公约)的缔约国,都必须通知作为 一九二四年公约保管人的比利时政府退出该公约,并声明该退出自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
Terms and proper names bill of lading 提单 -a document issued by a carrier which is evidence of receipt of the goods, and is a contract of carriage. It describes the goods, the details of the intended voyage, and it specifies the conditions of transportation. If issued in negotiable form, i.e. "to order", it becomes documentary evidence of title to the goods.
Terms and proper names term of limitation 诉讼时效 protocol of signature 签字议定书 burden of proof 举证责任 shipper 托运人 contracting / actual carrier 缔约/实际承运人 consignee 收件人
Terms and proper names Himalaya clauses 喜马拉雅条款 -If a carrier is relieved from liability under Hague Rules, can a plaintiff recover against the captain or crew? The Hague Rules do not apply to parties other than the carrier. To protect the other parties, carriers include provisions in their bills of lading extending the protection of the Hague Rules to their agents, employees, and independent contractors. These Himalaya clauses, named after a famous case, are recognized in some countries, including the U.S., and are invalid in others such as the U.K. and Canada.
Exercises Refer to bk2 u6 keys. COGSA(美国)海上货物运输法 mutatis mutandis [mju:5tB:tis mju:5tAndis] • [拉][用作状语]已作必要的修正
Text II The Carrier’s Liabilities under a Bill of Lading Questions based on the text 1. What are the 3 implied undertakings by the carrier in a contract of carriage by sea under common law? 2. What is meant by “implied undertakings”?
Terms seaworthiness 适航 deviation 绕航 delay 延迟交货 exclusion clause 免责条款 contra proferentem 对起草人不利(的原则) frustration (of a contract) (合同)落空 call (at ports) (在港口)停靠 common carrier 公用运输业者, 公共承运人 waiver 放弃, 弃权, 弃权证书