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US Civil War

Abolition. US Civil War. If the Union must be dissolved slavery is precisely the question upon which it ought to break John Quincy Adams. Background of Abolitionists MishMosh of Beliefs. Reformers . Saw slavery as a blight on American society and a roadblock to progress .

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US Civil War

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  1. Abolition US Civil War If the Union must be dissolved slavery is precisely the question upon which it ought to break John Quincy Adams

  2. Background of AbolitionistsMishMosh of Beliefs • Reformers. • Saw slavery as a blight on American society and a roadblock to progress. • Mostly came from the middle-class, who were already reforming prisons, education, equality for women, mental health, government, and services for the poor. Susan B. Anthony http://ncwhs.oah.org/images/YoungSusanB.jpg

  3. Background of AbolitionistsMishMosh of Beliefs • Moral grounds. • Declaration of Independence declared all people are created equal. • The Bible preaches equality. • A byproduct of the Second Great Awakening and Charles Finney. Charles Finney http://demo.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/modern/people/images/Finney.jpg

  4. Background of AbolitionistsMishMosh of Beliefs • Political reasons. • Democrats protested the denial of political and civil rights to blacks. • By 1805, all of the Northern states had either outlawed slavery or set out gradual emancipation. • Northerners believed that the slave South was gaining power and trying to push north of the Missouri Compromise line. Map of US after MO Compromise http://www.americanforeignrelations.com/images/enan_0001_0002_0_img0141.jpg

  5. Background of AbolitionistsMishMosh of Beliefs • Perfectionists • Blend of 2nd Great Awakening • Abolition • Women’s Rights • Refusal to obey a “corrupt” societies laws • “No Union with slaveholders Are you Perfect??? http://resources.prufrock.com/Portals/0/BlogImages/Perfectionism.jpg

  6. Background of AbolitionistsKey Terms • Emancipation. • Freeing of slaves. • Abolition. • The immediate and total end of slavery. An Emancipated Slave http://eprentice.sdsu.edu/S03X2/pasenelli/Emancipation.jpg

  7. Abolitionist OpinionsColonization • Benjamin Lundy. • Quaker publisher, tried to persuade Southerners to free their slaves. • Once freed, he explored the possibility of colonization in Canada or Haiti. Benjamin Lundy http://images.virtualology.com/ac/4/i/ency0027.jpg

  8. Abolitionist OpinionsColonization • 1817, American Colonization Society. • Gradual emancipation of slaves, with freed slaves to be sent to colonies in Africa. • Founded the colony of Liberia. • Would be a long and expensive process. • Slave owners would have to voluntarily take a loss. Liberia http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=62283&rendTypeId=4

  9. Abolitionist OpinionsFormer Slaves, David Walker • Born to freed slaves, moved to Massachusetts • David Walker’s Appeal. • A pamphlet that urged African-Americans to use violent means, if necessary, to win their freedom. • Known as the “diabolical pamphlet” throughout the South. David Walker http://cache.eb.com/eb/thumb?id=78425

  10. Abolitionist OpinionsFormer Slaves. Frederick Douglass • Background. • Most well-known escaped slave. • Learned to read and write and mastered a trade while a slave. • Earned enough money from lectures and writing to send to his former master and legally purchase his freedom. • Became part of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. • Would associate with leading abolitionists of the time period. Frederick Douglass http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/images/4fred16b.jpg

  11. Abolitionist OpinionsFormer Slaves. Frederick Douglass • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. • Freedom required not only emancipation, but also full social and economic equality. Frederick Douglass http://www.ls.cc.al.us/blackhistory/douglass2.jpg

  12. Abolitionist OpinionsFormer Slaves. Frederick Douglass • Changing opinions. • Originally wanted emancipation by violent means. • Late 1840s, decides to break with the “radical abolitionists.” • Believed that the Constitution needed to be upheld. • If it was not, then emancipation meant nothing because blacks would not be treated as equals. • Destroy slavery by working within the system. Frederick Douglass http://img.timeinc.net/time/2002/bhm/history/images/douglas.jpg

  13. Abolitionist OpinionsWilliam Lloyd Garrison • Assistant of Benjamin Lundy, would become a leading abolitionist. • Became leader of the radical view. • Wanted the immediate emancipation of slaves. • Did not care about the political, social, and economic consequences. William Lloyd Garrison http://images.acswebnetworks.com/1/934/garrison_portrait.jpg

  14. Abolitionist OpinionsWilliam Lloyd Garrison • Refused to engage in political activity to end slavery. • Compromises have failed in the past. • Laws made to protect slavery were illegal under God’s law. • Prepared to destroy the Union to gain their ends. William Lloyd Garrison http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/William_garrison.jpg/250px-William_garrison.jpg

  15. Abolitionist OpinionsWilliam Lloyd Garrison • Garrison was so radical that he burned the Constitution. • Called it an “agreement with Hell.” William Lloyd Garrison http://www.arfalpha.com/PushToTheFront/Volume1_HTM/41e4c670.jpg

  16. Abolitionist OpinionsWilliam Lloyd Garrison • The Liberator. • Key abolitionist newspaper. • Extremely controversial in both the North and the South. • Would be banned in the South. • Set out the reasons for abolition in a graphic manner. William Lloyd Garrison http://www.olemiss.edu/courses/his105/images/liberator.jpg

  17. Abolitionist OpinionsWilliam Lloyd Garrison • Importance of Garrison. • Did not have many followers, but opened up new views on abolition. • Abolition was not a reform movement, but a revolution. • Achieving racial equality, not just ending slavery, will lead to the true goal: full justice for blacks. • Saw blacks as true equals. • Supported the efforts of female abolitionists and the women’s rights movement.

  18. Abolitionist OpinionsModerate Abolitionists • Leaders. • Arthur Tappan, Lewis Tappan, Theodore Weld, Frederick Douglass. Arthur Tappan http://www.whatsaiththescripture.com/Graphics.Voice/A.T.Pierson.med.jpg Theodore Weld http://www.wwhp.org/Resources/Biographies/Images/theodoredwightweld.jpg Frederick Douglass http://memory.loc.gov/gc/lhbcb/25385/0002.jpg Arthur Tappan http://images.usatoday.com/money/_photos/2004/11/04/inside1-tappan.jpg

  19. Abolitionist OpinionsModerate Abolitionists • Origins & beliefs. • Broke with Garrison in 1840. • “Immediate emancipation… gradually achieved” through political activity. • Did not want female abolitionists to take an active role. • Believed that slavery was enough of an issue to antagonize people. • Would lose support. • Created the Liberty Party. • Would be one of the numerous “third parties” created to fight for the end of slavery.

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