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Prestige Smart City - an upcoming residential venture of Prestige Groups is the most awaited project of Prestige Group. Prestige invites you to the good life in complete ease and splendor at Prestige Smart City. Prestige Smart City Bangalore is sprawled across large area of lush green landscapes. Prestige offers you a wonderful home in Sarjapur road, East of Bangalore.
About Prestige SmartCity Prestige Smart City at Sarjapur Road, Ittangur, East Bangalore is beingdeveloped by country’s top real-estate company Prestige Group. PrestigeGroup is awell-known brand known for its quality construction, innovative outlines, customer-centric designs and high workethics. A well-known brand Prestige Group has thrived to successfully by providing best possible solutions to befit the needs and demands of the metropolitanpopulace. Prestige Groupis a premier real estate developer which has successfully delivered a plethora of landmark developments across major cities in SouthIndia. Prestige group is the most trusted brands of India with vast expertise in creating landmark developments across commercial, retail, hospitality and residentialsectors. The group has established more than 200 ventures across all major cities of South India including Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad,Kochi, Mysore, Mangalore andGoa. The Prestige group has plenty of upcoming projects including Prestige SmartCity Sarjapur Road East Bangalore.
About PrestigeGroup Prestige Group is a brand name in the vertical of Infrastructure development, with cutting edge construction technology anddesign-innovation. Prestigehasgot close to50+ongoingprojectseveryyearalloverIndia. The Group has introduced many firsts to South India's real estate market and has become a namesynonymous with innovation.The Prestige group has long been a trendsetter, who introduced first mall in Bangalore, South India. Prestigehasdevelopedmind-bogglingamountsofareawithunmatchableskillandfinesse. PrestigeGrouphaswonanumberofinternationalawardsforitsconsistentlyexcellentperformanceinthe sector. Prestige Group has also received many international and national awards across categories, including the Asia PacificPropertyAwards.Theawardsshowtheconsistentperformanceoftheprestigegroupinthisvertical.
Prestige Smart CityAmenities Prestige Smart City Amenities on Sarjapur Road, Ittangur, East Bangalore includes wide range of amenities in sports,recreational,community,fitnessandleisuresegments. Theproject isusinglatesttechnologiestodeliveraplacehallmarkingthemajesticityofurban-living. Prestige Group is known to be top level real estate builder due to high quality construction and excellent amenities. Prestige Smart City Amenities on Sarjapur main Road East Bangalore mainly include play area for children, pleasantwalk-ways,landscapedgardens,clubhousethatenforcetheecologicalfactorwithintheproject. The state-of-the-art clubhouse has modern facilities and conveniences including fully- loaded gymnasium, swimmingpool,cardsroomandmulti-purposehall. Location of the property and amenities play a vital role for the resident to choose their home because now a day’speoplelookforaluxurylifewithallthefacilitiesinsidethecommunity.
Prestige Smart CityPrice ThePrestige Smart City Price on Sarjapur main Road, Ittangur, East Bangalore is launched at fair and competitive prices. Prestige Smart City is an inspiring residential township by Prestige Group in serene locales off Sarjapur Road – East Bangalore. The project features 1, 2 and 3 BHK apartments equipped with modernspecifications. The project offers state-of-the-art amenities and facilities providing easeful housing experience to its treasured occupants. Thefacilitiesareofferedataffordablepricequotes. Being a pre-launched venture by reputed brand of Prestige Groups and having the location advantage of being in rapidlydevelopingareasofSarjapurRoad,theprojectwillbethebest-buydealforinvestorsandhome-seekers. Thepriceshaveavitalimpactoncustomer’sselection. ThePrestigeSmartCitypricesofdifferentunitsaredevisedafteranalysisofinhabitantaffordabilityofthepeople in thatregion. Thedetailedcostsforeachvariationareaccessibleondemand. The prestige group has done its own surveying the region and price quotes are given accordingly and offer affordable price to the customer. The prices for 1, 2 and 3 BHK flats at Prestige Smart City Sarjapur main Road, IttangurEastBangaloreforallthevariousvariantsarelistedbelow.
Formoredetailedinformationaboutprices,pleasevisitouroffice. Wecanprovidethecompletebreakupofsalepricesfortheflatofyourchoice. We have discount offers on instant bookings. We can suggest the banks for home loans from where you can get loans with less rateof interest. For Booking Amount details Contactus immediately. Regarding project details, like Project Total Area, No of Floors, No of Towers, Total Units, Total Open Space and all other details, please contactus.
Prestige Smart CitySpecifications Prestige Smart City is residential project featuring 1,2 and 3 bedroom luxury apartments aided with top- notch specifications andniceties. Prestige Smart City Specifications on Sarjapur main Road, Ittangur, East Bangalore include RCC framed structure Building, Concrete Solid Block Masonry (Int & Ext) – 200MM Exterior walls, 100MM Interior walls, Glossy Vitrified Tile Flooring in Living, Dining andAnti- Skid Ceramic Tileflooring. The apartments are fitted with large vitrified tile flooring with laminated wooden flooring for bedrooms. The builder has given provision for modular kitchen withprovisionforwaterheaterandwaterpurifier. The high rise buildings of Prestige Smart City have RCC structure which doesn’t require regular maintenance. Theutility area has vitrified tile flooring with provisionforwashingmachineanddishwasher. 24/7 CONCIERGE Presentations are communicationtools.
LeaveYourContactDetailsForACallBackonMore Prestige Smart City AmenitiesDetails. Prestige Smart City Specifications includes teakwood frame with designer shutters fortheapartmentmaindoor. AllBedroominternaldoorshavehardwoodshutterdoorwithSalwoodframe. PUcoatingWindowsarefittedwithAnodizedaluminum/UPVCwithglazing. The structural designs are given high priority so that all the area is very well utilized with all safetymeasures. Electrical connections to each home are grid power from BESCOM with modular switches. FTH – Fiber to Home Technologyis used. Copperelectricalwiringis usedallthroughoutviaconcealedconduits. Modular switches areused. Rainwater Harvesting drain pipesincluded. Roundtheclocksecuritywithintercomfacilityisprovided. CCTVCamerasarefixedatallvantagepoints. Pleasecontactusforbookingtheproperty. If you provide your contact details like contact number or email id, we will call you andfixanappointmentforthesitevisit.
PrestigeSmartCityMasterPlan Prestige Smart City Master Plan indicates grand Entry/Exit pointsleadingtograndwaterfeatures. Thecampus has various recreational/leisure/sports/social amenities like clubhouse, water garden, multi-purpose court, practice cricket pitch, kid’s pool, Swimming pool, children play area, landscape court, terraced play ground, senior citizen garden, outdoor barbeque, space for outdoor gym, pet park Pre-launch and launch offers are available for some specific units.
Prestige Smart CityFloor Plan Prestige Smart City Floor Plan on Sarjapur main Road, Ittangur, East Bangalore is outlined with different sizes and configurations puttinginbestspecifications,moderninteriorsandexteriors. The units are fitted with elevated windows and balconies to keep theunitswelllitandwellventilated. Thespecifications related to kitchen, bathroom fittings, tiles, utility fittings, and master bedroom accessories are planned diligentlytomatchtheurbanstandards. The 1BHK apartment has openliving-dining area. The kitchen has an attached utility area with provision forwashing machine anddishwasher. Thelivingroomopensuptoawidebalcony. Thebedroom is spacious and well ventilated with elevated windows. Thebedroomhasanattachedbathroomwithmodernfittings.The3 BHK apartments are brilliantly outlined with space-effective designs.
Prestige Smart CityLocation PrestigeSmart City is located on Sarjapura main Road East Bangalore by Prestige Properties is one such project that has set highbenchmarksforqualityresidentialservices. Sarjapur Main Road and the surrounding areas are well developed with many self-supporting micro-markets which are necessary for residentialsettlements. PrestigeSmart City Location of Sarjapur Road has geographic advantage of being in close proximity to chief IT hubs of Bangalore that includes Whitefield, Electronic City, Marathahalli and Koramangala. The neighbourhood is surrounded by reputededucational institutions, shopping malls, health care facilities, banks, pharmacies, employment zones, restaurants, super markets, fuel stations and other essentialnecessities. The real estate project depends on many factors like the location of the project, structural design, amenities and specifications. The location will enhance the customer purchasing decisions to ahigher extend.
Location : Prestige Smart City in Sarjapur Road Address : Sy. No. 12, Sarjapur Main Rd, Ittangur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125 • SCHOOLS & COLLEGES NEARBY PRESTIGE SMART CITY PROJECT • ALT Training College • Bangalore Technological Institute • Floretz Academy Pvt Ltd • International School of Management Excellence • Krupanidhi Group of Institutions • Inventure Academy Best International School • Oakrigde International School • Orchids International School • RK Institute of Management and Computer Science • Silveroaks International School • St. Jerome’s PU & Degree College • St. Peter’s School • IT PARKS • Electronic city the IT hub is just 19 Kms away and Whitefield is 15 kms away • HOSPITALS • Colombia Asia Hospital • Dr. Levine Memorial Hospital • Government Civil Hospital • Spandana Hospital • St. John’s Medical College • Stanford Specialty Hospital • Suwaranamukhi Hospital • SHOPPING MALLS • Total Mall • The Forum Mall • Tibet Mall • Mantri Jupiter Mall • Gopalan Innovation Mall
THANK YOUGood Luck For advance booking, contact here: Prestige Smart City Bangalore