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International Linear Collider Report from the GDE Director

International Linear Collider Report from the GDE Director. Barry Barish ICFA Seminar Daegu, Korea 29-Aug-05. Global Design Effort. The Mission of the GDE

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International Linear Collider Report from the GDE Director

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  1. International Linear Collider Report from the GDE Director Barry Barish ICFA Seminar Daegu, Korea 29-Aug-05

  2. Global Design Effort • The Mission of the GDE • Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan , siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. • Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.) ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  3. The ITRP Recommendation • We recommend that the linear collider be based on superconducting rf technology • This recommendation is made with the understanding that we are recommending a technology, not a design. We expect the final design to be developed by a team drawn from the combined warm and cold linear collider communities, taking full advantage of the experience and expertise of both(from the Executive Summary). ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  4. SCRF Technology Recommendation • The recommendation of ITRP was presented to ILCSC & ICFA on August 19, 2004 in a joint meeting in Beijing. • ICFA unanimously endorsed the ITRP’s recommendation on August 20, 2004 ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  5. The Community Self-Organized Nov 13-15, 2004 ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  6. Self Organization following Technology Decision • 1st ILC workshop at KEK November 2005 • ILCSC forms 5 technical WG + 1 communications and outreach WG • WG1 Parameters & General Layout • WG2 Main Linac • WG3 Injectors • WG4 Beam Delivery & MDI • WG5 High gradient SCRF • WG6 Communications ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  7. WG1 Parms & layout WG2 Linac WG3 Injectors WG4 Beam Delivery WG5 High Grad. SCRF WG6 Communications WG1 LET beam dynamics WG2 Main Linac WG3a Sources WG3b Damping Rings WG4 Beam Delivery WG5 SCRF Cavity Package WG6 Communications Evolution by Snowmass Birth of the GDE and Preparation for Snowmass ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  8. Chris Adolphsen, SLAC Jean-Luc Baldy, CERN Philip Bambade, LAL, Orsay Barry Barish, Caltech Wilhelm Bialowons, DESY Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway Jim Brau, University of Oregon Karsten Buesser, DESY Elizabeth Clements, Fermilab Michael Danilov, ITEP Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN, Gerald Dugan, Cornell University Atsushi Enomoto, KEK Brian Foster, Oxford University Warren Funk, JLAB Jie Gao, IHEP Terry Garvey, LAL-IN2P3 Hitoshi Hayano, KEK Tom Himel, SLAC Bob Kephart, Fermilab Eun San Kim, Pohang Acc Lab Hyoung Suk Kim, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF Vic Kuchler, Fermilab Lutz Lilje, DESY Tom Markiewicz, SLAC David Miller, Univ College of London Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab Youhei Morita, KEK Olivier Napoly, CEA-Saclay Hasan Padamsee, Cornell University Carlo Pagani, DESY Nan Phinney, SLAC Dieter Proch, DESY Pantaleo Raimondi, INFN Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC Francois Richard, LAL-IN2P3 Perrine Royole-Degieux, GDE/LAL Kenji Saito, KEK Daniel Schulte, CERN Tetsuo Shidara, KEK Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute Fumihiko Takasaki, KEK Laurent Jean Tavian, CERN Nobu Toge, KEK Nick Walker, DESY Andy Wolski, LBL Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku Univ Kaoru Yokoya, KEK 49 members GDE Members Americas 16 Europe 21 Asia 12 ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  9. Starting Point for the GDE Superconducting RF Main Linac ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  10. Parameters for the ILC • Ecm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV • Luminosity ∫Ldt = 500 fb-1 in 4 years • Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV • Energy stability and precision below 0.1% • Electron polarization of at least 80% • The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  11. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CLIC Global Design Effort Project LHC Physics Baseline configuration Reference Design The GDE Plan and Schedule Technical Design ILC R&D Program Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt

  12. Review of Snowmass 670 Scientists attended two week workshop at Snowmass ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  13. WG1 Parms & layout WG2 Linac WG3 Injectors WG4 Beam Delivery WG5 High Grad. SCRF WG6 Communications WG1 LET beam dynamics WG2 Main Linac WG3a Sources WG3b Damping Rings WG4 Beam Delivery WG5 SCRF Cavity Package WG6 Communications GG1 Parameters & Layout GG2 Instrumentation GG3 Operations & Reliability GG4 Cost Engineering GG5 Conventional Facilities GG6 Physics Options Enter the GDE - Snowmass Birth of the GDE and Preparation for Snowmass Introduction of Global Groups transition workshop → project ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  14. WG1 LET bdyn. WG2 Main Linac WG3a Sources WG3b DR WG4 BDS WG5 Cavity GG1 Parameters GG2 Instrumentation GG3 Operations & Reliability GG4 Cost & Engineering GG5 Conventional Facilities GG6 Physics Options GDE Organization for Snowmass Technical sub-system Working Groups Provide input Global Group ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  15. Goals of the Snowmass Workshop • Recommendations for the Baseline Configuration • Identify - Alternative Configurations • Identify R&D • To support the baseline • To develop the alternatives • Priorities for detector R&D ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  16. Guidance for Baseline Configuration Baseline: A forward looking configuration which we are reasonably confident can achieve the required performance and can be used to give a reasonably accurate cost estimate by mid-end 2006 in a “Reference Design Report.” ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  17. What are Alternatives and Why? Alternates: Technologies or concepts, which may provide a significant cost reduction, improved performance (or both), but which will not be mature enough to used in baseline by end 2006Alternatives will be part of the RDR, will form an important element in the R&D program and are the key to evolving the design ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  18. Baseline Configuration Document • Our ‘Deliverable’ by the end of 2005 • A structured electronic document • Documentation (reports, drawings etc) • Technical specs. • Parameter tables • … • A ‘printable / readable’ summary document (~100 pages) ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  19. Design Approach • Create a baseline configuration for the machine • Document a concept for ILC machine with a complete layout, parameters etc. defined by the end of 2005 • Make forward looking choices, consistent with attaining performance goals, and understood well enough to do a conceptual design and reliable costing by end of 2006. • Technical and cost considerations will be an integral part in making these choices. • Baseline will be put under “configuration control,” with a defined process for changes to the baseline. • A reference design will be carried out in 2006. I am proposing we use a “parametric” design and costing approach. • Technical performance and physics performance will be evaluated for the reference design ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  20. Parametric Approach • Parametric approach to design • machine parameters : a space to optimize the machine • Trial parameter space, being evaluated by subsystems • machine design : incorporate change without redesign; incorporates value engineering, trade studies at each step to minimize costs ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  21. Approach to ILC R&D Program • Proposal-driven R&D in support of the baseline design. • Technical developments, demonstration experiments, industrialization, etc. • Proposal-driven R&D in support of alternatives to the baseline • Proposals for potential improvements to the baseline, resources required, time scale, etc. • Develop a prioritized DETECTOR R&D program aimed at technical developments needed to reach combined design performance goals ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  22. The Key Decisions Critical choices: luminosity parameters & gradient ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  23. Making Choices – The Tradeoffs Many decisions are interrelated and require input from several WG/GG groups ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  24. 17km “Dogbone” Damping Ring • The length of the TESLA damping ring and the idea of the dogbone shape (to save tunnel length) were driven by the unavailability of ultra fast kickers. • 17 Km were needed to accommodate ~3000 bunches with 20 ns bunch distance, which, for the TESLA TDR, was considered a feasible value for the rise/fall time of the kickers. ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  25. The Development of Fast Kickers • Several different types of fast pulsers have been tested on a strip line kicker at ATF (KEK). All have very short rise/fall time (~3ns) and fulfill nearly all of the requirements for the damping ring injection/extraction. • The Snowmass Damping Ring working group assessment is: • The kickers for a 6 Km (i.e. 6 ns bunch spacing) are a “low risk” issue • The kickers for the 3 Km ring are considered at present a “high risk”. Rise time~3.2ns Kick angle ~85mrad (calc. 94.7mrad) ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  26. Circular (or Race Track) Damping Rings • Considering 3 - 6 Km ring in an independent tunnel • The efficiency of commissioning and operation would be improved • The effects of the stray fields in the linac tunnel, possibly limiting the ultra low vertical emittance would be eliminated. • A 6 Km ring would also have reduced space charge effects • But, e-cloud, Ion Effects and Classical Instabilities have a crucial dependence on bunch distance and current. Studies … ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  27. Reference Lattices Span the configuration space ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  28. Dynamic Aperture Studies ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  29. Comparative Studies Underway Jitter Hardware Costs ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  30. From Snowmass to a Baseline 2005 Snowmass August September October November December WW/GG summaries Response to list of 40+ decisions All documented ‘recommendations available on ILC Website (request community feedback) Review by BCD EC BCD EC publishes‘strawman’ BCD BCD Executive Committee: BarishDugan, Foster, Takasaki Raubenheimer, Yokoya, Walker Public Review Frascati GDE meeting ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

  31. Conclusions • Remarkable progress in the past two years toward realizing an international linear collider: important R&D on accelerator systems definition of parameters for physics choice of technology start the global design effort funding agencies are engaged • Many major hurdles remain before the ILC becomes a reality (funding, site, international organization, and most importantly, a technical design and construction plan) • The time scale for ILC technical project readiness is consistent with proposing a construction project before the end of this decade. ICFA Seminar - Daegu, Korea

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