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Flat Panel Displays

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Flat Panel Displays

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  1. Flat Panel Displays Flat Panel Displays Jeffrey Hart Indiana University Conference on Globalization and Innovation April 21, 2006

  2. Contact Information <ul><li>Jeffrey Hart, Dept. of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 </li></ul><ul><li>Tel: (812) 855-9002 </li></ul><ul><li>Email: [email_address] </li></ul><ul><li>Web: http://mypage.iu.edu/~hartj </li></ul><ul><li>Flat panel web site: http://php.indiana.edu/~hartj/FlatPanl/fpdindex.htm </li></ul> Contact Information <ul><li>Jeffrey Hart, Dept. of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 </li></ul><ul><li>Tel: (812) 855-9002 </li></ul><ul><li>Email: [email_address] </li></ul><ul><li>Web: http://mypage.iu.edu/~hartj </li></ul><ul><li>Flat panel web site: http://php.indiana.edu/~hartj/FlatPanl/fpdindex.htm </li></ul>

  3. Flat Panel Display Industry <ul><li>Major Flat Technology Segments </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Single Twist Nematic (STN) Liquid Crystal Displays (also called passive LCDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Plasma Display Panels (PDPs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Organic Light Emitting Displays (OLEDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><li>Competing Technologies </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Projection Displays </li></ul></ul> Flat Panel Display Industry <ul><li>Major Flat Technology Segments </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Single Twist Nematic (STN) Liquid Crystal Displays (also called passive LCDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Plasma Display Panels (PDPs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Organic Light Emitting Displays (OLEDs) </li></ul></ul><ul><li>Competing Technologies </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Projection Displays </li></ul></ul>

  4. Growth of FPD Revenues (in Billions of Current Dollars), 1990-2006 Source: DisplaySearch. Growth of FPD Revenues (in Billions of Current Dollars), 1990-2006 Source: DisplaySearch.

  5. Share of FDP Market by Technology, 2005 Source: DisplaySearch. Share of FDP Market by Technology, 2005 Source: DisplaySearch.

  6. TFT-LCD

  7. Seven Generations of Glass Substrates Source: Corning Glass. Seven Generations of Glass Substrates Source: Corning Glass.

  8. 6 th Generation TFT-LCD Fab Source: AUO.

  9. Production Shares of TFT-LCDs by Country, 1993-2003, in percentages Source: Murtha, Lenway, and Hart, Managing New Industry Creation , and updated by authors. Production Shares of TFT-LCDs by Country, 1993-2003, in percentages Source: Murtha, Lenway, and Hart, Managing New Industry Creation , and updated by authors.

  10. . Major TFT-LCD Manufacturers, 2006 BOE SVA none AUO CMO HannStar Quanta CPT Samsung LG-Philips S-LCD Sharp China US Taiwan Korea Japan

  11. . Representative Geographic Distribution of TFT-LCD Tool and Glass Suppliers, 2006 tools glass Schott Unaxis W.Eur. Corning Samsung-Corning Asahi NEG AKT Photon Dynamics Canon Nikon Shimadzu Tokyo Electron China US Taiwan Korea Japan

  12. . R&D Aspects of the Industry <ul><li>The industry is highly research-intensive </li></ul><ul><li>Types of research required </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Current and alternative display technologies </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Current-generation production techniques </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>Next-generation production techniques </li></ul></ul><ul><li>Need to secure intellectual property rights (IPRs) for both product and process technologies </li></ul>

  13. . Research Moves with Investment and Production <ul><li>General movement of investment and production from Japan to Korea to Taiwan and now to China </li></ul><ul><li>R&D intensity of firms increases with each move </li></ul><ul><li>Participation of scientists and engineers in international meetings from new countries </li></ul><ul><li>Increased patenting, licensing, and cross-licensing activity accompanies movement of production </li></ul>

  14. . R&D Intensity of Display Firms and Suppliers, 2005 <ul><li>CPT’s parent firm Tatung has R&D intensity of 9.5 </li></ul><ul><li>LG Electronics has R&D intensity of 16.8 </li></ul>Source: UK Dept. of Trade and Industry, The 2005 R&D Scorecard , Vol. 2, Company Data, 2005. 24.3 CPT 31.4 Corning 52.7 CMO 51.7 AUO 51.7 LG.Philips 18.8 Samsung Electronics 14.3 Sharp Intensity Firm

  15. . US LCD Patents by Firm, 2000-2004 Source: http://www.uspto.gov/go/taf/tecasg/349_tor.htm 44 55 63 69 92 Sharp 6 4 43 114 34 2003 22 1 0 0 HannStar 14 4 0 0 Chi Mei 50 14 26 17 Samsung 159 59 21 4 LG.Phillips 22 11 22 18 IBM 2004 2002 2001 2000

  16. . Surnames of Elected Fellows of the Society for Information Display Surnames Source: SID

  17. . Conclusions <ul><li>R&D activity follows investment and production in this industry </li></ul><ul><li>There is a lag with respect to top level R&D and protection of intellectual property in latecomer countries (E. Asian tradition of not protecting IPRs eroding?) </li></ul><ul><li>Big question is whether China will follow the pattern of Korea and Taiwan </li></ul>

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