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Grounded Design: Exploring the Creation of IT Artefacts in Social Practice. Volker Wulf University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT. Table of Content. Introduction Concept of Social Practice Design Case Studies Comparing cases and building concepts ePortefolio Meta research Conclusion.
Grounded Design: Exploring the Creation of IT Artefacts in Social Practice Volker Wulf University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT
Table of Content • Introduction • Concept of Social Practice • Design Case Studies • Comparing cases and building concepts • ePortefolio • Meta research • Conclusion
Introduction • Designing (innovative) technical artefacts which interact with social practices (in work, leisure, life, …..) to reach societal ends • Research is context-specific • Specific social environment (practices, historical condition, …. • Specific actors • Specific technologies and infrastructure • ……. • Specific and „strange“ content of research • Computer science: not dealing with context specific results • Social science: not dealing with design and intervention • Field of strong epistemologic divides • The role of theory, concepts, the and transferability of insights
Theories of Practice • Sociological theories focusing on social practices • Bourdieu (1977 and 1990) Giddens (1979 and 1984), Garfinkel (1967) and Latour (1993) • Reckwitz (2002 and 2003): Line-out of an idealized theory of social practice • Practice is understood to be a mainly routinized pattern of human action • Historically grown • Consisting of mental and physical aspects • Grounded in background knowledge (know how, forms of understanding, state of emotion and motivational knowledge) • Importance of artefacts and their use • Examples of practices • Specific manner to work, to cook, or to play soccer • Practices are reproduced situatedly within specific contexts • (Ubiquitous) Computing is a key driver
Grounded Design: Overview over a Practice based Approach • Conducting a set of specific design case studies • Documenting the insights gained in the individual case studies • In a complex manner beyond (few) academic papers • Building a ePortefolio out of a set of design case studies • Comparing design case studies • Buttom-up building of sensitizing concepts with design-relevancy • Concepts being navigation devices • Meta research: Research on deign research practices • Towards self-reflectivity, IT support, and transferability of insights
Design Case Studies: A Practice-based Research Approach • Empirical analysis of given social practices in a specific field of application • (Participatory) Design of an innovative ICT artifact related to the findings of the empirical analysis • Investigation into the appropriation of the ICT artifact over a longer period of time Prestudy IT Design Appropriation
Firefighter in Burning Buildings: Research Methods • Eight years of engagement with • Firebrigade of Paris • Firefighters in Köln • Volunteer firefighters in NRW • Observationals studies, semistructured interviews, design-oriented workshops • Prototyping and appropriation at the training centre of the „Institut der Feuerwehr NRW“
Findings of Empirical Prestudies • Wayfinding is physically challenging collective activity • Extreme conditions of interaction (smoke, heat, time pressure) • Supported by physical aretfacts (fire hose, chalk) and body contact • Building own spacial understanding and sharing with following troups • Troups are rather autonomous inside but external coordination by a commander (outside the building) • Communication via radio, one channel • Disrupting and stressfull for the inside • Awareness and disturbance by using just one channel
DesignsConcepts • Landmarke: a device to help navigating in burning buildings • Annotation of space in the building • Shape of door stopper • Builds a ZigBee network • EmergencyMessenger: a communication device • Structured communication with the outside commander • Augmenting radio communication
Appropriationin Practice • Landmarke provided more security in leaving the building and finding short cuts • EmergencyMessenge saved considerable time in the communication with outside • Replaced radio communication as standard media • Unease of commanders • Longer time to work in the burning building • EmergencyMessenge added value to the network of Landmarkes
ePortefolioof Design Case Studies andButtom-upConcept Building Cooperative Work Community Support Set of Design Case Studies Sustain- ability Aging Society
Domains of Buttom-Up Concept Building • Prestudy: Striking elements of practice (e.g. Randall list) • IT Design: Interface, Functionality, Architecture • Appropriation: Dynamics of the interrelation of technical artefacts and practices • Transiting the perspectives/phases Prestudy IT Design Appropriation
Modes of Documentation: Different types of experiences • Prestudies: photos, semi-structured questionaire, field notes (anonymized, if possible), videos • IT Design: running system versions, prototypes, scribbles, documantation of design workshops • Appropriation: usage data, photos, videos, field notes, • Publications • Pre publication: different paper versions, reviews, discussions • Presentation: Slight, Audio & Videos • Post publication: annotation
Navigation via Sensitizing Concepts • Buttom-Up abstractions • Navigating design case studies rather than replacing the concrete data • Application specific search tool • Implementation in the interface
Moving for project support to an ePotefolio of Design Case Studies • Transiting from a work environment to the (semi-) public presentation of selected results • Storing the different materials and making them available in the team of researchers • Paper versions towards publication • Differentiated access rights • Window for (semi-) public accessability of selected data • Allowing to annotate the portefolio
Meta-Research: Research on Design Research Practices • Ethnographies in current research projects • Usage of ressources, empirical data, etc • Cooperation and knowledge sharing (inner team, industry partners, user organizations) • Abstractions and concept building • Building the digital portefolio and its linkage to given research infrastructures • Appropriation of the digital portefolio
Conclusion • Practice-orientationis an interestingframeworkfordesigning IT in the real world • Exploringfuturesbeyondinteraction design andusabilitystudies • Practice-orientationrequireslong-term perspective • Trustfulcooperationwithfieldsofapplication • Facilitationofsocio-technicalprocesses • Requiresmetastudies • Reflecting upon theactionresearchprocess • Comparinggiven (partial) Design Case Studies • Practice-orientationis a riskyresearchframework • Quality of design isevaluated in socialpractice • Quality of an appliedresearchcommunityis / shouldberelatedtoitsimpact in practice
Acknowledgements: „Research in practice-based computing is always a team effort“ • Deeply endebted to my research group which has developed over more than 20 years ….. Markus Rohde, Volkmar Pipek, Gunnar Stevens, Claudia Müller ….. and quite some more colleagues • Core contributions by colleagues / friends visiting us …. helping us to reflect …… Dave Randall, Kjeld Schmidt, Mark Ackerman, Batya Friedman, Peter Brödner, ……